JeArmin is the slash ship between Jean Kirstein and Armin Arlert from the Attack on Titan fandom.
Jean and Armin became acquaintances during their time as cadets, with their relationship becoming increasingly closer as the series progresses. The two typically work alongside one another during expeditions and battles, Armin with his quick-thinking and strategical abilities and Jean with his natural leadership skills.
(OVA) The Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Youth[]

Armin giving Jean a thumbs up after they won
Armin joins Jean's team to help assist him in the cook-off against Sasha. Throughout the episode, Armin provides assistance by helping him attempt to track and kill a wild boar in the woods before the other team. After Sasha, Connie, and Reiner beat them to the boar, Jean is able to steal a key that lead's to the officer's pantry, containing high quality meat. Armin panics, explaining how he is too afraid to participate in anything so risky. As Armin turns to run away, Jean calls out for him, seeming concerned at his sudden nervous breakdown. Armin trips as he runs up the stairs, breaking his shin and falling to the ground in pain. The scene then cuts to Jean sitting at Armin's bedside, checking up on his condition. Armin apologizes for the accident, regretting that he will no longer be of any use for Jean.

Jean at Armin's bedside after he broke his legs
After Jean utilizes his mother's omelette to win the cook-off, Armin appears by Jean's side, grabbing his shoulder and giving him a thumbs up in support of their victory. Though it's light, Armin seems to have a light blush on his face during this scene.
(OVA) Distress[]
During the mock expedition in cadet training, Armin and Jean are placed on the same team. While Marco and Eren are scrutinizing Jean for running ahead of the group to catch a lizard, Armin is told by them not to write down the argument taking place. However, Jean insists that Armin can go ahead and do his job as the record keeper, since he has nothing to hide.
Later in the night once the cadets had set up camp, Armin can be seen sitting around the campfire with Jean and Marco rather than with Eren.
After Christa (Historia Reiss) is captured by the kidnappers, Jean and Armin are seen agreeing that Eren had been in the wrong to fight back against them, nearly getting them all killed. Armin then follows behind Jean alongside the rest of the group as they confront Eren with the idea of devising a plan to save Christa. Jean and the others follow along with Armin's plan in order to save her.
57th Expedition Beyond the Walls[]
After encountering the Female Titan and getting knocked off of his horse, Armin sends off a black smoke signal to alert the formation about the "abnormal." The smoke signal calls the attention of Reiner, who urges Armin to take his spare horse as the pair trail the Female Titan. Armin decides to send off another smoke signal, though his nerves cause him to struggle and he is unable to properly load his flare gun. While he is doing this, Jean approaches the pair from behind, firing off the smoke signal for Armin from his own flare gun. As Jean rides alongside Armin, the two discuss the unfortunate fate of the right-wing spotters, and Armin suggests the hoard of titans could have been directed to that area of the formation by the Female Titan. Armin also suggests to Jean the possibility of her being an intelligent titan-shifter rather than an abnormal, which frightens him.
Jean suggests to Armin that they formulate a plan to distract the Female Titan in order to give the other Scouts time to retreat. However, Armin reminds him of the other Scouts she had killed in cold-blood almost instantly, and how they are nothing more than insects to her that could be crushed in a moment. While Jean has a terrified expression and acknowledges the chilling reality of Armin's statement, he insists that they do something to catch her attention in order to save the others. Reiner points out that he isn't acting like the "Old Jean," who only ever looked out for himself. Though Reiner seems to have reservations, as Jean shouts at the pair asking if they are with him or not in this plan, Armin instantly shows his trust in Jean and pulls his hood over his head, suggesting Jean do the same so as to disguise their identity from the Female Titan while they are attacking her. This sudden enthusiasm to fight from Armin seems to take Jean aback, and he admits he used to find Armin creepy for constantly clinging to Eren like a security blanket, but that he always knew Armin was brilliant. Unsure of what Jean meant by that statement, Armin thanks him and they move on towards the Female Titan. As Jean goes in to attack the Female Titan, he puts all his trust into Armin's hypothesis that they are dealing with a titan shifter like Eren, noting that she will have to be kept alive at all costs.
Armin's horse is attacked by the Female Titan, causing him to fall off and hit his head. After his fall, he is seen laying in the grass, watching as the Female Titan closes in on him. Jean swiftly jumps into action, calling out for Armin as his ODM gear grapples onto the Female Titan's shoulder, pulling him in for another attack. Jean admits that his impulsive action in attacking her in that moment was not thought through, and he recognizes the fact she could easily kill him. As the Female Titan goes for Jean's wires, Armin screams out for him not to let "that suicidal maniac" die in vain, causing her to stop in her tracks. Armin goes on to pretend that the Female Titan had killed Eren over in the right wing, distracting her from attacking Jean and allowing him to escape.
