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This article contains spoilers from All-Stars

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Jakeden is the slash ship between Jake Hamilton and Aiden Brooks from the Disventure Camp fandom.


Season Two[]


Although never personally interacted, Aiden had knowledge of Jake as he's been a fan of his and Tom's because he watched their season (what would it be the unofficial season 1 "Adventure Camp"), and how they were a couple. He has a conversation of this with James when they first meet, they're socializing before the first challenge begins, with James curious about the accounts of contestants from previous seasons. Aiden confesses that he follows some, saying that Tom and Jake's are the most popular, with James asking him why the popularity of Tom and Jake's accounts. Aiden responds that they were both a couple, and TikTok liked that. James states that he hopes that in this season, the two of them will become the most popular. Aiden points out that he doesn't care much about that, and James quickly changes his mind, agreeing with him and saying that no one cares about that stuff.


In the intro to Disventure Camp: All-Stars, Tom helps Aiden up after he is knocked down by a dodgeball thrown by Ashley. Immediately afterward, Jake is seen glaring jealously at them, which Ashley notices.

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Jake and Aiden's dispute

Their first interaction was not friendly, as James, from Jake's team, was supposedly 'helping' Aiden's, while in reality he's only been advising him and his team about some tips to shield themselves from the rain, and upon noticing this, Jake calls him out and Aiden immediately goes to James' defense questioning Jake in anger if he thought being ok for them to freeze to death, to which Jake rolls his eyes on annoyance while saying that that's not what he meant. Also during the challenge, Aiden steals a bird from Jake and ends up scoring points for his team.

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Aiden steals a bird from Jake

From there, their relationship had always been one-sided antagonistic (on Jake) due to Tom and Aiden's sudden close relationship when the season started, which led Jake to think they had something on going and once moment decides to tell James, Aiden's boyfriend, about his suspicions of his partner. However James rejects his statement of Aiden ever cheating on him by saying that he didn't know him at all, and to be careful with what he was suggesting. The fight gets especially heated when Jake's insecurity makes James to call him a boy toy while claiming that his boyfriend wasn't cheating on him.

Afton James' eviction, in the outdoor confessional, Jake admits feeling bad about the situation, but however says that in case it was true what he had initially suspected, Aiden would feel what it's like to have a person he loves being taken away.

Although initially having a way of thinking about Aiden, Tom still had been comforting Aiden after James' eviction announcement, making Jake glare at them in annoyance. This especially worsens when his suspicions were 'confirmed' after seeing Aiden and Tom hugging having managed to survive from a shark, although Ashley has to clear this to Jake stating of what could have been the most obvious reason for their hug. Before this Jake shows regret of voting James off and that there could possibly be nothing between Aiden and Tom.

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Noticing the sandbag was free

Their second major interaction occurs in episode 4, when they compete in a sandbag competition and must bring it across the goal line to score a point for their team. While digging in the chosen location for the bag, Jake chooses to strike up a discussion with Aiden, but because he is also working, he declines. Jake then asks him about Tom, to which Aiden responds that he could ask him himself, and Jake asks again whether he ever mentioned him, but Aiden denies it while apologizing. A moment later, Connor is seen running while holding a sandbag, and the two decide to pursue him and force him to drop the sandbag.

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Jake pushing Aiden off

They succeed, but it was now their turn to compete for who got the sandbag first, and in their haste, Jake pushes Aiden to the ground, causing the latter to protest, but Jake recovers the bag and crosses the finish line, earning a point for his team. Tom notices this and becomes irritated with Jake, calling him 'classy' as he helps Aiden up; Jake scoffs at the scene.

In the next episode, Aiden asks Tom if Jake was mad at him or something, mentioning him having been eyeing them for a while in an unfriendly way. Tom reassures Aiden that he's planning on talking to him.

