Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 116116Screenshots: 4848
Femslash ships: 44Het ships: 33Friendship: 11Poly ship: 11

Kagamine Rin is a character from the Vocaloid and Project SEKAI fandoms.


Rin is a character from the voice synthesizer Vocaloid. She is Kagamine Len's complementary voicebank and she was sold in the same pack as him. In Project Sekai, she alongside Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO and KAITO helps the main characters to found their true feelings.



Akirin — the ship between Rin and Akito Shinonome
GakuRin — the ship between Rin and Kamui Gakupo
KaiRin — the ship between Rin and KAITO
OliRin — the ship between Rin and OLIVER
PikoRin — the ship between Rin and Utatane Piko
RinLen — the ship between Rin and Kagamine Len
RinKase — the ship between Rin and Fukase
RinMoke — the ship between Rin and Zhiyu Moke
RinYuu — the ship between Rin and YUU
TedRin — the ship between Rin and Kasane Ted


Anrin — the ship between Rin and An Shiraishi
FlowerRin — the ship between Rin and flower
GumiRin — the ship between Rin and GUMI
IroRin — the ship between Rin and Nekomura Iroha
LilyRin — the ship between Rin and Lily
LukaRin — the ship between Rin and Megurine Luka
Mafurin — the ship between Rin and Mafuyu Asahina
MayuRin — the ship between Rin and MAYU
MeiRin — the ship between Rin and MEIKO
MikuRin — the ship between Rin and Hatsune Miku
Nenerin — the ship between Rin and Nene Kusanagi
Rinairi — the ship between Rin and Airi Momoi
Rinena — the ship between Rin and Ena Shinonome
RinIA — the ship between Rin and IA
RinMiki — the ship between Rin and SF-A2 miki
RiNeru — the ship between Rin and Akita Neru
SeeRin — the ship between Rin and SeeU
UnaRin — the ship between Rin and Otomachi Una


Mizurin — the ship between Rin and Mizuki Akiyama
TetoRin — the ship between Rin and Kasane Teto
YuuRin — the ship between Rin and VY2


4 Crypton Girls — the ship between Rin, Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka and MEIKO
Big 8 — the ship between Rin, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, KAITO, MEIKO, GUMI and Kamui Gakupo
CV Series — the ship between Rin, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len and Megurine Luka
GumiRinIA — the ship between Rin, GUMI and IA
GumiRinKu — the ship between Rin, GUMI and Hatsune Miku
Kagumine — the ship between Rin, GUMI and Kagamine Len
KaiRinLen — the ship between Rin, KAITO and Kagamine Len
MikuRinLen — the ship between Rin, Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Len
MikuRinLuka — the ship between Rin, Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka
Powerin — the ship between Rin, Utatane Piko and flower


Cryptonloid Gang — the ship between Rin, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, KAITO and MEIKO


RinOrange — the ship between Rin and an orange


Kagamine Rin tag on AO3
Kagamine Rin on Vocaloid Wiki
Kagamine Rin on Project Sekai Wiki


# pormateur character type
464 RinLen Kagamine Len het
376 MikuRin Hatsune Miku femslash
267 Kagamine Twins Kagamine Len gen
73 Miku & Rin Hatsune Miku gen
45 GumiRin GUMI femslash
38 KaiRin KAITO het
25 Kaito & Rin KAITO gen
19 LukaRin Megurine Luka femslash
17 PikoRin Utatane Piko het
14 KuoRin Hatsune Mikuo het


Vocaloid ShipsFemslash Vocaloid ShipsHet Vocaloid ShipsNon-binary Vocaloid ShipsSlash Vocaloid ShipsVocaloid Characters
SHIPS het FlokoFukaFlowerGakuGumiGakuLukaGakuRinGumiLenKaiLukaKaiMeiKaiMikuKaiRinKiyoMeiLeNeruLenLukaMikuLenRinLen
slash FukaLenGakuKaiLenPikoKaiLenOlikase
femslash GumiLilyGumikuGumiRinLukaRinMeiLukaMikuFlowerMikuMeiMikuNeruNegitoroMikuRinUnaRinYukaIA
non-binary TetoMikuKaiYuuma
poly Big 8Triple Baka
friendship Cryptonloid Gang
cargo MikuLeekNeruPhone
CHARACTERS male Kagamine LenKAITOKamui Gakupo
female GUMIHatsune MikuKagamine RinMEIKOMegurine Luka