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Jemma is the het ship between Jo Shanks and Emma Joveson from the The Green Ember fandom.
The Last Archer[]
Jo and Emma first meet after Jo awakens in Cloud Mountain's hospital, where Emma is an apprentice doctor. Emma explains to a confused Jo where he is, and then firmly helps him to calm down after memories of his ordeal the previous night send him into a panic attack. As part of her reassurances, she tells him that they have nowhere else to be but is forced to amend her statement after Jo questions why the hospital is virtually empty apart from the two of them. She then explains that the majority of the mountain's inhabitants are in the midst of a meeting that will include "a concert and some good speeches." Both Emma and Jo are skeptical as to the belief that this event will help to soothe the long-simmering tensions between the secret citadels and strike up a friendship as they joke over the matter and a slight mishap Emma has with a foul-smelling supply.
When Jo's immediate superior Nate Flynn arrives to check on Jo, Emma notes that Jo still requires care. She also mentions that she wants him to see Maggie "O'Sage" Weaver, a friend of her of whom Jo has heard some disparaging reports. Emma then kindly, but forcefully, instructs Jo to remain in his hospital bed before departing. As he does so afterwards, Jo reflects on their encounter and muses that Emma is both funny and attractive. Unfortunately, their next meeting takes place during the Battle for Cloud Mountain, when the mountain hideaway is invaded by enemy wolves.
Both Jo and Emma briefly take up defensive positions at the door to the hospital, only for the wolves to pass by them as they retreat. Jo initially wants to join the other soldiers in pursuing them, but Emma asks Jo to stay and help her. However, when he again insists that he must go after the wolves, Emma encourages him to do so. They meet again after the battle when Jo once again finds himself in the hospital, and Emma smiles hugely when Jo awakes after several days of incoherence. She then gives him a copy of Heather Longtreader's account of the rescue of Prince Smalls by Heather's brother Picket, unaware that Jo saved Heather's life during the battle.
The First Fowler[]
Jo once again awakes to find Emma standing over him, this time after he has spent some weeks in the care of the hospital with Emma now a full-fledged doctor. The two exchange some banter before Emma informs Jo that she is leaving Cloud Mountain for Harbone Citadel, while he is presumably going back to duty at Halfwind. As she gives Jo his final dose of medicine, she compares it to the Archer's Cup competition he recently competed in; when Jo comments about how he didn't win the competition, she points out that he barely lost to Nate Flynn, considered one of the best archers in Natalia. Upon hearing that Emma is going to help with a breakout of disease, he expresses concern and questions whether someone else could go. Emma simply responds that, just as Jo risks his life as a soldier, she does the same as a medic.
Jo accepts her words, reflecting on how he has come to respect Emma as well as regarding her as a friend during his time in recovery. Emma wishes Jo luck, saying that she'll miss him, and Jo thanks her for everything she's done for him. At the end of this, he briefly closes his eyes, and upon opening them finds that Emma has left. Nate later tells Jo that Emma had informed him that Jo was fit for duty, but jokes that he thinks Emma might have just been eager to get Jo off her hands.
Later, Jo and Emma are both included in a mission in which Prince Smalls and his council, along with several escorts, attempt to travel from Cloud Mountain to Halfwind Citadel. Jo, assigned to a small advance force scouting the route ahead of the prince's larger party, is pleased when Emma is appointed as the final member of this group. He is puzzled, however, to find that a medic of lesser caliber has been assigned to accompany the prince. As the advance party travels, Jo initially keeps to the company of his fellow Halfwind soldiers, but he and Emma wave to each other when they stop for a rest. When Jo returns at a run from a small scouting assignment, Emma has him sit down and drink some water before making his report to Helmer, the leader of their party.
After Helmer divides the group into two smaller parties in an effort to distract a force of wolves that is blocking the route the prince's party will be following, Jo and Emma end up in the same group as Helmer and a friend of Emma's named Heyward. When Helmer shoots down a suggestion of Jo's regarding a possible distraction, Emma is amused by Helmer's commentary and teases Jo playfully about it, which he takes in stride. When Jo later returns from another scouting expedition, Emma is visibly uncomfortable. This ends up being because the others have discussed a plan in Jo's absence that involves him serving as bait for the wolves. Once the plan has been executed, Emma quickly embraces Jo and checks him over to make sure that he is indeed unscathed, later expressing relief at his safety.
