JayKyleDonna is the poly ship between Jason Todd, Kyle Rayner and Donna Troy from the DC Comics fandom.
Red Rain[]
Jason, Kyle and Donna arrive on a new earth with Bob the Anti-Monitor. Jason calls the place a dump, which Donna agrees with, but Bob says that his tech has indicated that Ray Palmer is there. Kyle says that Ray is still out there, and Donna decides to search the area for any sign of Ray. She then finds this earth's Barbara Gordon, dying with an Atom sign on her wrist, and calls the others to her. Jason is horrified and Kyle asks how it happened. Donna says that she was murdered, but that Barbara had gotten out one last message before she passed. They then see that her teeth are sharpened, and Kyle thinks she was a vampire, while Jason doesn't. Jason and Kyle then go to look for leads in the homeless quarter, while Donna goes with Bob to follow their own.
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JayKyleDonna is a rarepair in the DC fandom. This is due to most of their interactions only happening within the Countdown comics, and not having many interactions in the over a decade afterwards. Making it hard for fans to stay as invested in it, with no new content to keep them interested. Though there are still fans who have gone back and started shipping the three. Fans of the ship often see it as a possible solution to any fandom love triangle's. As various fans have shipped each other three together at some point. Seeing the potential with each individual ship. Some fans just overall like the aesthetic of the three. With Kyle being a brighter contrast to Donna and Jason's darker looks. As well as them being another potential crossover DC family trio. This one made up of a Bat, a Wonder and a Lantern.
Many fans of the ship joke that there is not a single braincell between the three of them. With them having such a hard time coming up with plans that work on their adventures, or having conversations that make any logical sense. On AO3, there are currently 15 written works.
- Jason/Kyle/Donna tag on AO3
- DonnaKyle refers to the ship between Donna and Kyle
- JayDonna refers to the ship between Donna and Jason
- JayKyle refers to the ship between Jason and Kyle