In episode 6, after Cyan Team's performance, Aiden and Jake's confessionals are placed in back-to-back occasions; whereas Aiden knew that James would be chill after kissing Tom (since anyone could tell it was part of the challenge), Jake is bewildered to this, being apparently right about them. Jake communicates this to Ashley, and mentions Aiden by saying that Tom kept avoiding him, only to be cool to kiss Aiden in front of him. During Magenta Team's performance, Aiden notices that Jake's parts had been directed to a certain someone, looking at Tom on his side in suspicion. By the end of the team's performance, Aiden is the first one to notice that Jake seemed to be throwing daggers while singing, and Tom asks if Jake was looking at him, but Aiden rolls his eyes at the obvious statement. Kristal also mentions that she can't help but think that the song was targeted at 'certain people'.

In episode 7, Jake decides to open his heart to Tom in order not to jump into conclusions, and asks him if he liked Aiden, also bringing up Tom and Aiden's staged kiss. Jake seems to accept his answer about it being for the challenge, and that the two are friends only. During the challenge, Aiden is surprised to know that Jake had came to their camp when Tom mentions that he confronted him, and asks what did he want. Tom brings Jake's suspicions up about there being something going on between the two, but Aiden is rather flabbergasted to this. The e-boy is happy that at least Tom did the right thing by finally talking to Jake and also squashing the rumors. In the confessional, Aiden admits in anger that Jake was starting to piss him off, mostly due to the glares and now his thought of the two (Tom and Aiden) being a thing, questioning his motives, and suspecting that he might have a hand sending James home.

In 'Give Me Some Space!', on Cyan Team's side, while Tom, Aiden, and Gabby are talking about Ellie, the former says that the stunt Ellie played past challenge was slimy as hell, and Tom asks what did she do, to which the e-boy reminds him about when she shoved Tom, and makes clear that she did it but on Aiden. Noticing that Tom is still confused at the explanation, he adds that she did it in front of Jake. Aiden is sure that Tom's boyfriend can understand it, unlike Jake.

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Joking about neither of them being Spider-Man

The two alongside Riya are victims of a sudden falling after being chosen to compete into the final phase of the challenge. When Jake notices the tension between Riya and Aiden, he asks if they need a moment, to which Aiden tells him that the woman almost killed him. He notices the exit from the place being above them, to which Jake jokes to not suppose anyone here's Spider-Man. When they build the ladder and Riya goes on first, Aiden demands being the next one since he assembled it, but Jake reasons that he picked up the ladder and placed it on the wall.

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Jake telling Aiden that's the game after snatching his card and throwing it back down

However while they're having a beef, Riya takes the ladder away from them, and Jake asks Aiden what should they do now, to which the latter proposes pushing the table near them against the wall. Since it was wobbly, Jake tells him they need to jump. When they cheer they did it, Jake snatches his card and throws it back down, fakely apologizing while claiming 'that's the game', winking at him hoping he can understand, ultimately leaving while Aiden angrily looks at him.

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Fighting over a ball

In "Slip & Sly", Tom vents Aiden about not being over with Jake, coming to clean explaining that he made up the boyfriend lie because he was scared of being hurt again while simultaneously pondering on what could've been between him and Jake as his eyes tear up believing he might not ever be ready to confront their issues. During the challenge, Aiden warns Jake to not try anything stupid, and the latter is confused as of why he said that, but Aiden knows he will and calls him "very predictable". They're fighting over a ball as Jake blurts out that he was planning going to leave him alone, but now he asked him for this. In "All’s Fair in Love and Paintball", after the teams' merge, Aiden comments Tom that they'd have one win on serving food for 10 people: Jake, who hasn't started shit for an entire hour, saying that it must be a world record. When Aiden listens Tom's desire to tell Jake the truth, since making up the story only made him feel awful, Aiden says that he's not the biggest fan of Jake, however admits that even he doesn't deserve that. When Tom confesses the truth to Jake, he intially misinterprets as if Tom and Aiden were a thing, but the cop clarifies they're just friends.

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Jake feels good shooting Aiden back

Switching to Tom and Ashley during the challenge, they decide to form a plan in order to team up against the villains' alliance, and she orders the cop to make sure Aiden is willing to work with Jake, while she'll try to get Ally and Jake to agree to a truce. However, when Jake passes by Aiden's spot, the latter discharges his paintball gun, hitting Jake, and when Jake notices it, he yells out his name, to which the e-boy apologizes, but Jake remains enraged while telling him that he is not the enemy, calling him "blind". Aiden merely says that he assumed Jake was one of the bad guys and told him to relax and not take things personally. Jake, however, decides to shoot him by repeating Aiden's final remark.

