JayDami is the family ship between Jason Todd and Damian Wayne from the DC Comics and Young Justice fandom.
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Despite how both Jason and Damian have started off as Robins who kill and have their own ties to the League of Assassins through Talia, along with a few other things or ties they might have in common, the two have trouble getting along. Making it hard for the two to except each other as brothers, from the pride and anger they have inside. Leaving Dick and a few other members of the bat-family to do what they can to keep the peace between them. From how the two feel more closer to Dick than they do with each other. Damian being Bruce's only biological son, along with his spoiled attitude and upbringing, didn't help matters as it had Jason resent the ten year old who thinks of himself being more superior to Jason. In the end the two were able to call a truce of sorts, that does allow them to work together when it matters.
The New 52![]
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Knowing that his father acknowledges the previous Robins who have each honored their time as the boy wonder, while the uniform should serve as a symbol of the bond it gives them, Damian felt that he still needed to prove himself worthy to wear the R on his chest. This had him challenge Red Hood and his adoptive brothers, who Damian plans to face one by one, during Terminus: Scar of the Batman issue from Batman and Robin vol. 2; Pearl. Damian tricked the previous Robins into gathering to where he plans to serve the notice of his challenge to them. Jason was aware of the bounty Talia had placed on her own son and asked Damian why he wasn't in his "crib back at the manor instead of making" himself an easy target for assassins. Only to have Damian show Red Hood that he already took care of those assassins that gets the second Robin to ask Damian why he was wasting their time. Red Hood wasn't impressed when Damian made his attentions known so he could prove himself the better Robin to them, Batman and himself. After Damian left Red Hood knew that Nightwing was about to compare Jason with Damian, and tells his oldest brother to "shut up" on the subject. When Damian went to challenge Jason next, he snuck into his safehouse and placed a crowbar into his bed, before attacking him when Jason found it. As they fought, Damian mocked Jason as the Robin who gets hit when he is the Robin that does the hurting, a statement Jason doesn't agree with when he brought up Nobody, while Damian fights back by mentioning Joker. Damian even tells Jason that it was himself that failed him, not Batman, and how the two of them have had the worse luck when it comes to their mothers. A statement Jason agrees to. As Jason goes to pick up his dropped weapon, Damian uses the opportunity to steal Jason's Red Hood helmet as a trophy for his wall and makes his get away, while Jason angry rants on how he knows where the "little brat" lives. Despite what went on between them, Jason still came to Damian's aid beside Nightwing and Red Robin, in Terminus: Last Gasp, as Jason was the one who caught Damian when the other two got the mutated merged villains who attacked the fifth Robin to drop him. They then worked together to keep the other villains at by, while Batman deals with Terminus and the bomb. After the battle was won, Damian had asked Red Hood if he and the others wanted a ride, but Red Hood turns him down and makes his own way home.
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The Rebirth Teen Titans series does have Damian and Jason work together when Robin decided to create a blackups prison that deals with criminals in the ways he thinks they should be dealt with. Jason is one of the few people Damian trusts with its exitance, as he is the one who tells Damian where to find the inveigles he has locked-up in it. When a mission went wrong and had the hallmarks of their enemies being tipped off, Damian began to assume that Jason had somehow betrayed him. [1] Before he confronts Jason on the matter, believing him to be guilty before checking other leads to explain what really happened, Robin has the Titans break into the Batcave in order to retrieve an item that is of importance to Jason. Alfred caught onto what Robin came for and how it relates to Jason, he tries to convince Damian to not hurt his "brother," while Damian questions Alfred why he is protecting Jason. As he strongly believed that Jason had betrayed him and wants to do what Batman should have done to Jason long ago, but Alfred continues to tell him that while they don't agree with Jason's ways he is still part of their family, is on the side of good and doesn't think that Damian shouldn't presume malice to what could be a miscommunication between them; and that Damian should at least talk to Jason before he makes any rash decisions that he may regret later. Red Arrow had agreed with Robin's suspicions of Red Hood being the leak and that they shouldn't have trusted him at to begin with. Later at night Damian finds Jason stumbling out of a bar, he didn't want to confront Jason in that state but things needed to be taken care of. Jason had been filled in on what happened before Damian met up with him, and even though he wasn't in a talking mood Jason did want to know who had killed Roy, and if Damian doesn't find out who it was he will. Along with him reminding Damian the terms of their deal, Jason does to Damian not the other way round. Damian began to explain what happened on the mission with Lady Fick, before he accuses Jason for betraying them and then begins to attack him. The continued their battle as Robin and Red Hood as Damian shares his reasons why he thinks that Jason had sold them out, only to have Jason tell Damian that the boy already has his own sins and how Jason wasn't going to confess for something he didn't do. Thinking that Jason was playing games with him, Damian takes out the box he stole from the Batcave and shows it to Jason. The two then began to fight for the box and as they did so Jason lectured Damian on how he should check his facts and even though he does acknowledge Damian as the smart one, Jason reminds him that he was still a little kid who as a lot to learn. Along with how he had lost this battle from the start of it. Jason wasn't even fuelled by the bomb Damian threated to get off to make himself the winner, as they had both been dead before and tells Damian that he wasn't working for the Other and in time he'll understand that. Before Jason leaves with the box, he tells the injured Robin that if he or the Titans should try to come for him he'll put them all into the ground.