After Reiner cuts himself free from the Titan's hand, the three escape on foot from the scene.
The following episode cuts to the trio stranded outside the walls, Jean whistling for his horse as Reiner wraps Armin's head wound. Coming to terms with the fact that one of them might have to be left behind, Jean thinks to himself that it should be him and Armin, since Armin his injured and Reiner would be too large to ride on the same horse with. However, he is also willing to sacrifice himself for the other two and attempt a retreat on foot. When Reiner openly suggests that someone will have to stay behind, Armin panics and asks for him to try setting off a smoke signal before they have to resort to leaving someone. However, given the situation they have to choose, Armin asks for the two to leave him behind, as long as they promise to relay a final message from him to Commander Erwin.
After spotting Christa, Jean happily tells Armin that he'll be able to relay the message himself. After Christa offers them two extra horses, the four of them continue on through the formation, discussing the encounter with the Female Titan and why Erwin is suddenly changing the course of the expedition.
As they approach the Forest of Giant Trees, Jean criticizes Erwin's ambiguous plans that seem to have no logical explanation. When Armin seems displeased at his negative disposition, Jean tells him to "lighten up," insisting that he only hopes Erwin isn't intending to use them all as bait with the Female Titan still posing as a major threat. After they are stopped by an officer and told to find a perch up in the trees, Jean and Armin pair up with one another, unlike everyone else who appear to be alone. When Jean begins criticizing Erwin's plan and the soldier's who are mindlessly going along with it, Armin urges him to be quiet in case someone hears him. After Jean tells Armin that officer's who they deem incompetent can be relieved from duty or die from mysterious stab wounds to the back, Armin looks panicked and attempts to talk Jean down from whatever he planned on doing. Immediately after, Jean sighs and looks regretful, admitting that he was "just talking" and he wanted somebody to vent to about their unfortunate situation. He then asks Armin to answer a question of his, whether or not he agrees with the new strategy, claiming that Armin looks as if he knows something he doesn't. Before Armin has a chance to answer Jean's question, a titan approaches them and draws their attention away from the conversation. Though it's only Armin's inner dialogue, he is shown agreeing with Jean's sentiments, suddenly questioning why the commander decided to bring them here.
As Armin is considering Commander Erwin's plan, Jean calls out to him and reassures that their orders were only to keep titans out, and that it would be necessary to engage combat with them. Armin follows alongside Jean when he suggests the two of them get out of the way of the titans, escaping to a higher tree. Following this, the two discuss the frightening nature of a titan's ability to learn and adapt. Jean also finally catches onto the fact Erwin had them stationed to keep them out of the forest in order for his squad to capture the Female Titan, proving Jean a similar amount of intelligence and comprehension as Armin.
The two engage in an argument about whether or not they believed in the morality of Erwin's actions. While Jean tells Armin he believes everything Erwin had done was in the wrong and many more innocent lives would had been saved if not for him, Armin goes against him and argues Erwin was doing the right thing. When Jean asks if Armin seriously thinks all those casualties were for the better, Armin insists that of course they were not, but explaining to Jean the tense situation the commander most likely found himself in trying to decide their course of action in an instant. Armin then asks Jean the thought-provoking question of "what would you have done?"
After the titans ambush the forest and begin running past them, Jean and Armin panic and attempt to chase after them with the rest of the Scouts.
Following the Female Titan's escape, Armin and Jean again join forces as they begin their retreat to Wall Rose. While on horseback, the two discuss the very real possibility of the Female, Armored, and Colossal titans all being present during the battle of Trost. Armin suggests that they had initially planned to attack the inner gate of Wall Rose, but supposedly were distracted by Eren's abrupt titan transformation. With this knowledge, Armin tells Jean he believes the enemies are soldiers among them, which is why Erwin had been so vague going forward with the expedition's course and their plan. This conversation between the two shows that they are confident in their trust for one another, and don't believe the other is apart of the traitors.
Once they had reached a safe location, Armin and Jean work together to load the bodies of their fallen comrades onto the wagons for their transportation back to Wall Rose. Jean confides in Armin, admitting his vulnerability and saying he would never get used to this part of their job. Armin agrees with him, informing Jean that he isn't alone in feeling that way. Jean goes on to tell Armin about how he feels as if death surrounds him now, leaving him in a constant state of fear of which of his friends would die next, and whether or not it would be him. In return, Armin offers in comfort in suggesting Jean not to obsess over the "what-ifs," telling him the only thing you can get from thinking that way is breaking your nerve. Jean goes on to tell Armin he "supposes" he's right, and then reiterates that he "knows" Armin is right. Afterwards, the two continue loading the bodies together.
