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This article contains spoilers from All-Stars & Tom-Jake

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Jabby is the friend ship between Jake Hamilton and Gabby Nowak from the Disventure Camp fandom.


In “Meet Me in Tipiskaw”, Jake and Gabby are placed on different teams: Jake on the Teal Team and Gabby on the Purple Team. However, before starting the episode's challenge, the Polish girl exchanges swaps her team with Fiore because they were the most voted by their peers. In subsequent episodes, Gabby and Jake hadn't really had any interactions, in fact, the naive guy voted against her in the second episode as part of his alliance with Tom, Dan and Drew, although he failed to vote her out.

In "The Most Tranquilous Game", when Miriam told her and Dan that Grett was manipulating the team and they needed to stop her so the 3 of them teamed up and kicked her out. In "Spit It Out", when the Teal Team went to the elimination Jake voted for Gabby saying that she was the only one he would vote for, before reading the votes Gabby revealed that she had the immunity totem and used it to save Ellie since they planned to expel her by betraying her alliance and eliminating Dan, she was surprised to see that Jake voted for her.

In "Questionnaire, If You Dare!", after the merge Fiore told Jake, Tom and Miriam that she overheard Ellie and Gabby talking to Alec about the totem and proposing to kick one of them out (all this a plan by Fiore, Grett and Alec to eliminate Gabby and have to Ellie from their side again) making them believe they can't trust either of them, especially Miriam, in the challenge Jake and Gabby began taking each other's lives and also Tom, Miriam and Ellie and after Gabby eliminated two of the lives of Jake, he got angry and told her she was crazy, which made her angry and asked her who she was calling crazy, after Gabby asked Tom how they could trust him if they hadn't even seen his face Jake told her that he believed she was the "Least Trustworthy" for betraying their alliance to save Ellie and Gabby reminded Jake that he tried to expel her, in the elimination Jake voted for Gabby for eliminate him from the challenge and she was eliminated with 6 votes.


Despite in this season they both don't have any significant interactions other than the natural disrupt between the Heroes team (including Jake) and the Villains alliance's members (which included Gabby), when the Polish woman is eliminated in "Tick-Tock TikTok" and is escorted by Grett with the presence of the rest of the remaining participants, Jake waves her with a dejected expression while saying, "See ya, Gabby".

In "No Vacancy," Gabby asks Tom if he's finally going to ask Jake out, and after a moment of hesitation due to Gabby's exaggerated gests, Tom scratches his head in embarrassment as he smiles and says he definitely will. Ellie remarks "about time" and Ashley along with Gabby are seen proud of him.


At the end of “Eagle Eye,” Gabby calls Tom's phone, so Jake exclaims to his boyfriend that she's calling him. In response, the police officer tells him to answer. Jake answers the call, says hello friendly and asks about her and Ellie's condition, but he is taken aback by the answer.

In "Fair Weather Friend", at the Pearson Airport, Tom and Jake finally reunite with Gabby, who runs up to hug Tom. Gabby is also excited to see Jake again, sharing another embrace with him as she teasingly calls him "Mr. Hamilton", to which Jake nervously chuckles to reply that it was also good to see her again. Later that day, Gabby and Tom arrive to Jake and Miriam's home. Gabby explains how Tom is assisting her in obtaining a position as a self-defense instructor at the community center. Gabby then tells Jake to keep an eye on Ellie because she doesn't want her to be alone, and Jake is adamant but eventually gives in after Gabby and Tom beg.

Later, Ellie, Gabby, Jake, and Tom meet up for ice skating, and Gabby and Tom notice that Ellie and Jake have rekindled their friendship, and the former two explain how they solved the garden gnome crime: a dog stole it, and Gabby "convinced" it to drop it before returning it. Afterwards, Gabby is seen beating Jake in a video game while Ellie watches.

In "Collateral Damage", Jake thanks both Ellie and Gabby for giving him space after being informed by Lucía about something bad happening to Tom, which concerns Gabby who offers staying the night, however Jake responds that it was getting late, assuring that Miriam was here too. Gabby and Jake share a last hug as they depart.

In "Labor of Love", Ellie, Gabby, and Jake are preparing for Miriam's 76th birthday party. Gabby finds a pinata for the party, gets excited, and hangs it up.

Tom is seen eating donuts at the donut shop as Gabby arrives, claiming that Jake is distracted with party planning. Meanwhile, Tom and Gabby are singing Piggyback as they ride along back at the house. Tom reveals Jake helped him find a therapist, and Gabby reminds him he always has his friends to help.


  • In one of Gabby's personalized greetings from user 'Jakealope', the Polish woman comments that she doesn't resent Jake for what he did to her and that she is willing to give him a second chance.[1]
  • In a personalized Jake greeting, Jake says that him and Gabby are now on good terms and glad they could move on from their misunderstanding.[2]


Jabby isn't a very popular friendship in the Disventure Camp fandom because the two didn't have many interactions throughout the seasons they participated in. Furthermore, their moments together or when they mentioned each other were not at all favorable. However, a small portion of fans consider that they could become good friends while others, similar to Gom, see them more as a bridge to get Ellie to reconcile with Tom and Jake. In some fanfictions they show that Gabby has a strong platonic relationship with Tom and Jake mainly because the orange-haired woman is not present.



Gabby & Jake (Disventure Camp) tag on AO3


Gabby and Jake posts on Tumblr
Jake and Gabby posts on Tumblr


Gabby and Jake posts on Twitter
Jake and Gabby posts on Twitter


Season 1 (Reboot)[]



Fan Art[]

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Disventure Camp ShipsDisventure Camp Characters
SHIPS het AlecllyConRiyaHuntAllyHunTessJamesAllyKaiggyKrisvekKrisverNickLillRiyalecRiYulRosakaiRosalecSpenJadeTrevmilyWishleyZaivy
slash AleconnorAleNickDalecDiencerHuntakeHuntomJaidenJakedenJakmesJuulKaidenKaiYulLogalessioOlympicModelTedlessioTomalecTomdenTomJakeTrevekWillnickYulnickYulter
femslash AnarissaAshallyAshlillGabEllieGremilyGrettabbyGrettallyKarolillKarolRiyaKristilyLaggyLakeabbyLakellieMariLakeMollikaNatabelRigrettRiyallyRosaLakeRosariyaRosetoyTessabbyTessAllyTessellieTessLake
family ConJakeFiodrewFioJakeFiolecFiollyMiriakeRosa & SofiaTomJake's biggest fan
friend DanbbyDrewbbyFioNickGabYulGirls' allianceGomGrettakeIdol AllianceJabbyJaidakeJake CultJakellieJallyJamakeJashleyJessLaJakeLakedenLill's AllianceNickbbyRiyakeTessAiden
non-binary TristannahTristenji
poly ConriyalecTessGabEllie
cargo Chet x 🎥🍩 AddictFiore x 🚌Jake & 🐦Kai x 🌿
CHARACTERS male Aiden BrooksAlec ÇelikConnor BlakeHunter PageJake HamiltonJames CostaKai MitchellKim YulNick MiltonTom Reed
female Ally AmberAshley GrahamEllie ParkerFiore RicciGabby NowakGrett ClarkLake MüllerRiya SharmaRosa María RiveraTess Morgan