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Jake reminds that Aiden shot him first

Jake adds that it felt good (despite the fact that he had already been eliminated), but Aiden shouts that he has major issues. Aiden recalls Tom's statement about the two patching things up, but it was evident, at least to Aiden, that Jake was a lost cause. Jake refutes, calling him a "useless sidekick," but then the cop arrives and, upon observing the scenario, demands that the two pull it together, but he is shot by Alec, ultimately eliminating Tom.

In the confessional, Aiden says in rage that he gave Jake many chances to "cool his jets", but finds him as an impossible guy to like, and is surprised that he has any friends at all. Switching to the former Magenta team members, Jake approaches Ashley and Ally while telling them that Aiden is a "douchebag", attempting to convince them to band together so they would get Aiden in the bus of losers, but Ashley intervenes while reminding about the main goal of targeting the villains, since they can't allow them to take majority in the game, though Jake disagrees since he isn't interested in working with Aiden, stating that he can burn in hell. Ally asks him to at least, for once, to use his head and think about this, but however Jake had made up his mind and he'll talk with Alec to get the villains vote for Aiden and Ashley hypothetically accepts Jake's claim, but asks what'd they do if Aiden was gone. Jake mentions the normal activities for the game, although is unsure, since anything was better than having the "twerp" here for one more day. The same happens with Tom and Aiden's case, in which the latter wants the delusional boy out, and in Alec's confessional, he says he didn't even have to try this time after seeing that Jake and Aiden attempt to convince everyone to vote the other off.

When Kristal announced the votes during the ceremony, Jake's vote was revealed to be at "Aiden" (though the "A" was missing), implying that he was pissed off with the e-boy enough to the point that he didn't care anymore of how it was written as.

In "Last Second Chance", Aiden and Tom are chatting in the beach as the e-boy expresses his fear of them being picked off one by one, and Tom says that if both Aiden and Jake stopped attacking each other, it wouldn't have happened, though Aiden pins the blame on Jake as he went "agro" after accidentally shooting him with the paintball gun. On the comeback challenge, Aiden unleashes his hatred towards Jake to Lake, whom in turn feels sympathy over the man, although Aiden tries to tell her not to, since he is an "ass" and also a lost cause. However Lake advises that everyone deserves a chance to right their wrongs, taking James' redeem as proof, making Aiden reconsider it.

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Jake and Aiden coincidentally meet again at the forest

In "Hungry like the Wolf", Tom mentions Connor that Jake has "unseeded" issues with Ally and Aiden. During the challenge, at night, Jake and Aiden walk on each other by coincidence and have a brief conversation about the flag, as if one of them had it, but none did. Jake then asks Aiden whether he still hates him, but Aiden frowns and asks, "What gave it away?" Jake then wonders if apologizing will help, but the e-boy reminds him that he can apologize to the others but keeps making the same mistakes over and over. Jake says he's trying, but Aiden says maybe he'll figure it out this time, and to not expect him to ride the sympathy train with everyone else. Jake is ready to cuss Aiden when he suddenly stutters his name and tells him not to move, but then he points out a wolf behind him, making both of them panic and run away.

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Stuck with the wolf

In another scene, the two are seen on top of a tree, while the animal remains on the ground, waiting for them, and Jake declares they're finished. Although Jake is concerned that this will be their demise, Aiden encourages him to calm down and attempts to lower himself, but is alarmed by the wolf, who nearly gets him. Jake deadpans, "At least they got apples to prolong their death," and Aiden remembers Tom, who has been collecting wild game. Aiden then has an idea and proposes that Jake distract the wolf for a few seconds, which confuses Jake because he is unsure how he would do so, and Aiden explains that he will throw an apple at its head until he is ready. Jake doubts Aiden's ability to outrun the wolf (even asking if he believed he was Usain Bolt), but Aiden insists that he just needed him to distract it for a few seconds, asking Jake if he can trust him with that task. He reluctantly agrees, and Aiden warns him that if he doesn't listen to him, he could die, but Jake finds this too much pressure. Aiden settles him down again, asking the same question, to which Jake calms down and begins his part of the plan. Aiden asks if he's ready, to which Jake confidently affirms, and throws the apple on the animal's head. When Aiden safely makes it to the ground, he assures Jake he's good, and lures the wolf away from Jake.