After titans suddenly appear and disrupt the Scouts, they engage in an immediate retreat. As the titans close in on the two, Jean suggests to Armin that they both engage in combat. Armin disagrees, pointing out that the terrain is too flat for their ODM gear. In a fearful frustration, Jean asks Armin what he thinks they should do and sarcastically calls him a genius. When Armin alludes to dumping the bodies in order to take weight off the wagons, Jean has a fearful expression.
The pair are almost never apart during this entire arc, and seem to place a great amount of faith in one another's theories and plans. They also both offer comfort to one another in distressing times, showing the growing bond of their friendship.
Raid on Stohess District[]
After Eren is crushed by falling rubble, Armin screams out to Eren in an attempt to wake him up so he can transform. Shortly after, Jean appears next to Armin, asking him what's going on with Eren. Armin explains the situation to Jean, begging for him to help pull the rubble off of Eren. He sits alongside Armin, shouting at Eren for his incompetence and urging him to transform. As another building is destroyed and more rubble falls towards them, Armin and Jean take off, abandoning Eren in the wreckage as they escape together. Jean encourages Armin to leave Eren behind, insisting they've done all they can to help and the rest would be in Eren's hands. Before Armin follows behind Jean, who had gone after the Female Titan, Armin recalls the conversation he had with Jean about rising above monsters and abandoning their humanity. He recites those lines to Eren, commanding that he "matches Annie's heartlessness." He then sits up, leaving Eren behind as he heads over to Jean's position.
Armin calls out to Annie, asking whether or not she planned to kill him. Armin intentionally says this to distract Annie, allowing Jean to fly in behind her and attack her nape. After Jean's failed attempt, he calls out to Armin to follow his lead, in which he swiftly follows behind him. As the two traverse the city together, Annie follows quickly behind them. The pair lead Annie to Hange's grappling machines, both of them narrowly escaping one of her swings.
The two group up together again on a rooftop, chasing after Annie following her escape from Hange's traps. When Armin begins admitting his reservations as to not whether Eren will be able to hold his own against Annie, Jean reassures him that Eren has it under control. However, Armin argues against Jean by saying "determination alone isn't enough to win a fight," following up by saying that Jean of all people should be aware of this.
Following the raid on Stohess, Armin and Jean are seen in Eren's hospital room, standing on either side of Mikasa as she sits at Eren's bedside. Whilst discussing Annie's crystallization, Armin and Jean agree on how frustrating how far Annie will go in order to protect her secrets. While Eren reminisces on what happened, Armin and Jean are summoned for a debriefing together.
The two are shown walking together for their debriefing, Jean confiding in Armin about how he doesn't understand how there isn't a better way other than to fight fire with fire. Armin offers some comfort, explaining how it isn't their only option, it's just the only option that is present at the moment. Jean goes on to say that if it's so easy for their fight to turn them into monsters, then perhaps they don't deserve the victory their pursuing. Armin remains silent, though a feather falls in front of his face as his attention is draw towards two birds in flight together. Jean and Armin are then shown walking side by side, looking onto the sun setting over the wall together.
The Breach in Wall Rose[]
Okay, if you're reading this for any reason, I'm just one person super passionate about Jearmin and I'm going episode by episode to rework this wiki, since it had very little info and some that wasn't entirely accurate. However, I have a job :'-) I promise I will be back to finish this wiki.
JeArmin used to be shipped mainly by manga readers and a few anime viewers, though it saw a resurgence in popularity around 2020-2021 with the "Jearmin Rise, Jearmin Pride" TikTok trend. As of recently, the ship has finally surpassed JeanMarco in popularity, though other ships such as EreMin and AruAni are still more popular ships. Considering the way their personalities go together and how they've stayed side by side even in dire moments, fans have started shipping it. Their relationship is often put to the side in fanworks, or is seen alongside EreMika.
Armin is widely considered by fans to be Jean's "guardian angel," given how he has saved his life on three separate occasions. Fans like to point out how Jean would most likely be dead far earlier in the show if it had not been for Armin.
Fans love to draw the parallels between Eren and Jean, as well as Armin and Marco. In fanfictions, a common trope that is used is that Jean sees Marco in Armin, while Armin sees Eren in Jean. Each pair holds some resemblance to one another, both through appearances and personalities.
- Armin/Jean tag on AO3
- Armin & Jean tag on AO3
- Armin/Jean tag on FanFiction.net
- EreJeArmin refers to the ship between the two and Eren Jaeger