When Helmer orders Jo to climb higher in a tree to scout out the enemy, Emma accosts Helmer for not giving Jo a break and offers to handle the task herself. After she returns with a report, both she and Jo follow Helmer back up the tree to check on the situation. Upon seeing the rest of their party under attack by the raptor Solus, Emma is obviously distressed and grabs Jo's arm. As they then make their own way to hiding, Jo briefly becomes separated from the others; upon stumbling into their place of concealment, he is reassured by Emma that they are safe for the moment.
Afterwards, Jo begins outlining a plan to deal with Solus and the wolves and begins with an explanation of the Halfwind game of bouncer. Emma is briefly impatient with this, but eventually comes to understand that he wants them to use a variation of the same plan they had just used on a party of wolves. As they make their way to a point to set up their ambush, a noise makes them stop. Jo steps ahead to investigate, and Emma calls to him and starts to follow but is stopped by Helmer. The noise proves to have been made by Owen, one of the other members of their party, who managed to survive Solus' attack.
Once Owen has been briefed on their plan, he notes that Jo always lost when playing bouncer, a revelation that Emma finds amusing. She comments that Jo hadn't mentioned that particular detail, and Jo replies that it didn't strike him as relevant. As they are finishing preparations, Jo checks that everyone is aware of the plan, and Emma lays out most of it. Unfortunately, the scheme goes awry, and Jo is left hanging from a natural stone bridge as his friends are attacked. Emma ends up falling off the bridge, and Jo is able to grab her and pull her to him.
Helmer is able to set in motion the apparatus that brings the two back up onto the bridge, and Jo and Emma hold each other as they're drawn up. As soon as they're back in relative safety, Jo lets go of Emma so that she won't be harmed if he's unable to cut the ropes dragging on him. Once they're both free, Emma strikes a fire so that Jo can light one of his arrowheads and send it flying towards Solus, who is now carrying an improvised set of explosives fashioned by the group. Jo makes the shot, killing Solus just in time to save Prince Smalls' party as they arrive on the scene, and Emma congratulates and hugs Jo.
Ember Falls[]
During a wolf attack on Halfwind Citadel, Jo joins Picket in dealing with several wolves who had been threatening Emma and a group of children. Jo, who was injured during the battle, later has to make a series of visits to the hospital to get his arm checked and wrapped. Apparently feeling that this much care is unnecessary, he ends up making a joke about it, only for Emma to take him to task over questioning the doctors charged with his care. However, Jo doesn't see her wink at Heather afterwards, and Heather does her best to assure Jo that Emma's harsh tone is due to stress. Jo's new unit, the Fowlers, later delight in teasing him over his visits to the hospital, though Jo protests that it's only because of doctor's orders that he's visiting so often.
Jo later protests volubly when Perkinson, one of his comrades, makes another remark about Jo's arm wraps. Not long afterwards, Jo learns that Emma is in fact Prince Smalls' sister and heir, and thus a princess; his reaction to this news goes unrecorded.
Ember Rising/The Archer's Cup[]
Jo and another Fowler, Cole Blackstar, are tasked with escorting Emma as she visits a number of secret citadels to gather support for an invasion of the occupied city of First Warren. Picket, departing on a separate mission, looks Jo in the eye as he asks the two to watch over Emma, and Jo assures him that they'll protect her. While discussing a course of action later on her tour, Emma calls to Jo and asks for his advice. Jo makes the straightforward suggestion that they do whatever will accomplish their true goals, and then fulfills Emma's request to bring Lord Victor Blackstar to speak with her. Upon returning, he finds Emma in an emotional conversation with Victor's children Cole and Heyna, and backs away to ensure that they aren't disturbed.
