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Johnstra is the family ship between John Constantine and Astra Logue from the DC Comics, Constantine and Legends of Tomorrow fandoms.



Astra was possessed by a demon, and her father was friends with a man named John Constantine. He and his crew were amateur occultists who decided that they could exorcise the demon from her body. The exorcism went horribly wrong when John summoned Nergal and Astra was dragged to hell. Astra was cosigned there, while John's soul was damned so that when he died he would end up there as well. Astra's damnation becomes one of the biggest regrets for John throughout the rest of his life.


John was in a relationship with Natalie Logue, who eventually leaves him and has Astra. After Natalie is killed by a drunk driver, John attempts to bring her back, but summons a demon that possess' Astra in the process. He tries to summon Nergal to get rid of the demon, but Astra is pulled to hell instead. John eventually checks himself into a mental asylum in order to deal with what he did, his soul damned to hell.

Years later, John ends up in hell in search of Ray Palmer. The leaders of hell give him the option of saving Ray or saving Astra, and John chooses Astra. John is then taken to Astra, only to find that she's no longer a child and instead a full grown adult. Being raised in hell. Astra then reveals that she doesn't want to leave hell, and leaves him. She later ends up breaking John, Nora and Ray out of hells prisons and they return to earth, while she gains more power in hell.


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Johnstra isn't as explored as some other gen parings. Although the relationship is well liked by Legends fandom. As many thought it was interesting to explore more of Astra, rather than just have her be a plot point/origin for John. Expanding her beyond the "Woman in the Refrigerator" trope, and what that means for John. Exploring that relationship also opened up the audience to Astra's side of things, something that most DC fans had never thought of. On AO3, there are currently 15+ written works.


Constantine *a* Astra Logue/works John & Astra tag on AO3


Legends of Tomorrow ShipsLegends of Tomorrow Characters
SHIPS het Atomic HawkCaptain CanaryDarhkblazerHellcanaryHellHackerHellStarMixenNamayaSteelHackerTime CanaryTimehawkZaray
slash ArrowaveAtomblazerAtomwaveColdAtomColdRayColdwaveConstandesConstangreenHellwaveNateradNate x DionStarblazerSteelAtomSteelwaveTimeHex
femslash Agent CanaryAvalanceAvstraCanaryHawkCanary VixenDarhkWuEsperastraTotemshipZamayaZastraZavaZelenZidget
non-binary AtomshifterCanaryshifterChastraEncharlieHellshifterGreenshifterMarlieShapeShipSharpeShifterShifterstonerStarshifterSteelshifterWolfshifterZarlie
poly AtomicSteelVixenColdAtomWaveDarhkSteelAtomDarhkWuSharpeHellHackerShifterRogue CanarySamari
family Johnstra
friend SteelSharpe
CHARACTERS female Nora DarhkAmaya JiweSara LanceAstra LogueAva SharpeZari TaraziZari Tomaz
male John ConstantineNate HeywoodRay PalmerMick RoryLeonard SnartWally West
neutral Charlie