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Huntadora is the femslash ship between Adora and Huntara from the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fandom.


Season 3[]


Adora, Glimmer and Bow are being backed against the bar in a building in the crimson wastes, when Huntara throws the people out due to disturbing her while she eats. Adora looks at her with awe and glitter in her eyes, as Huntara tells them to be careful since she won't be around to save them next time. She walks away and Adora says that they need her, much to Bow and Glimmer's horror.

Adora goes to her table, interrupting Huntara's flirting with a waitress. Huntara then picks up Adora and sits her at the table, and Adora quickly introduces herself and the others, though Huntara isn't paying enough attention to care to learn their names. Adora asks if she can take them to find something in the center of the crimson wastes, but Huntara asks if she was listening when she told them not to trust people in the wastes. Adora points out she said it while saving them, so she can't be all bad, with Bow and Glimmer trying to convince her this is a bad idea. Adora then points out that they need a guide, with Huntara interrupting to ask if they'll just end up getting themselves killed if she doesn't help. She says she'll help, and Adora happily takes her hand in a handshake.

As they travel, Adora says that it's weird how many people are in the wastes. Huntara says that the wastes takes in everyone running from something and Adora asks if that includes those running from the horde. Huntara says that the war will kill everyone caught up in it, and Adora asks what she's running from. She then grabs Adora and pushes her up a stone wall, killing a bug that's about to attack her. She says she doesn't run from anything and wants to be in the wastes, before Adora tells her to stop. She then throws a stone and reveals that the track ahead is quicksand. Huntara says that she's not doing bad, and Adora says that she's a fast learner. Huntara likes that Adora is cocky and with some time she'll do well in the wastes. Adora turns it down, and says that she doesn't know what they would have done without her, causing Huntara to smile.


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Huntadora is overall a rarepair in the She-Ra fandom.

On AO3, Huntadora is the most written ship for Huntara. There are currently 45+ written works.


Huntara/Adora tag on AO3


She-ra logo
She-Ra ShipsShe-Ra Characters
SHIPS het EntrapdakGlimbowSeamista
slash Repkyle
femslash CatradoraGlimadoraGlitraMarahopeScorfumaScorptra Spinnetossa
non-binary Catrouble
friend Best Friend SquadSuper Pal Trio
CHARACTERS female AdoraCatraGlimmer