Following Jo's advice, Emma breaks off from her larger party with Jo and the Blackstar twins in order to make their way to Blackstone Citadel, the last citadel not to have pledged its loyalty to Emma or her brother Smalls before her. Jo, knowing of the hostility they'll face, questions the decision, only for Emma and the others to point out that they are technically acting on his recommendation. Emma later notes that she was also inspired by her and Jo's earlier adventure, leading to a conversation about his time with Halfwind's elite archery company, the Bracers. When Jo notes that he would enjoy the chance to compete in an archery contest again, Emma is pleased to hear it.
After Emma reminds Cole of her insistence that he address her by name, Jo points out that he's been doing so since before her identity as a princess became common knowledge. Emma then jokingly insists that Jo call her by an absurdly over the top title, which Jo promptly mutilates. Acting offended, Emma threatens to place Jo in "the most dangerous post in the army", only for Jo to retort that he's fairly certain the ribbing he's putting up with is a sign that he already occupies that position. Shortly afterwards, in a private conversation between Cole and Jo, Jo brings up the idea of getting married. Cole questions whether Jo is interested in Emma, which Jo denies based on the difference in their statuses and the belief that Emma is interested in Morgan Booker of Vandalia Citadel. Cole accepts Jo's reasoning, though he does briefly attempt to convince Jo that there's no reason Jo couldn't pursue a relationship with Emma.
Later, Emma and Jo have their own private conversation and discuss the prospects of what they will face at Blackstone. Jo expresses his frustration with Lord Ronan's refusal to acknowledge either Smalls or Emma, but Emma is firm that they must treat him with respect. Jo bows to her wishes, laying a hand on her shoulder as he expresses his loyalty. Emma squeezes his hand in response, and then verbally thanks him for his support. When the group arrive in the vicinity of Blackstone, Jo makes a joke about taking the lead and goes so far as to ask whether Emma wants him to do so, prompting an eye roll from Emma.
Jo is subsequently dumbstruck when Truff, the highest-ranking officer at Blackstone, treats Emma with blatant disrespect, noting afterwards that he feared the encounter would have led to violence. When another officer behaves rudely, Jo is about to protest, but Emma silences him. After the group is escorted to quarters, Jo offers to take Cole's place standing watch on Emma's door while she takes a nap. Jo is also unwilling to leave her unguarded after they meet Lokson, the son of Blackstone's previous lord who now seeks to reclaim his father's office from Ronan.
When Emma's party visits the hospital, which is ruled over by another of Ronan's rivals, Jo looks to Emma for instructions when an apparent supporter of Emma's is seized by hostile rabbits. He later notes Emma's worry as they face down Matron Wilder and stands in readiness to protect her during the interview. When one of Wilder's officers enters the room, Jo moves between the buck and Emma. When the four friends are locked in a room with a fire burning outside, Jo goes to Emma and puts his arms around her protectively after she burns herself. He quickly abandons this in favor of a more practical means of protecting her: namely, attacking the locked door, which he and the Blackstars soon break down.
Jo helps Emma to her feet after they escape the room. When they all arrive at the meeting of the Blackstone Citadel council, Emma insists that Jo and the Blackstars remain with her. Emma's calm during the tense meeting increases Jo's respect for her, though he is later concerned when she accepts a cup of tea out of fear that someone might attempt to poison her. When an emergency occurs, Jo and Emma's eyes meet, and without speaking she understands his request to investigate and gives her approval. He later reports on events to Emma. Emma also picks up on Jo's interest in Amber Hewson, a Blackstone resident, though she refrains from directly addressing the matter.
When Emma later informs Jo that he is to represent her in the newly organized Ultimate Archer's Cup, he is reluctant to participate, but Emma insists. The night before the tournament, Jo asks after Emma, whom he customarily refers to without using her title even outside the circle of the two of them and the Blackstars. On the actual day of the tournament, Jo expresses the intent to see to Emma even ahead of preparations for the event, only for Cole to assure him that he's handled the matter. Emma again reminds Jo of how much it would help their cause if he were to win, particularly if he defeated one particularly obnoxious competitor. Then, dropping formalities for a moment, Emma smiles at Jo and promises that "all [her] heart" is behind him as he competes, for which he thanks her.