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Jake and Aiden begin to get along

When Aiden manages to prevent the wolf by making it fall inside a trap hole, Jake runs to Aiden to express his surprise that it had actually worked. Jake congratulates Aiden for making such a plan with the latter bringing up that him and Tom make traps like these earlier to hunt wild life. The mention of Tom makes Jake lament with a sad expression on the two spending so much time together. This leaves both Aiden and Jake feeling awkward around each other walking their separate ways telling one another to focus on looking for the flag.

Jake“Yeah-ah! I can't believe that worked!”
Aiden“I felt so cool!”
Jake“How did you come up with that?”
Aiden“This morning, I accompanied Tom to get some new traps.”
Jake“Huh... You guys...really spend a lot of time together...”
Aiden“Yeah... A-anyway, I'm going to keep looking for the flag...”
Jake“Uh... Yeah! Yeah! Same here!”
— Jake and Aiden's conversation and awkward moment after the mention of Tom.
Jake and Aiden smile at the other

Aiden if willing to work with Jake if he is

After the challenge, Connor approaches Aiden and Jake to ask about having a word with them, and both guys accept. The three depart after Connor refuses to elaborate with Riya when she demands an explanation from his actions. When Connor manages to get the heroes team into working together, Aiden mentions that he's willing to work with Jake if he is, especially when reminding that the villains alliance continue voting together despite the conniving backstabbing. When the elimination results are revealed: a tie, in the confessional cabin Aiden is surprised that Jake actually kept his word, being something unexpected to him.Aiden is last seen smiling at Jake alongside Connor and Ally as the latter says his farewells to Tom before he leaves on the Bus of Losers.

The heroes smiling amongst eachother as Jake and Tom share a private moment

Aiden, Connor and Ally smiling at Jake.

The Heroes team is shown in "Dis-vengers" lounging by the fireplace until Aiden has an urge to pee. Jake is first dubious of him because he doesn't say it directly, instead worded as that he's gonna go, but decides on not pushing further, leaving the e-boy be. The three members left make fun of Aiden by the nickname of "shy pee-er", despite aware he was not far yet, and Jake grins when Aiden hears the mock.

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Jake is confused about Aiden's super speed

During Kristal's explanation of the current challenge, she shows few video rolls of the contestants' interviews in which they mention what kind of superpower they'd want to have, Aiden and Jake appearing in back-to-back scenes, both mentioning "Super speed" and "Telekinesis" respectively. In the virtual world, Jake attempts to get a banana down from a palm tree with his power, but to no avail. Aiden then suddenly darts past and gets the two bananas, saying "Your welcome". A glaring Jake asks if he merely rushed up the tree without seeing Aiden, but the latter wants to test himself, asking Jake if he wanted to watch him sprinting to a big rock and repeating the question until Jake delivers a phony laugh. Aiden proposes they go find Connor and Ally, as the villains are likely to try to kill them before they reach the volcano. In response to Jake's reasonable question about why he couldn't just run quickly around the island to find them, Aiden says he still hadn't mastered direction yet, making clear he's not Quicksilver, however would give it a shot. Unfortunately, the e-boy crashes into a nearby tree and collapses on the sandy ground. Jake approaches and tells him that he gotta train more. When Aiden, in agony, asks Jake if can't he help on lifting him up to scout the area together, the watermelon boy responds that he didn't attend the lifting-people class. Aiden delivers back Jake's own response to him. On their walk together through the island, Jake notices something was wrong with Aiden, and when he inquires if everything was okay, Aiden asks back why, to which Jake, despite unsure, points out that he seemed uneasy this morning. The e-boy explains about having seen something last night, but is reluctant to tell Jake since he's terrible with secrets, and a frustrated Jake "thanks" him for the compliment, and states he was just asking if he was okay. Aiden finally lets out a sigh to narrate him about Riya and Alec's kiss, although Jake reasons that they're both evil and attractive, so of course they were gonna kiss.

