Shipping Wiki

Screenshot: 11
Slash ships: 22Het ships: 33

James Ironwood was a character from the RWBY fandom.


James was a major supporting character in RWBY. He also turned into a villian later on in the show.



Black Iron — the ship between James and Blake Belladonna
Elmwood — the ship between James and Elm Ederne
Firewood — the ship between James and Cinder Fall
Iron Bird — the ship between James and Raven Branwen
Ironcream — the ship between James and Neopolitan
Iron Fist — the ship between James and Yang Xiao Long
Iron Jewel — the ship between James and Emerald Sustrai
Iron Maiden — the ship between James and Penny Polendina
Iron Ore — the ship between James and Pyrrha Nikos
Iron Rose — the ship between James and Ruby Rose
Iron Speed — the ship between James and Harriet Bree
Iron Tiger — the ship between James and Sienna Khan
IronWeiss — the ship between James and Weiss Schnee
Ironwitch — the ship between James and Glynda Goodwitch
Warhammer — the ship between James and Nora Valkyrie
Winter Soldier — the ship between James and Winter Schnee
Woodpecker — the ship between James and Robyn Hill


Ebiwood — the ship between James and Clover Ebi
Gears of War — the ship between James and Ozpin
Iron Bull — the ship between James and Adam Taurus
Iron Coal — the ship between James and Flynt Coal
Iron Creak — the ship between James and Neptune Vasilias
Iron Dragon — the ship between James and Taiyang Xiao Long
Iron Knight — the ship between James and Jaune Arc
Iron Limbs — the ship between James and Mercury Black
Iron Lion — the ship between James and Leonardo Lionheart
Iron Lotus — the ship between James and Lie Ren
IronQrow — the ship between James and Qrow Branwen
Iron Spice — the ship between James and Sage Ayana
Iron Sun — the ship between James and Sun Wukong
Ironwick — the ship between James and Roman Torchwick
Military Funding — the ship between James and Arthur Watts
Pine Wood — the ship between James and Oscar Pine
Scarlet Soldier — the ship between James and Scarlet David
Toxic Iron — the ship between James and Tyrian Callows


IronQroWeiss — the ship between James, Qrow Branwen, and Weiss Schnee
Lucky IronQrow — the ship between James, Qrow Branwen, and Clover Ebi
Mettle Gear Solid — the ship between James, Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch
Schneewood Forest — the ship between James, Winter Schnee and Robyn Hill


James Ironwood tag on AO3
James Ironwood tag on
James Ironwood tag on Tumblr


# portmanteau characters type
752 IronQrow Qrow Branwen slash
132 Ebiwood Clover Ebi slash
123 Lucky IronQrow Qrow Branwen · Clover Ebi poly
45 Iron Dragon Taiyang Xiao Long slash
27 Gears of War Ozpin slash



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cargo Forever AloneSea King
CHARACTERS male Jaune ArcMercury BlackQrow BranwenJames IronwoodOscar PineLie RenNeptune VasiliasTyrian Callows
female Blake BelladonnaCinder FallEmerald SustraiNeopolitanNora ValkyriePyrrha NikosPenny PolendinaRuby RoseWeiss SchneeWinter SchneeYang Xiao Long