Shipping Wiki

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The Historical fandom covers a broad range of historical events.

Historical Figures[]

 Only list historical figures that are relevant to shipping, either by being shipped within other fandoms or in the historical context with other historical figures they personally knew.

Alexander the Great
Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten
Artemisia of Caria
Cleopatra VII
Gorgo of Sparta
Julius Caesar
Leonidas of Sparta
Marcus Antonius/Marc Anthony
Ozymandias/Ramesses the Great
Qin Shi Huang/Ying Zheng
Scipio Africanus
Xerxes the Great

Alfred the Great
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa
Jesus Christ
Judas Iscariot
Charlemagne/Karl der Große
Sakata Kintoki
Wu Zetian/Wu Zhao


Richard "the Lionhearted"
John I of England

Joan of Arc/Jeanne d'Arc
Ferdinand the Catholic
François Prelati
Isabella the Catholic
Vlad "The Impaler" III

Anne Boleyn
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Catherine of Aragon
Elizabeth Bathory
Elizabeth the Virgin Queen
Lord Guildford Dudley
Henry Stuart
Henry VIII
Isabella of Portugal
Lady Jane Grey
Jane Seymour
Mary Tudor
Mary Stuart
Michel Nostradamus
Phillip II/Felipe II
Roxelana/Hürrem Sultan
Suleiman the Magnificent

Anne Shakespeare
Ebba Sparre
Sasaki Kojiro
William Shakespeare

Catherine the Great
Napoleon Bonaparte
John C. Calhoun
Henry Clay
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Marquis de Lafayette
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Peter III Fyodorovich
Antonio Salieri
Friedrich Schiller
Raiden Tameemon
George Washington
Martha Washington
Duke of Wellington

Tsar Alexander I
Hans Christian Andersen
Edvard Collin
Alexandre Dumas
Thomas Edison
Friedrich Engels
Elisabeth "Sisi" of Austria
Franz Joseph of Austria
Jack the Ripper
Abraham Lincoln
Mary Todd Lincoln
Karl Marx
Nikola Tesla
Souji Okita
Victoria, Queen of England
Prince Albert

Walt Disney
Ub Iwerks
Simo Häyhä
Edith Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt



Akhenefer — the ship between Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten and Nefertiti
Antopatra — the ship between Mark Antony/Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra VII
Catherine x Peter — the ship between Catherine the Great and Peter III Fyodorovich
Carlisabel — the ship between Charles V and Isabella of Portugal
Cleosar — the ship between Cleopatra VII and Gaius Julius Caesar
Franzissi — the ship between Franz Joseph of Austria and Elisabeth "Sissi" of Bavaria
Geortha — the ship between George Washington and Martha Washington
GuildJane — the ship between Lord Guildford Dudley and Lady Jane Grey
Hatshepsut x Senenmut — the ship between Hatshepsut and Senenmut
HenryAnne — the ship between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
HenryCath — the ship between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon
HenryJane — the ship between Henry VIII and Jane Seymour
Isabel x Fernando — the ship between Isabella I of Castille and Ferdinand II of Aragon
Leonidas x Gorgo — the ship between Leonidas I and Queen Gorgo
Mabe — the ship between Mary Todd Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln
Menry — the ship between Mary Stuart and Henry Stuart
Neferamesses — the ship between Nefertari and Ozymandias/Ramesses the Great
Phillary — the ship between Phillip II and Mary Tudor
Suleiman x Roxelana — the ship between Suleiman the Magnificent and Roxelana
Tedith — the ship between Theodore Roosevelt and Edith Roosevelt
Tutankhesenamun — the ship between Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun
Willianne — the ship between William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway Shakespeare
Vicbert — the ship between Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Xerxes x Artemisia — the ship between Xerxes I and Artemisia of Caria
Napophine — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Joséphine de beauharnais


Andersen x Collin — the ship between Hans Christian Andersen and Edvard Collin
Clayhoun — the ship between Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun
Diswerks — the ship between Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks
Edisla — the ship between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla
Hannipio — the ship between Hannibal Barca and Scipio Africanus
Jedas — the ship between Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot
Lams — the ship between John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton
Mengels — the ship between Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Mozalieri — the ship between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri
Napolexander — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Tsar Alexander I
Napolington — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Arthur Wellesley/Duke of Wellington
Lannap — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Jean Lannes
Napojuno — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Jean-andoche junot
Octagrippa — the ship between Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Augustus/Octavian
PhaiAlex — the ship between Hephaistion and Alexander the Great
Schoethe — the ship between Friedrich Schiller and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Christina x Ebba — the ship between Christina and Ebba Sparre


The Gay Trio — the ship between Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens and Marquis de Lafayette


Historical RPF tag on AO3


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