- “Heather's conniving, mean, deceitful. My kind of competitor. Except for those girly short shorts. Ugh!”
- — Jo
Jother is the femslash ship between Jo and Heather.
Total Drama Revenge of the Island[]
Jo sneers at Heather when she makes her big debut. She also looks at Heather in shock when she flies around on a jetpack and hurts herself. Jo would later witness Heather throwing Gemmy award out of a zeppelin and pelting Chris with them. Jo went to the confessional to give her own little character analysis of Heather. Jo was impressed with how horrible and nasty of a woman Heather was, believe her to be "her kind of competitor". The only thing Jo didn't like about her was her feminine fashion sense, which made her sick to here stomach.
The challenge that Chris gave the remaining contestants was to use their flying machines to chase down Heather and stop her from stealing the million dollars. Jo played accordingly and flew her hot air balloon after Heather's zeppelin. Jo summoned a flock of flying fire-breathing goats to attack Heather's zeppelin. Heather came out of the blimp and yelled out to Jo, "You want a piece of me!?" as she hurled more Gemmies her way. Jo asked Cameron to help her take down Heather but Cameron betrayed her and took her down instead.
Total Drama All-Stars[]
Heather and Jo were put on The Villainous Vultures together. Right off the bat, the two got into a conflict, when Heather considered herself to be the team captain, which Jo contradicted, saying the same thing about herself. The two of them fought with each other on their walk to the diving challenge. Heather looked down on Jo for being new and inexperienced and Jo looked down on Heather for being old and washed up. Heather and Jo, along with all the other villains in the confessional, made it perfectly clear that they don't trust anyone else on their team. During the cart-racing part of the challenge, Jo had to push Heather around in a shopping cart and Heather bossed her around like mean old brutish bitch.
Jo and Heather both tried to take charge over the vultures and bickered over digging strategies. Jo thought that the team needed to dig in straight lines to be more consistent with where they dug. Heather argued that this would take too long and they need to cover more ground all at once. Heather and Jo yelled and screamed as they contradicted each other and eventually put things up to their trusted teammates to choose which one of them should be their leader. Jo sought approval from Scott, while Heather sought approval from Lightning.
Heather digs up some treasure and goes to take it to her palace. Jo tries to yank it out of Heather's hands, believing that she was responsible for helping Heather find it. The two got into a tug of war over the treasure before Heather let go and made Jo drop it on her foot. Jo pushes Heather into a crab pit to get revenge on her. Heather and Jo both laugh at Alejandro for getting hurt. The vultures end up missing a piece of their statue and Heather and Jo go back to dig for it, blaming each other for their shortcoming.
During the elimination ceremony, Jo is on the chopping block for being a bossy and annoying team leader. It can be safely assessed that Heather voted for her. Although it would be revealed that that Jo voted for Lightning, as her disdain for him as a teammate outweighed her hatred for Heather. Ultimately, however, it was Lightning who got voted off, meaning that Heather and Jo had to put up with each other for another day.
One nice morning, Heather and Jo quarrel with each other once again, due to their team loss. The two of them blamed each other and Gwen tried to break up the fight by saying that both of them were responsible for losing because they kept on fighting with each other and not acting like a team. Jo and Heather started being nice to Gwen to try and get her on their good side and have each other eliminated but Gwen knew exactly what they were doing and was not looking to be manipulated.
Heather got mad at Jo for voting off Lightning but Jo pointed out that they ALL voted him off. Heather corrects her, saying that she actually voted for her in that episode. Heather rolls her eyes when Jo tries to promote the ideology that Lightning was a worthless contestant and that it's fine that he was voted off. When it comes to a discussion about who should get the leech cannon, Jo and Heather fight with each other over who should get to use it (as do Duncan and Scott).
No matter how much Jo and Heather tried to get along, they just kept on fighting with each other. Jo didn't trust Heather or Alejandro to be along with Gwen because she knew they'd just try to manipulate her to turn her against her. Jo told Heather, who was pulling a leech out of her hair, that she will take care of Zoey. Jo noted in the confessional that she is way better than Heather and all of the other contestants combined. She ended up losing the battle to Zoey, which made her the final tree that fell for the vultures.
At the elimination ceremony, Heather is on the chopping block but Jo is eliminated. It can be assessed that Heather and Jo voted each other. Jo is just disgusted at her team for losing their best player and sarcastically wishes them the best of luck beating her hamsters without her. Jo takes the flush of shame and Heather doesn't have to put up with her ever again.
Jother is a rarepair as most people don't think they have much chemistry as girlfriends and would rather they just stay enemies. Rival ships include but are not limited to Aleheather, Jockson, and Jock.
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- “Jo: Watch it, old Heather.
Heather: You watch it, newbie!” - — Jo and Heather