Justnowen is the poly ship between Justin, Noah, and Owen in the Total Drama fandom.
Owen, Justin, and Noah have rarely had any direct interactions between all three of them at the same time. However, there have been plenty of one-on-one interactions between each pairs of the three people. Owen and Noah have been an iconic dynamic duo in the show, acting like the best of friends in seasons like Total Drama World Tour and Season 1 of The Ridonculous Race. Owen behaves like his typical goofy self, while Noah plays the straight man to his foil. Justin and Owen are great friends too, as seen in Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action, with Owen having a bit of a crush on Justin, really appreciating his hotness. Justin also demonstrates genuine respect for Owen, seeing him as a friend rather than a pawn. Noah and Justin, however, are worst enemies, a rivalry that was only explored in "Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island", with Noah describing Justin as the "Anti-Me". Not much has been explained about their rivalry beyond this point. Overall, they three have decent chemistry with one another.
Total Drama Island[]
Owen, Justin, and Noah were all placed on the same team together. This team being The Screaming Gophers.
While walking back to their cabin, The Screaming Gophers all sang "99 Bottles of Pop on the Wall" together. This meant that Justin, Owen, and Noah were all harmonizing with each other, just along with other people too. At the end of the episode, The Screaming Gophers celebrated their victory in the hot tub they built. Justin basked in the hot tub as he happily looked upon Owen and Noah (and Leshawna) dancing together.
Noah was being very useless to his team, making sarcastic comments and doing nothing to help them win the dodgeball game. This got on the nerves of Owen and Justin, who glared at him for his rudeness. At the campfire elimination ceremony, they both partook in voting him off.
Although such ships as Nowen and JustOwen have garnered a lot of attention over the years, Justin, Owen, and Noah as a polyamorous group is an uncommon throuple in the fandom. However, when taking into consideration how much chemistry is between each of the three combinations of characters as pairs, some fans have taken into consideration how much better they would work as a trio.
Tumblr user, Total Trauma has created a fanfiction called "Total Trauma", which you can read here, which explores the lives of the Total Drama contestants years after the show ended, now experiencing negative repercussions of being on the show. One of the stories involves Owen, Justin, and Noah becoming a polyamorous couple.
In the story, the three of them appear on a Celebrity Manhunt segment hosted by Sierra, who gushes over the three of them being her favorite "OT3". Sierra unknowingly outs the three of them as a polyamorous couple on live TV, even though Noah wasn't ready to go public with this yet. Although Owen and Justin were fine with her telling everyone, Noah worries that this could ruin their reputation. His fears end up becoming vindicated as Owen is rejected from getting the role on the children's show he previously auditioned for, as the producers didn't want an LGBT man working around minors. Owen cries over being mistreated and Justin comforts him to make him feel better. Noah confides with Emma, who is supposedly his friend in this universe, about how he's so miserable all the time but those two bring joy to his life.
Rival ships include but are not limited to; Ozzy, Nemma, JustLind, Owitty, Alenoah, Kastadie, and Cocowen.
- Total Trauma on Tumblr
Fan Art[]
- All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.
- JustOwen refers to the ship between Owen and Justin
- Nostin — the ship between Justin and Noah
- Nowen refers to the ship between Noah and Owen