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Scaramanga“You get as much pleasure out of killing as I do, so why don't you admit it?”
Bond“I admit killing you would be a pleasure.”
Scaramanga“Then you should have done that when you first saw me. On the other hand, the English don't consider it sporting to kill in cold blood, do they?”
Bond“Don't count on that.”
— Bond and Scaramanga, The Man with the Golden Gun

Jacisco is the slash ship between James Bond and Francisco Scaramanga from the James Bond fandom.


The Man with the Golden Gun[]

Scaramanga appears in the pre-title scene, shooting at a model of Bond; someone he admires for his talent. In the main story, Bond mentions Scaramanga as the world’s best and most expensive assassin, and is sent after him following a realisation that he is seeking a secret piece of technology. Bond impersonates Scaramanga to find more information, but the trick fails, thanks to the assassin, who is amused when he escapes. On their journeys, Scaramanga sees Bond through a window, and gets his gun at, preparing to shoot him, but backs out at the last second and shoots a passerby instead.

Scaramanga becomes increasingly fascinated with Bond, and even remarked him as his only equal. He meets his rival for the first time in a boxing arena, where he tells Bond about his past. He tells Bond that he won’t interfere with him, if he won’t go after him, and leaves.

This fragile truce is broken when Bond’s fellow agent Mary plants a tracker on Scaramanga’s car, and he takes her hostage before driving away. Bond, outraged, goes after him, but fails to catch up.

Bond finally tracks Scaramanga to his island, and, to his surprise, gets a friendly welcome. Scaramanga shows Bond around the island, and even invites him to eat with him. Scaramanga tells Bond that he had admired him since they were so similar: the only difference being their rewards. Bond disputes this, to Scaramanga’s fury, and the assassin challenges him to a duel.

The duel leads to a hunt and stalk through Scaramanga’s labyrinth-like buildings. Bond loses many of his chances on placed decoys, and is almost found out when he drops his gun. Finally, Bond takes the place of a mannequin, and when Scaramanga passes through, he shoots him, killing the assassin.


“My name is Scaramanga, Francisco Scaramanga. I feel I know you, although I never thought we should ever meet. It's a very great pleasure for me, Mr Bond.”
— Scaramanga introducing himself to Bond, The Man with the Golden Gun
“You see Mr. Bond, like every great artist I want to create an indisputable masterpiece once in my lifetime. The death of 007, mano en mano, face to face, will be mine.”
— Scaramanga’s challenge to Bond, The Man with the Golden Gun


Jacisco is widely regarded as a hero/villain ship that the fandom community love. Despite the dissatisfaction with the movie, many fans agree that Bond and Scaramanga’s interactions was an unlikely high point, and there was certainly chemistry in there. Fans who have read the books and watched the films actually argue that Scaramanga had feelings for Bond, since he was a latent homosexual in the books, and this argument continues today. There is currently only one fic on AO3.



James Bond/Francisco Scaramanga tag on AO3


  • In the film, Scaramanga is friendly and respectful to Bond despite him being a danger. He is one of the only villains without a past with Bond to do this.
  • Several times in the film, Scaramanga had a chance to kill Bond, but decided not to.
  • Bond and Scaramanga’s actors, Roger Moore and Christopher Lee respectively, had a friendly, joking relationship in real life.


James Bond ShipsJames Bond Characters
SHIPS het Jameleine
slash OOQBlofendJaciscoJalix
CHARACTERS male James Bond