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This article contains spoilers from Noroshi Arc

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HiiSako is the slash ship between Toma Hiragi and Kota Sako from the Wind Breaker fandom.



Back then when they're both in elementary school, Sako was being bullied by the mean kids and being kicked them up. But Hiiragi sees them but he knock them and he saved him. He reach him to stand him up and he holds his hand to teach him how to fight. He teached him how to fight with him and he was really strong.

When they're now in middle school while with them, he weren't aiming for that. Everyone naturally started following him, the moment they met, he admired his strength simply being abled to follow him, made him proud from the bottom of his heart. At graduation, it was his time for Furin, but he sure that he can take to the top and he should be the one to take that position after all. He'll do anything so that he could achieved his goals so he want to help Furin himself. But he probably shouldn't follow him because he decided to Umemiya once he enrolled at Furin and he won't become the top. And he won't keep up to his expectations even if he follows him and he walked away to find a new goal. But suddenly he joined Shishitoren to become stronger.

Shishitoren Arc[]

When all the Shishitoren members came at Furin High, they decided to have a one-on-one fight. But Sako wants to join and he wants Hiiragi to have a fight. At the Shishitoren headquarters, they're ready to fight, after the fight of between Minoru and Hayato, he points Hiiragi to fight with him and now it's their turn. When they're at stage, he came to see him that he have grown and he went for Shishitoren for a while and he'll win this fight. They started to fight and Hiiragi shows he felt bad for him but he'll win this fight, but he makes him sick from the past him is no longer here and he'll show of from him and they fight. While fighting, he haven't made any progress at all that he see. But even knows that he should that he never had to teach him when, but they fight again. But suddenly, he kicked him because rather than making any progress that he've grown weaker that he ended up like this because he was hanging around with them. He understand he knows that he's a leader of the Vaisravana Unit as the Bofurin's Four Heavenly Kings. When he stands up and since been a while that he got hit with such a great kick but he fights him again. He takes his medicine and fight with it. They punched each other and they fight. But he make him regret for doing this and there's no way he'll never lose this. Unlike him, he have put everything into becoming stronger and they fight. While fighting, he punched Sako's face, but he wants to punch him. But Hiiragi grabs his fist, he says sorry to him that he couldn't uphold his expectations but he headbutt him. He holds his arm that he don't want to apologize for doing this how he could and he lied down.

After the fight, he carries Sako out of the stage, but Togame will takes his jacket but Hiiragi grabs his arm to stop it, but he can't deal after the fight is over and it will never know what might happened. He walks away back to his seat after a discuss for this.

Noroshi Arc[]

At night during the battle at Makochi, Hiiragi had beated Kyosuke already and he and the Furin High students rush over and heading at the shopping district and all the Shishitoren members came and arrived to help because and they made a plan to make a switch that they'll go on the shopping street while he'll cover the bridge,

Hiiragi sees Sako again for help

He sees Sako again for a help.

Togame and Tomiyama shove Sako but he changed his hair into black. He sees him again but he gets flustered. They were reunited since their last encounter, he glance at him to be helpful to have him. They take care of Sako so that he'll be joining to fight and saving Kaji from Banjo but they met again but he got flustered. When everyone is rushing to run back at the bridge together with his teammates and follows him, they're going to save him.

When they arrived at the bridge, Hiiragi kicks Kanon to save Kaji and Sako came and rescued him. Hiiragi holds Kaji that he got injured and he looks at him. He tells him that Hiiragi will take care of Banjo while he'll handle the others so they'll do it to come with him. While Hiiragi is fighting with Banjo, Sako will fight the Noroshi members together with Teruomi. While fighting, he saw him fighting with Banjo and he commented that had never seen he's so angry before and he's going to fight together with Inugami. But he heard him that they're falling down at the bridge and dive together into a river, but he's still fighting. After fighting with him, he came to help him fight and he's smiling at him because he apologize that he him with a whole crowd and he apologize to him. He says sorry for blaming him but he gets flustered while kicking the Noroshi members and they're helping to fight with the others.

The day after the battle, They haven't been talking for a while but they're standing there in absolute silence. He haven't talk to him for this conversation, but his cup is empty and he ask him that he's going to get something to drink or he want anything. He's shocked but he's just being polite but he have and he's not always yelling. But now that he thinks about it, he feel like he might've but he snapped so hard but he don't remember but he's thinking about it for what happened. He laughs at him, but sudden after they fought against each other, he tried to leave Shishitoren.

He only joined him for a whim because he was mad at him, but that anger was only spurred on because he was projecting his feelings onto him. An he realized that long ago already. He was just angry that things he blamed him for his own inaction. It was just a pointless grudge that he created by taking out his frustration on him but still, he was desperate he only focused on beating him. He pretended not to see the truth. But they fought the guilt made it impossible for him to look the other way anymore. But he felt shaken because he couldn't because how cringe he was. He wanted to a hole and bury himself in it. But he told that he didn't quit.

He explains to him what happened after the battle against Bofurin, Their team got into fight after fight. The whole unit began to shatter. He was going to ignore it all and just leave But when he tried one of his kouhai Teruomi grabbed and yelled at him at his face. Something that he couldn't do in this past he managed to do with ease. He gave up, he was at a completely loss. But it's thanks to him that he realized that this place and the people here became an irreplaceable part of his life. And everything he did that he never ran from their mistakes and decided to face what's most important to them head-on. He thought it was only right that he must faced himself too even if it hurts. He puts down the cup on the table, And tells him that he didn't do anything wrong. It was all him and it was all his fault. He really says sorry to him, finally he got so say it but he smiles at him. He says his name but Teruomi sneezed while listening and they were interrupted by them. He snapped at him that they're doing here because it was Inugami's fault for doing this for to do something about it and he went worried about this.

After Sako is very mad at those three after their interruption while having their conversation, Hiiragi smiled at him and Inugami slips at him to say hi to him and he introduced to Hiiragi. He went so flustered that Inugami is acted so friendly. After Sako talks with Inugami and Kaji, Hiiragi gets food for them even him and they're having a feast.

When they arrived upstairs at the rooftop, they're gonna celebrate and have a toast to everyone.


  • Stronger | Ryo Takahashi feat. Zachary Fitzgerald & Foggy-D


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HiiSako is the most popular ship in within the fandom. When fans shipped them, because it was very sad for this scene. It was rivalized with HiiKaji.


Hiragi Toma/Sako Kota tag on AO3
Hiragi Toma & Sako Kota tag on AO3
ひいさこ tag on Pixiv




Official Art/Merchandise[]


HiiKajiSako refers to the ship between these two and Ren Kaji

