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Jarley is the het ship between The Joker and Harley Quinn from the DC Comics, DC Animated Universe and DC Extended Universe fandom.
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The Joker and Harley Quinn first meet when he’s a patient and she’s a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. She’s assigned to him personally and over various sessions she truly believes that she’s “curing” him, however she’s actually falling in love with him. She breaks him out of the Asylum and becomes his sidekick and girlfriend. They have a very complicated on/off relationship. He tends to be physically abusive or emotionally cold, but there are rare occasions where he’s genuine towards her and shows in his own twisted way that he cares about her.
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Suicide Squad[]
In Suicide Squad, they‘re in an relationship. He seems to be truly in love with her, but he doesn’t show it in front of his henchmen except for his main security guard. He seems to really miss her to the point where he draws a black smile on his face but he’s miserable and when his main guard helps him make plans to get her back he lays on the floor surrounded by knifes, guns champagne, roses and baby clothes.He tries and almost successfully gets her back from prison. During the battle with the enchantress Harley gets a vision put in her head of a “normal” married life with The Joker and they have twins but it’s only a fantasy to distract her. Harley goes back to prison to finish her now shortened sentence and Joker with his henchmen He breaks her out and hugs her where she happily says “puddin” and he ends the film by saying “let’s go home”.
Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn[]
Sometime after Suicide Squad, The Joker and Harley Quinn break up and she says it’s forever this time. To announce it she drunkly goes to the Ace Chemical plant, where she pledged herself to him and blows it up.
Batman: The Telltale Series[]
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In Batman: The Enemy Within the roles between Joker (who goes by "John Doe") and Harley Quinn are reversed, with Harley as the big boss lady that John wants to please, and has shown signs of him having a crush on her. When he joins the criminal group that Harley serves as one of its main bosses, she can see that John is still having trouble finding himself, and even though he was able to become a member who has a voice in the Pact she treats him like a low level lacky. Before John introduces Bruce to her, he asks Wayne to make him look good in front of to her. In John's room at the hideout, there is a framed photo of him with Harley Quinn. As he talks with Bruce he mentions how he and Harley talking about how Bruce acted at Wayne Tech allowed him to have a conversation with Harley without him getting her to lose interest in it.
Batman: Arkham[]
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The two become acquainted through a version of their comic origins, where Harleen as a psychiatrist chooses to assess him. The Joker realised that she did like him a little and started to manipulate that. Over time, Harleen started to believe that the Joker was right and Batman was the true criminal. She soon fell in love with him and smuggled in bombs to the asylum to break him out, creating a costume for herself and becoming Harley Quinn in the process. While Harley served him loyally as a sidekick and would date him, the Joker was not above using her as a hostage. However, he did love her, but was unable to acknowledge it.
Arkham City[]
Harley hijacked a supply boat and broke her and the Joker out of the prison, only to end up in Arkham City. Knowing that the Joker was dying got to her and she once shed a tear while looking at him. Stacy Baker, a doctor in the city, noted how Harley was losing her sanity - most likely as a result of the Joker dying - but as long as he was alive she would at least hold on to it. At the steel mill, she assists with the Joker in knocking out Batman and demanding that he finds a cure. However at the end of the night the Joker dies. During the Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC that takes place straight after the game, Harley refers to herself as a widow.
Arkham Knight[]
After the events of his death, Harley heavily grieves over him and decides to take revenge on Batman. It is also revealed through the Joker’s hallucination at the end of Knight’s main story that he feared that if Gotham forgot him, Harley would be the only one at his wake, and would later forget about him as well and get together with someone else.

(little Bryce and Jackie sitting on their mothers lap, Batman White Knight)
Jarley is one of the most popular ships in the fandom (and not only in the fandom) and one of the most shipped. People love the dynamic of their relationship, because of it being ambiguous, extensive and interesting. The fact that the two are villains only makes the fandom ship them more. Jarley shippers often get into fights with Harlivy shippers - usually the main thread is Joker being abusive to Harley in most of the universes. Some of the Jarley shippers also base their DC knowledge mainly on movies and Batman TAS and don't know that Harley and Ivy got together in the comics, which often only goads the quarrels. Jarley tends to be more liked in the continuities where Joker and Harley's relationship isn't abusive, such as The Batman (2004) animated series, Batman: The Telltale Series, the Lego DC video games and The Lego Batman Movie.
Despite most of the Jarley and Harlivy shippers, not agreeing with each other, there are also some people who enjoy both pairings or prefer one of these more, yet still respect/like the other one.
The Harley Quinn (2019) cartoon also was one of the causes in some of the Harlivy shippers change in their opinion about Jarley, because of Joker actually wanting to help in Harley and Ivy's relationship in the last episodes of the 2nd season and trying to convince her to fight for Ivy's love.
However, Harlivy is not the only main rival ship to Jarley as lately Joker got a new girlfriend - Punchline - which was warmly received by many DC fans and quite a lot of people like the Joker x Punchline pairing already.
- Joker/Harleen tag on AO3
- Past Joker/Harleen tag on AO3
- Healthy Joker/Harleen tag on AO3
- BatJokeley refers to the ship between Bruce Wayne, The Joker and Harley
SHIPS | het | AlMax • AquaMera • AquaWonder • BatLane • BatQuinn • Clois • Harlick • Jarley • WonderBat • Wondertrev |
slash | AquaBat • AquaSuper • BatFlash • BatJokes • BatLex • Flashborg • HawkFate • Superbat • Vicroman • Vigilmaker | |
femslash | DianEtta • Dinaharley • Dinahelena • DinahRenee • Harley x Renee • HelenaRenee • Quintress • WonderCheetah • WonderLois • WonderMera • WonderPoison | |
poly | SuperBatLane • SuperWonderBat | |
family | Aquabros • BruAlf • DianaHippolyta | |
cargo | WonderCream | |
CHARACTERS | male | Barry Allen • Arthur Curry • Clark Kent • Lex Luthor • Victor Stone • Bruce Wayne |
female | Helena Bertinelli • Cassandra Cain • Dinah Laurel Lance • Lois Lane • Mera • Harley Quinn • Renee Montoya • Diana of Themyscira • Iris West |