After Jo makes it into the final round of the Ultimate Archer's Cup, Emma finds him and clasps his hands in hers as she commends his performance and expresses her pleasure on his behalf. However, Jo has bad news for Emma and signals the importance of the moment by addressing her as "Your Highness" rather than by name. In spite of the crisis, Emma urges Jo to stay and compete while she sees to matters. Emma also voices the thought that she will be with Jo in spirit, even if she's unable to return in time for the final round.
Neither of the pair are present for the final, as it turns out, for after Emma's departure Jo is able to determine who is behind the ongoing threat to Blackstone. Rushing to confront the villain, he comes upon Emma, Heyna, and Amber, all of whom have been sedated. After the enemy has been subdued, Jo makes a particular point of pleading on Emma's behalf; fortunately, the substance with which she was tranquilized is not a poison. Jo then checks on Emma, who is being attended to by a medic, and jumps to his feet with sword drawn when he hears running footsteps, fearing another attack.
Jo later looks on happily at a ceremony in which Blackstone commits itself to Emma's cause. Afterwards, he is offered a prominent position at Blackstone, but declines so that he can remain at Emma's side. Jo and the Blackstars later follow Emma when she goes to a secret meeting with Kylen, leader of the hostile Terralain army. When Emma is ambushed by Kylen's murderous advisor Tameth Seer, Jo and the Blackstars come to her rescue.
Ember's End[]
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Jo undertakes a mission to the Terralain camp for Emma. Despite being slightly injured in his escape, he later insists on accompanying Emma herself to the camp. Emma questions his presence, knowing he was supposed to be evaluated by doctors. Jo brushes off her concern, and assures her that his presence is vital. Though apparently unconvinced, Emma agrees to his request.
Jo asks whether Emma is ready to fly to the camp, and she responds with exaggerated enthusiasm. Picket, continuing his own conversation with Emma, claims that she’s always wanted to fly (contrary to what she actually told him). Emma then makes a sarcastic remark about playing princess when she was younger. Jo begins what is meant to be a witty remark, but Emma cuts him off.
Shortly thereafter, Jo offered to give Emma some flight tips, but became somewhat annoyed when neither she or anyone else took him up on the offer. When Emma fainted during the flight, Jo grabbed onto her and Picket in order to slow their descent. Afterwards, when Emma expressed embarrassment, Jo joined the other Fowlers in trying to lighten the mood. Emma was later baffled as Jo interacted with a Terralain soldier whom he had watched during his earlier infiltration of the camp.
Jo would later step closer to Emma alongside Cole and Helmer when Picket was confronted by Prince Naylen. He also held Emma back when she wished to intervene in the brief clash. Much later, back in First Warren, Emma would have Maggie Weaver take Jo with her on an important fact-finding mission. Jo later returned to lead Emma and a few others to an old apothecary whom Emma wished to question.
When Emma wished to find Wilfred Longtreader, Jo volunteered to bring him to her. Later, when several of Jo’s friends commented on how close he was to Emma, Jo jokingly replied that she had a very opinion of him and a low one of all of them. When he met Lady Glen, Emma’s mother, she commented on Jo and Emma’s relationship, and Jo affirmed his loyalty to Emma. During the final battle, Jo would tackle Emma to the ground to save her from an incoming spear.
Emma later asked after Jo and offered him water when he returned from a flight with Picket. She also intervened when Helmer attempted to question him, giving Jo time to drink. Years later, after the war had ended, Jo was suggested to Emma as a potential husband. Emma was quite complimentary towards Jo, who worked under her, but felt content to remain unmarried at that time. While discussing an expedition Jo was expected to join, Emma noted that she had considered going along but had other tasks she wished to see completed.
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The Green Ember fandom has a fairly limited online presence and Jemma is thus featured in relatively little fan material.
The Green Ember Ships • The Green Ember Characters | ||
SHIPS | het | Emmorgan • Heals • Jemma • Peezie |
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