Junkouma is the het ship between Junko Enoshima and Kokichi Oma from the Danganronpa fandom.
In v3 Kokichi is shown in a flashback light being a leader of Remnant of Despair under Junko. This memory is however later disproven by Shuichi. Along with this Kokichi was shown incredibly confused about what a Remnant of Despair really was when confronted by Maki. Showing that outside the false memory, Kokichi has never interacted with her. The rest of the current surviving cast exposed to the memory did believe the two to be partner in crime for some time before it was debunked.
While the two have never interacted in any canon game, the two can be seen interacting in Ultimate Talent Development. When interacting they seem to confuse everyone around, as seen when the two went back and forth about doppelgangers confusing Gonta about multiples of people. Kokichi had also stated while he did not interact often with Junko he alluded to her face seeming different, perhaps bringing attention to her lack of freckles. In this interaction he also repeatedly called Junko multiple terms of endearment like bestie or darling but that's not very unusual for him. This is the only interaction they have within Ultimate Talent Development.
Several people have pointed out similarities between the two characters. Junko and Kokichi share a hatred of boredom and a desire for entertainment along with a seemingly ever shifting personality with constant mood swings. The two characters are also both incredibly smart which fuels their boredom. This has has created interest in how the two contrast and compare. leaving some to theorize they may be able to entertain the other. However their clashing personalities lead many to believe that they would be more likely to have a more hateful enemies with benefits relationship.
As there are very few interactions between Junkouma, the ship tends to be be a rare pair. With what content that does exist being somewhat hard to find due to a lack off a widespread ship name. The ship also runs up against the very popular headcanon of Kokichi being gay. These facts have all contributed to it not being more wide spread. Due to it's lack of popularity or centralized location, the ship has had very little actual effect on the Danganronpa fanbase. Junko and Kokichi are both very divisive characters within the Danganronpa fandom, which may be a reason for the fandom shipping them.
- Junko Enoshima/Oma Kokichi tag on AO3
- Junko Enoshima & Oma Kokichi tag on AO3
Fan Art[]
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