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Juntone is the het ship between Junpei Iori and Kotone Shiomi from the Persona fandom.


She first met Junpei on her first day of school, where he flirted with her by calling her a deer with headlights. Junpei is willing to show Kotone around Port Island Station, like the arcade, shopping, and food places.

After Junpei joins S.E.E.S, he often gets jealous and a bit sexist of not only Kotone’s ability to wield multiple Personas, but Junpei isn’t happy to have a girl as the operation's leader.

Junpei’s social link, automatic on April 23rd, focuses on growing to trust her, their friendship, and his past with his father.

During the May full moon operation, when Kotone is made leader again, Junpei complains about being the only guy in the group. Mitsuru has scolded him for looking down on Kotone. Junpei is willing to go on his own to fight the Shadow alone without realizing it is a trap. Kotone and Yukari have to go after him and save him.

During the third, Junpei can be an option when the Lover’s Shadow attempts to force the two into physical intimacy if Akihiko is not in the party. The two both struggle and successfully regain their senses. Junpei becomes confused about why he is half-naked. Depending on the choices, he realizes it is the enemy’s trap; at first, he seems to enjoy it until he realizes it’s not the right time. After he gets changed, Junpei asks if they try this again some other time, only to tell her it was a joke before they leave to re-group with the others. Once the two are reunited with the other party members, it is implied the others went through a similar experience.

After Arcana Lovers is defeated, Junpei expresses jealousy towards Kotone and walks off. He didn’t speak to her until a few weeks later, before the Yakushima trip.

During the Kyoto trip in the hot spring, the player can expose Junpei and the guys with the girls or let the guys go unknowingly.

In December, after Ryoji gives them the vital decision to choose before the end of the year, Junpei takes out his anger on Kotone by blaming her for carrying Death inside of her and bringing the Fall. He angrily asks her how she will fix this until Yukari stops him.

On January 8, Junpei asks Kotone to meet him on the roof for a private conversation. He realizes he ended up trusting his life with a cutie. Junpei laughed it off since he never imagined that happening last spring. He never thought it would come to this. Unlike Kotone’s counterpart, Junpei will not mention any guys she is dating. Junpei admits Kotone is cool since she had that “thing” inside her for ten years, harnessing its power and making it her own. He tells her he called her “cutie” a couple of times, and she thought he was making fun of her, but he is serious about trusting her with his life. He is glad he met her, even though it’s embarrassing, but this is how he feels for her. Junpei will ask Kotone if they’ll always be friends since the battle is over; if Kotone chooses “More like best friends?” Junpei will respond positively and like the sound of it. However, the player chose ‘Just Friend?” Junpei will reject her affection since he still has feelings for Chidori.

Social Link[]

Junpei can only be friends with Kotone because of how he feels towards Chidori. At some point in his social link, Junpei finds out someone was taking candid photos of the female protagonist, and he subsequently helps her find the culprit.

In one of Akihiko’s Social Links, where Akihiko hears rumors that Junpei and Kotone are dating, he asks for the truth, but all three choices deny it. This confirms that Kotone only sees Junpei as a friend.

Dear Girls Comic Anthology[]

Which is non-canon, in the Dear Girls Anthology commissioned by Ichijinsha. In one chapter, “Dear Chidorita”, he questions himself on why he is the only guy not having romantic feelings for Kotone as everyone loves her. After interviewing everyone on their options for Kotone, Junpei realizes he never fell in love with Kotone because he is already in love with Chidori.

The Weird Masquerade[]

Junpei is not clingy and does not get too close to Kotone, as he only sees her as a friend.

In Act 1, when Junpei first meets Kotone, he avoids getting Kotone's personal space and mainly evades Yukari and Fuuka's personal space instead.

In Act 4, after Ryoji leaves on December 2, Junpei takes his anger on her until Akihiko stops him. On Christmas Eve, he will apologize to Kotone for all the harsh words he said to her.


The Jounrey[]

  • Junpei can go on a date with her during the Summer Festival.

Persona Q2[]

  • Junpei, Yukari, and Fuuka notice that the P3P heroine feels lonely because of her lack of peers and role. To help her feel better, the trio uses materials from Shadows to fashion a ring for the girl.


The ship’s name came from mixing Junpei Iori with Kotone Shiomi.

This is one of the less popular fanships in the Persona 3 fanbase. Junpei is the only guy in SEES who can't be romanced due to his romantic feelings towards Chidori. Despite Kotone having flirtation options in their Social Link and Main Story, Junpei will always reject her affection towards her. Junpei will always see Kotone as a friend. However, this doesn't stop fans from shipping them, whether as good friends or possible romantic relationships.

On AO3, Juntone has a total of 48 works.



Iori Junpei & Shiomi Kotone tag on AO3
Junpei/Female Persona 3 Protagonist tag on AO3


Live Action Stage Play Images[]

Manga/Anthology Images[]


  • Junpei is the only male member who doesn't have the option to be with Kotone in her final moments.
    • Originally in Persona 3 Portable there is a "good" ending of female protagonist with Junpei confessing his love for her like the other male teammates. This was scrapped from the finalized version (likely due to interfering with Junpei and Chidori's relationship), but the data remains in the game, and Junpei's Japanese voice casting for this ending can be heard. In the final version of the game, they remain friends.


Persona ShipsPersona Characters
SHIPS het AiAkiAiJunAikotoAishinjiAiyojiAiYuAkiHamAkikariAkiMitsuChiKouFuukihikoFuupeiHanaChieJundoriJuntoneJunYukaKanNaoKenakoMinaLizMinaYukaRiYuRyoHamRyuAnnSaedachiShinjiHamShinjikaShinjiMitsuShuAnnShuFuukaShuMakoShuMitsuSouYukiTeddikoTheoHam
slash AkinatoAkishinjiJunAkiJunShinjiMakoJunMakoShinjiMonoTeddiePegoRyuRyoJun • ‎‎‎‎RyoMina • ‎‎ShuAdaShuAkeSouKanSouYoTatsujunYosuKanYuTeddie
femslash AilizaAnnshihoFuukaHamFuukAigisHamugisKanariseMitsuHamNaoriseNatsuukaYufuukaYukaHamYukaMitsuYukgisYukiChie
poly AikotoyukaAkiShinjiHamKanNaoRiseMakoJunYukaMoonlight Bridge Trio
friendship AimaruInvestigation QuadInvestigation TeamKenhikoKenjiroKenmaruKorojiroMakoKenMakomaruMinakomaruNanaTeddieNaoichiP3 ProtagonistsSEES TrioSpecialized Extracurricular Execution Squad
family Android SistersDojima FamilyHanamura BrosKirijo FamilyTheoEliza‎Velvet Room Sisters
CHARACTERS male Ken AmadaRen AmamiyaShinjiro AragakiYosuke HanamuraJunpei IoriKoromaruRyoji MochizukiYu NarukamiAkihiko SanadaKanji TatsumiTeddieMakoto Yuki
female AigisYukiko AmagiMitsuru KirijoRise KujikawaChie SatonakaKotone ShiomiNaoto ShiroganeYukari TakebaFuuka Yamagishi