Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Screenshots: 177177Still: 11
Femslash ships: 77Het ship: 11Non-binary ship: 11Poly ships: 33

Ice Cube is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Ice Cube is a contestant in the first five seasons of Battle for Dream Island. She has competed on the Squashy Grapes, Team No-Name, FreeSmart, Bleh, and The S! and placed 7th in the first season.



FireCube — the ship between Ice Cube and Firey
Fricy — the ship between Ice Cube and Fries
Gelacube — the ship between Ice Cube and Gelatin
Iceblock — the ship between Ice Cube and Blocky
Iceclock — the ship between Ice Cube and Clock
Icecloud — the ship between Ice Cube and Cloudy
Icecoin — the ship between Ice Cube and Coiny
Icenut — the ship between Ice Cube and Donut
Icepen — the ship between Ice Cube and Pen
Icetree — the ship between Ice Cube and Tree
Kuiper Belt — the ship between Ice Cube and Black Hole
Lightcube — the ship between Ice Cube and Lightning
Nickcube — the ship between Ice Cube and Nickel
Snowcube — the ship between Ice Cube and Snowball
Spongecube — the ship between Ice Cube and Spongy
Tennis Cube — the ship between Ice Cube and Tennis Ball


Bubcube — the ship between Ice Cube and Bubble
Eggcube — the ship between Ice Cube and Eggy
Fancube — the ship between Ice Cube and Fanny
Foldcube — the ship between Ice Cube and Foldy
Golf Cube — the ship between Ice Cube and Golf Ball
Ice Gate — the ship between Ice Cube and Gaty
Icebook — the ship between Ice Cube and Book
Icebottle — the ship between Ice Cube and Bottle
Iceby — the ship between Ice Cube and Ruby
Icecil — the ship between Ice Cube and Pencil
Icedrop — the ship between Ice Cube and Teardrop
Iceflower — the ship between Ice Cube and Flower
Iceleaf — the ship between Ice Cube and Leafy
Icelety — the ship between Ice Cube and Bracelety
Icematch — the ship between Ice Cube and Match
Icemote — the ship between Ice Cube and Remote
Iceneedle — the ship between Ice Cube and Needle
Icepillow — the ship between Ice Cube and Pillow
Icepie — the ship between Ice Cube and Pie
Icepin — the ship between Ice Cube and Pin
Light Ice — the ship between Ice Cube and Liy
Nailcube — the ship between Ice Cube and Naily
Puffcube — the ship between Ice Cube and Puffball


Cold Victory — the ship between Ice Cube and Winner
Icefour — the ship between Ice Cube and Four
Iceigiri — the ship between Ice Cube and Onigiri


Freesmart — the ship between Ice Cube, Book, Bubble, Match, Pencil and Ruby
Icebooktag — the ship between Ice Cube, Book and Price Tag
Icebottlety — the ship between Ice Cube, Bottle and Bracelety
Iceletdrop — the ship between Ice Cube, Bracelety and Teardrop
Iceliyclock — the ship between Ice Cube, Liy and Clock
Icewinnerclock — the ship between Ice Cube, Winner and Clock
Water Contestants — the ship between Ice Cube, Snowball, Bubble, Teardrop, and Cloudy


Rockcube — the ship between Ice Cube and Rocky


Main article: Icelety
Main article: Icebook


Ice Cube tag on AO3
Ice Cube stories on Wattpad
Ice Cube


# portmanteau characters type
10 Icelety Bracelety femslash
8 Bracelety & Ice Cube Bracelety gen
6 Icebook Book femslash
4 Book & Ice Cube Book gen
3 Iceleaf Leafy femslash
1 Icepin Pin femslash

