The Historical fandom covers a broad range of historical events.
Historical Figures[]
Only list historical figures that are relevant to shipping, either by being shipped within other fandoms or in the historical context with other historical figures they personally knew.
- Ankhesenamun
- Alexander the Great
- Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten
- Archimedes
- Artemisia of Caria
- Cleopatra VII
- Gorgo of Sparta
- Hannibal
- Hatshepsut
- Hephaistion
- Julius Caesar
- Leonidas of Sparta
- Marcus Antonius/Marc Anthony
- Nefertari
- Nefertiti
- Ozymandias/Ramesses the Great
- Qin Shi Huang/Ying Zheng
- Senenmut
- Scipio Africanus
- Tutankhamun
- Xerxes the Great
- Akhenefer — the ship between Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten and Nefertiti
- Antopatra — the ship between Mark Antony/Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra VII
- Catherine x Peter — the ship between Catherine the Great and Peter III Fyodorovich
- Carlisabel — the ship between Charles V and Isabella of Portugal
- Cleosar — the ship between Cleopatra VII and Gaius Julius Caesar
- Franzissi — the ship between Franz Joseph of Austria and Elisabeth "Sissi" of Bavaria
- Geortha — the ship between George Washington and Martha Washington
- GuildJane — the ship between Lord Guildford Dudley and Lady Jane Grey
- Hatshepsut x Senenmut — the ship between Hatshepsut and Senenmut
- HenryAnne — the ship between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
- HenryCath — the ship between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon
- HenryJane — the ship between Henry VIII and Jane Seymour
- Isabel x Fernando — the ship between Isabella I of Castille and Ferdinand II of Aragon
- Leonidas x Gorgo — the ship between Leonidas I and Queen Gorgo
- Mabe — the ship between Mary Todd Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln
- Menry — the ship between Mary Stuart and Henry Stuart
- Neferamesses — the ship between Nefertari and Ozymandias/Ramesses the Great
- Phillary — the ship between Phillip II and Mary Tudor
- Suleiman x Roxelana — the ship between Suleiman the Magnificent and Roxelana
- Tedith — the ship between Theodore Roosevelt and Edith Roosevelt
- Tutankhesenamun — the ship between Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun
- Willianne — the ship between William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway Shakespeare
- Vicbert — the ship between Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
- Xerxes x Artemisia — the ship between Xerxes I and Artemisia of Caria
- Napophine — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Joséphine de beauharnais
- Andersen x Collin — the ship between Hans Christian Andersen and Edvard Collin
- Clayhoun — the ship between Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun
- Diswerks — the ship between Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks
- Edisla — the ship between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla
- Hannipio — the ship between Hannibal Barca and Scipio Africanus
- Jedas — the ship between Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot
- Lams — the ship between John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton
- Mengels — the ship between Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
- Mozalieri — the ship between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri
- Napolexander — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Tsar Alexander I
- Napolington — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Arthur Wellesley/Duke of Wellington
- Lannap — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Jean Lannes
- Napojuno — the ship between Napoleon Bonaparte and Jean-andoche junot
- Octagrippa — the ship between Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Augustus/Octavian
- PhaiAlex — the ship between Hephaistion and Alexander the Great
- Schoethe — the ship between Friedrich Schiller and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Christina x Ebba — the ship between Christina and Ebba Sparre
- The Gay Trio — the ship between Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens and Marquis de Lafayette
- Historical RPF tag on AO3
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