Icebottle is the femslash ship between Ice Cube and Bottle from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
The Power of Two[]
Bottle, a previous member of Death P.A.C.T., asks Pie if they're here (on the team) to have fun. When Pie says that "they're here to prevent death", Bottle responds that they're "preventing joy". She joins The S! (the team that Ice Cube is on), saying it's the "team for her" and "that's where the fun is".
After Bottle shatters when Winner throws her up onto the roof, Clock moves Yellow Face over so Ice Cube can have a safe landing.
During The S!'s Cake at Stake, the two are standing next to each other (with the rest of their team).
When Winner recieves the paper from Two saying where they will be going to take care of their Funny Plant for the challenge, the two are standing next to each other (not with the rest of their team).
Bottle, along with the rest of The S! leave Ice Cube behind when they go to space for her own safety. She is upset by this, wanting her revenge.
When Ice Cube suggests that they can fill Bottle up with water from the lake for the challenge, Bottle tells her that it's a good idea, using her nickname "Icy" (commonly used by Ice Cube's friends, but sometimes used by others).
After Ice Cube freezes the lake, Bottle says "Good work, Icy!", once again using her nickname.
Bottle throws Ice Cube a bag of rice (which she got using Yellow Face's ad powers) when she requests it for the food she's making for Two. Bottle is clearly having fun while doing this.
As the Cake at Stake "prize", Ice Cube is shoved into the pit with Bottle. Bottle is shortly shattered by Two.
After Ice Cube declares that she wants revenge because Yellow Face forgot what the product he was going to use for the challenge was, Bottle tells her to stop being so vengeful because they can get the product themselves even if Yellow Face forgot it. They all start searching for it.
In response to Bottle pointing out the Moon Repair Kit she found, Ice Cube notes that it's convenient, saying that it's perfect, because their challenge was to repair the Moon after Lightning destroyed it.
Along with the rest of their team, Ice Cube and Bottle go "Uhh..." in response to Two asking them if they had nothing to show them. They are put up for elimination.
Bottle asks her team if anyone else is concerned about Yellow Face stealing other people's limbs, to which Ice Cube responds that she wants revenge, as Yellow Face took her legs away.
After Yellow Face glues her down onto the Balance Beam, Bottle tells him that it would've been better to glue down Ice Cube (saying that she really needed it) because, without her legs, she's been sliding all over the place and could easily end up falling off or even knocking one of her own teammates off. Ice Cube is thrown off by Yellow Face, knocking Bell off in the process, and Bottle is promptly killed by Grassy.
As a zombie, Ice Cube goes after Bottle (and the rest of The S!). Bottle is greatly upset over the fact that the zombies got Ice Cube, saying she wished she could've saved her as well as specifically pointing out that Ice Cube was infected.
Icebottle is a rarepair within the fandom, likely due to the fact that they only start interacting late into TPOT, with no interactions in BFB. Despite this, it has had a rise in popularity, likely due to them interacting more in newer TPOT episodes, such as her pointing out that she wished she could've saved Ice Cube in TPOT 9. The ship is overshadowed by more popular Ice Cube and Bottle ships, such as Icelety and Trottle, however it does still have a small, dedicated fanbase of people. It is also generally well-received, even if not a stand-out ship to most people.
- Bottle/Ice Cube tag on AO3
- Bottle's shattering gag in early TPOT is similar to the gag in BFDI season 1 where Ice Cube would be killed (shattered) repeatedly.
- They are both (somewhat) transparent.