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Blown away by Riya

Aiden adds that Connor might freak if he finds out, to which Jake understands, although is confused whether Connor is over Riya, however Aiden isn't sure either as he hasn't asked. Both are then unexpectedly blown off by a fireball explosion and sent flying far before they discover who is to blame: Riya, who responds to Aiden's awe by exclaiming, "And you never will!". Jake curses and inquires if she burns things, much to Aiden's annoyance, who in turn loudly responds "Gee, Jake! I don't know!". When they are forced to battle Riya, it's evident that she has the upper hand because the guys have not yet become adjusted to their powers while Riya has. Even though it is a disadvantage, they work together to take down Riya after Jake somewhat masters his superpower and sends a load of bananas at her in the form of "potassium bombs of fury" after she burns Aiden's hand. However, Alec ambushes Jake with a large rock, knocking him to the ground. Aiden would then rush in to save Jake just as he is about to "die," accidentally killing Alec by using his super speed to blow his body, save for his arms. Jake is shocked after having witnessed a murdering by Aiden in front of him, and is about to query Aiden if he just killed Alec, but he responds in terror that he just wanted to grab him, but went too fast, and so it happened.

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Jake and Aiden manage to defeat Riya and Alec

Jake still can't believe it, but they come back to their senses after Riya throws another fireball between them, to which Jake asks Aiden if he could do that again, although it's late because Riya creates a fire circle around them, preventing the two boys from escaping. Aiden replies that he is unable to outrun the enclosed circle and instructs Jake to attempt lifting Riya into the flames. Jake reminds that he is incapable of lifting people, but he nods in response to Aiden's insistence to at least try. Jake manages to create a tomb instead of lifting Riya, and both share a smirk as he says, "Rest in peace, assholes!", followed by Aiden's "Amen!".

When they get at the volcano, it becomes clear that none of the heroes besides them has survived; Gabby, Grett, and Yul are the only three members of the villains group who are still alive. The remaining competitors can choose to cooperate in order to vanquish the newly called dragon, but Kristal says that anyone alive will receive immunity upon the creature's defeat. Jake and Aiden exchange determined looks as the former vows to find a way to kill it in the meantime. Aiden agrees when Jake wonders how a [giantistic] monster can stand atop this volcano given that it hasn't fallen. Regretfully, the participants fail to notice the volcano's slow cracking. Afterward, when Yul is killed by the monster, Aiden and Jake approach Grett and Gabby to inform them that the volcano is collapsing. As they all fall, it's revealed that Jake saved the two by using his telekinesis to lift them in midair, and Aiden excitedly calls his name out. Jake exclaims, "I... guess I did it!", grinning as well.

When Kristal announces that Jake and Aiden were the only ones in defeating the monster and win the challenge, she congratulates them via megaphones, which meant that both had won immunity. Once back to the real world, they share smiles after the host instructs everyone to take off their VR glasses return to camp. In the confessional, Aiden is still surprised but proud that Jake figured out his powers and save the day, followed by Jake's confessional in which he says that they make a great team, even though he never thought he'd say it.

After Yul is eliminated from All-Stars, Aiden and Jake are titled by the Korean boy as "Twink" and "Twink, part 2", respectively.

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Aiden has to agree with Jake

In "TikTok On The Clock", Jake and Aiden peer behind a tree to see Alec and Connor fishing together at the shore, and Aiden asks Jake what he thinks they're talking about, but Jake doesn't know and guesses, "Dad stuff?" before teasingly adding, "Who has the nicest toolshed?". Aiden claims to be serious, and they return to their hiding place, with Aiden hesitating whether to tell anyone about [Alec and Riya's kiss]. Jake explains in an interrogative tone that it is to disrupt the villains' alliance, and Aiden agrees. Jake then urges to do it because it is a game move, despite Aiden's concern for Connor, and Jake asks if he doesn't believe he deserves to know, to which Aiden concurs.