Batman: Death in the Family[]
When the interaction movie version of Under the Red Hood has viewers decide to have both Bruce and Jason survive the Joker's bomb and has the later become a serial killer, Jason meets baby Damian when Talia approached him to join the League of Assassins. The files Jason has read on the Bat-computer has him being aware that Talia was expecting Bruce's child, but due to what happened to Jason in Bosnia Bruce had cut ties with her, along with Talia telling Bruce that she had lost their child before he was born so he wouldn't be forced to pick between Damian or Jason. That was why Jason was surprised by Damian's existence and didn't want to be the baby's father figure in Bruce's place, from how he swore off family. Talia, however, said the right things to convince Jason to join her and to help her raise his baby brother. Jason's ending monolog of this version has him stating that Damian was also the one who got him to except his mother's offer, along with how he plane to warp Damian into a weapon that would destroy both the League and the Bat family. He calls Damian his brother as he holds the baby in his arms, while little Damian touches the "R" on Jason's chest.
Lego DC Batman: Family Matters
- Because of the way that Batman had refused to talk about Jason it gets Damian to think that he was dead.
- Until he learns that the mysterious Red Hood is the second Robin.
- Damian thought it was cool that Jason had once stole the wheels off the batmobile.
- To reference Damian with one of the bomb locations that are connected to members of the Batfamily, Red Hood had picked the train station that Batman had first met Damian's mother, Talia.
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Some fans like to think of Damian as the second Jason, from how similar the two are to another in their own ways. From being cared for by Talia during their time with the League of Assassins and being Robins who have killed, as well as them getting killed before being brought back to life. Giving the two common ground to stand on and due to the things that the two might not be able to bring themselves to share with Bruce or Dick, fans like to think that Jason and Damian can share those things with each other. Along with Jason helping Damian to stay on the none killing path, after he started to lessen his number of kills. Because JayDami-like moments were only seen in the comics, as well as a limited number of animated films and TV shows, it has the family-ship be over shadowed by DickDami, BruDami and JayDick; even though a few JayDami fans would like to see more of the two in other sources of media. Despite how the two haven't been shown to be close in canon, fans do have them calling a truce and secretly caring about one another in their fanfics and art.
Due to the way that the Young Justice series has Jason and a very young Damian in the same scenes together, fans began to wonder if Talia has Jason helping her to raise Damian or simply has him serve as their personal bodyguard. From how Jason was about fight Cheshire when her words made her sound like a threat to Talia and her son. Some fans are hopping that any future Young Justice seasons, or any other source of media on the series, would have more Jason and Damian scenes.
There have even been TalJay fans who have wondered if Jason might be Damian's true father. Due to the time Jason had spent under Talia's care and people thinking how similar he and Damian have been shown to be from time to time. BruDami supporters have dismissed this theory, but the idea has popped up in a few fanfics from time to time. Along with making Jason Damian's step-father, for a laugh or to take a stab at Damian knowing that he wouldn't like the idea. Just as Talina fans know how such an idea would anger him.
On AO3, there are over 2100 gen fanfics on the two.
- Jason & Damian tag on AO3
- Injustice 2 have can Jason and Damian face off against each other. [2] Their intro dialogues to one another, as well as during their fight, has them possessing an antagonistic relationship.
- Batboys refers to the ship between Jason, Damian, Dick Grayson and Tim Drake
- Batfamily refers to the ship between Jason, Damian, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Lucius Fox, and the other sidekicks of Batman
- BatKids refers to the ship between Jason, Damian, Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake and Cassandra Cain