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Aiden gives Jake an unsure glance before making the announcement

When the merge team members have gathered around the fireplace, Jake and Aiden walk in the scene to make an announcement. Aiden gives Jake an uncertain glance, but when the watermelon boy nods, Aiden's determined expression shows up on his face. When Aiden is explaining about what he saw two nights ago, a nervous Alec interrupts to explain that he and Riya were "walking off a delicious dinner". Aiden and Jake's plan backfires when Connor suddenly shows indifference Alec and Riya's kiss, and the actress questions if that is all they came to tell them. Both have back-to-back confessionals in which they voice their thoughts on Connor's moved-on conduct from Riya, but the e-boy shows frustration that he expected a bigger reaction from the villains because he thought this would be his game-changing move.

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Aiden nervously smiles at Jake

After Kristal reveals the pairs for the challenge (both Jake and Aiden with separate people), the former says in the confessional that he has been slowly earning back Aiden's trust, but he was still getting nowhere with Ally. When Jake arrives at the end of the challenge, having escaped from the bear Ally left him with, Aiden is shocked and looks at him in concern as Jake seems traumatized by his experience and he collapses to the ground. When Gabby is eliminated, both bid farewell to her, with Jake saying "See ya", and Aiden, "We'll miss you". At the end of the episode, Aiden wakes Jake up in the middle of the night and his sleeping to show him something, and as they walk to the accorded place, both reunite with Ally, who's also awake. They spectate a dejected Connor at the shore, and Jake asks the two if either of them talked to him, but Aiden responds that they were hoping he would, and begrudgingly accepts as Aiden gives him a nervous smile.

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Explaining Ally that both went for a stroll

The two guys in "Weight Off Your Shoulders" are strolling in the forest when they see Ally doing pilates. Ally asks them if they would like to join her, but Jake declines, explaining that he and Aiden just went for a stroll. They then nervously smile at the gamer. In Aiden's confessional, amid the conflict between Jake and Ally, he describes how Connor revealing that he was lying about the whole speech getting the heroes together. Because of the tension between Jake and Ally and Connor being in the state he is, Aiden is forced to look out for himself.

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Failed attempt to look for the totem underwater

When Kristal reveals that she has hidden an immunity totem someplace at camp, Jake shoves Ally out of the way, and Aiden follows him up. They are shown returning to the surface while on water as Jake asks the e-boy if he found anything, but Aiden claims, "Nothing", and is curious of why they were searching in the water, and Jake explains that he was thinking as the inmunity token: if he were it, where should he hide. Aiden finds his claim logic, and then asks Jake to go check on Connor as he keeps looking for the [totem]. The watermelon boy asks why him, and the e-boy reminds that he made him feel better last night, and cheers him up to keep working on "his magic" while giving him thumbs-up, and Jake reluctantly nods, to then swim away and depart. In the confessional, Aiden says that despite they have been "okay", he still doesn't trust Jake, and that if he wanted to make a move outside the heroes, he can't have him knowing if he finds the totem.

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Jake and Aiden share a bumpfist

After the totem has been found, they are shown collecting up water with buckets at the beach, and Aiden asks Jake if he discovered it, to which Jake denies and excitedly reveals it was Connor who got it, which surprised Aiden and states it was great, and Jake urges him to keep it down low. The e-boy assures Jake that the secret is safe with him, and Jake extends his fist to Aiden, who understands and they exchange a bumpfist. In the confessional, Aiden is doubtful of Jake trusting him, and blissfully says he never thought he'd see the day.

In the challenge, when Riya is given the opportunity to select a player of her choice, she picks Aiden and wickedly asks him who he prefers: Jake or Ally, but the e-boy is irritated by the question and demands an explanation of what that even means. However, Kristal instructs Aiden to simply answer the question, and Aiden answers "Jake," which turns out to be the truth, and Jake smiles at this reveal. In the confessional, Ally is offended that Aiden has chosen Jake over her, wondering how is she less liked than Jake. When it's Riya's turn again, she goes with Jake to question him if he only befriended Aiden for kicking his boyfriend (James) out. He admits that at first he did, but now he is genuinely starting to appreciate Aiden, with the e-boy giving a touched smile at Jake's honesty

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Aiden trusts Jake

When Jake wins the challenge, Aiden rushes to him with a smile to hug him and shout that he did it, and compliments his awesome job, with Jake hugging him back. However, when they realize, they're already distanced from each other with shocked expressions, however Jake still hesitatingly thanks Aiden. Once the Heroes are reunited after the game, Connor proposes everyone to send the villains packing, to which Jake and Ally glare at each other, so when they're asked by the older man if they're with them, both smile in agreement (although Ally does bitterly). Aiden assures that he trusts Jake while placing a hand on his shoulder; he's got their back, after all.

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Close-up of Aiden and Jake's last bumpfist

However, Aiden is next revealed to be eliminated after Ally betrays the alliance. Connor and Jake would then escort Aiden to the bus of losers, and when Aiden and Connor share a handshake, Jake begins a heartfelt goodbye, until Aiden tells him he's not in the mood for a "mushy goodbye" and asks where's the "toxic jealous" Jake he knows. Jake is shocked by this description and shouts "Oh screw you!", with Aiden laughing "There he is," playfully. Jake smiles at Aiden's joke and the two share one more fist bump, departing as friends. After Aiden boards the bus, Connor and Jake wave as it departs.

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Aiden is the next out from All-Stars, but in exchange, he gains a new friend.

In "Gone Downhill," Jake starts up a fight with Ally about yesterday's events and questions how she could do that to Aiden, but Ally tells him to "cry about it", shocking Jake. He is still insistent on having an answer from Ally as to why she voted for the e-boy, to which Ally responds that she was aware that if she couldn't get him (since he had won immunity), Aiden's "boot" would sting the most, and notes that he should have seen his face.

Jake later meets Connor to discuss about Aiden, and the older man notices that he has been missing him, to which Jake responds that he feels bad, as if he looked Aiden wrong all season but turned out to be a decent guy instead. Aiden did teach him one thing, however: he could still change for the better, and despite Aiden's quick judgment of him too, they were able to solve their differences.

In "No Vacancy", a he starts to console Tom, Aiden puts his hand on his shoulder and compares his relationship mentioning that he thought James was a jerk at first but saw his heart and Jake can see Tom's as well. When Aiden asks Tom if he still loves Jake, the officer is understandably taken aback by his sentiment and wants him to be forthright about his true feelings. Tom breaks down and acknowledges that despite his flaws, he still loves him and is grateful for his unrestricted kindness after all this time. This tender moment gets cut short when Aiden and Tom are shocked by Krystal's recording of their conversation alongside Oliver. When James says Tom can do better than be with someone like Jake, Aiden nudges James in the arm for inconsiderate remark. James was tasked to decide which finalist he will support and he chooses Jake, this is shown to make Aiden rather happy. In James's confessional, James specifically mentions that he chose Jake because of Aiden.

In "What's Mine is Mine", on Jake's support team, Aiden reveals to have practiced a cheering dance for Jake alongside the other rooters, as he's about to lead the choreography until they are all interrupted by Kristal.


  • Jake places Aiden on his B-tier amongst the people he found the most attractive (behind Tom, Hunter and Alec).[1]
    • Jake expresses his hatred towards Aiden by firstly thanking the fan to hear him talk bad about Tom's "useless sidekick", and that deep down Aiden knows he's right about him, stating his lack of contribution in the game besides complaining about James and Lake not being there for him, and also kissing up to Tom. He wouldn't rest until Aiden is gone, and assures the fan they could bet their bottom dollar on that.[2]
    • Jake defines his relationship with Aiden as workplace friends.[3]
    • When asked if he'd keep in touch with Aiden after the show despite James not liking him much, Jake doubts that he will.[4]
  • In a greeting, Aiden expresses that Jake's actions contribute to the problems he faces and that he is entirely at fault. Aiden also mentions that he wouldn't be surprised if he was simply jealous of his relationship with James, and emphasizes that he does not hate him, but he does sympathize with Jake, finding it exhausting to make everything about him.[5]
    • In another greeting, Aiden is asked amongst the final three players left who is he rooting for, and the e-boy says that Jake's got this in the bag and he has high hopes that Jake & Ally will bring Riya down once and for all.[6]


A long time ago when Season 1's reboot had finished airing episodes, people were excited to think that Jake and Aiden might become friends for the upcoming All Stars season, as they were respectively idol and fan, upon connecting the second season with the first one (not the unofficial but the aforementioned reboot). However these hopes shattered after the Intro Sequence of All Stars had aired out, which revealed a possible love triangle between Tom, Aiden and Jake, and how it'd only fill the season with more drama. It also revealed Jake's worse part being a clingy jealous ex towards someone who already had a boyfriend. Although aware of Aiden/James' canonical relationship, Jake would still be jealous over Aiden whom just had a friendly bond with Tom. This is why fans who were already expecting a possible friendship between Jake and Aiden concluded that it might be impossible if Tomden's misunderstanding wasn't cleared up. Even if there's a small hope on regaining friendliness, fans would think that Jake might've plotting something to get rid of Aiden sometime. But however there's still a chance they might reconcile in future episodes, either on group challenges or after the teams merge.

After it was revealed that Jake and Aiden had indeed become friends, despite the latter's elimination episodes later, people were relieved that their wishes had come true, and found it curious that they only got to befriend each other after Tom's eviction from the season, blaming the cop for excluding a blossoming friendship. As a result, many people believe the love triangle between the three boys was caused by both Tom and Aiden pining for Jake, rather than Jake and Aiden competing for Tom's love. Even after Aiden left the season, fan media remains popular among the ship's fans, cementing Aiden's dominance in the relationship while Jake plays the subservient role.

Jakeden can be viewed as romantic because they are both homosexual, and while this is true most of the time, the ship is really regarded as friendship because the two have already developed love interests in their respective seasons. Similarly, others would want to ship Jake with Tom or Hunter, and Aiden with his boyfriend James.


Aiden/Jake (Disventure Camp) tag on AO3
Jakeden tag on TikTok
Jakeden hashtag on Twitter
Jakeden posts on Twitter
Jakeden tag on Tumblr
Jakeden posts on Tumblr



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  • They have been manipulated by other participants in order to ruin their relationships with their love interests and to get them kicked out.
  • The two share a thumbnail in which they are angrily arguing, being All-Stars eighth episode 'Give Me Some Space!'.
    • They also have one together in the thirteen episode, "Dis-vengers", which depicts them cornered inside Riya's fire circle.



Disventure Camp logo
Disventure Camp ShipsDisventure Camp Characters
SHIPS het AlecllyConRiyaHuntAllyHunTessJamesAllyKaiggyKrisvekKrisverNickLillRiyalecRiYulRosakaiRosalecSpenJadeTrevmilyWishleyZaivy
slash AleconnorAleNickDalecDiencerHuntakeHuntomJaidenJakedenJakmesJuulKaidenKaiYulLogalessioOlympicModelTedlessioTomalecTomdenTomJakeTrevekWillnickYulnickYulter
femslash AnarissaAshallyAshlillGabEllieGremilyGrettabbyGrettallyKarolillKarolRiyaKristilyLaggyLakeabbyLakellieMariLakeMollikaNatabelRigrettRiyallyRosaLakeRosariyaRosetoyTessabbyTessAllyTessellieTessLake
family ConJakeFiodrewFioJakeFiolecFiollyMiriakeRosa & SofiaTomJake's biggest fan
friend DanbbyDrewbbyFioNickGabYulGirls' allianceGomGrettakeIdol AllianceJabbyJaidakeJake CultJakellieJallyJamakeJashleyJessLaJakeLakedenLill's AllianceNickbbyRiyakeTessAiden
non-binary TristannahTristenji
poly ConriyalecTessGabEllie
cargo Chet x 🎥🍩 AddictFiore x 🚌Jake & 🐦Kai x 🌿
CHARACTERS male Aiden BrooksAlec ÇelikConnor BlakeHunter PageJake HamiltonJames CostaKai MitchellKim YulNick MiltonTom Reed
female Ally AmberAshley GrahamEllie ParkerFiore RicciGabby NowakGrett ClarkLake MüllerRiya SharmaRosa María RiveraTess Morgan