Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 1717Screenshots: 365365Sprite: 11
Slash ships: 77Het ships: 33Familyship: 11Poly ships: 33

Keith is a character from the Netflix TV series Voltron: Legendary Defender.


Keith is a Paladin of Voltron, originally piloting the Red Lion before becoming the Paladin of the Black Lion following Shiro's disappearance. He eventually gives up his role as a Paladin once Shiro returns and begins working with the Blade of Marmora instead, a group of alien rebels whom his mother is a member of. He does eventually return to the team and take up Black after discovering Lotor's secret plans.



Adeith — the ship between Keith and Adam
Heith — the ship between Keith and Hunk
Jaith — the ship between Keith and James
Katt — the ship between Keith and Matt
Keitok — the ship between Keith and Antok
Keitor — the ship between Keith and Lotor
Klance — the ship between Keith and Lance
Kolo — the ship between Keith and Rolo
Koliveith — the ship between Keith and Kolivan
Regeith — the ship between Keith and Regris
Sheith — the ship between Keith and Shiro
Sveith — the ship between Keith and Sven
Zeith — the ship between Keith and Zarkon


Kacxa — the ship between Keith and Acxa
Kallura — the ship between Keith and Allura
Keitra — the ship between Keith and Catra
Keith x Merla — the ship between Keith and Merla
Keronica — the ship between Keith and Veronica
Komelle — the ship between Keith and Romelle
Kidge — the ship between Keith and Pidge Holt
Lukeith — the ship between Keith and Luka


Adasheith — the ship between Keith, Adam W. and Takashi Shirogane
Hallureith — the ship between Keith, Hunk and Allura
Jeiro — the ship between Keith, Takashi Shirogane and James Griffin
Kallurance — the ship between Keith, Allura and Lance
Kidgance — the ship between Keith, Pidge Holt and Lance
Klatte — the ship between Keith, Lance and Matthew Holt
Klunk — the ship between Keith, Hunk and Lance
Leithal — the ship between Keith, Lotor and Allura
Shallureith — the ship between Keith, Takashi Shirogane and Allura
Sheitor — the ship between Keith, Takashi Shirogane and Lotor
Shkidge — the ship between Keith, Takashi Shirogane and Pidge Holt
Sheithunk — the ship between Keith, Takashi Shirogane and Hunk
Shkatt — the ship between Keith, Takashi Shirogane and Matt
Shklance — the ship between Keith, Takashi Shirogane and Lance


Kroeith — the ship between Keith and Krolia
Team Voltron Family — the ship between all members of Voltron


Broganes — the ship between Keith and Shiro



Main article: Klance


Main article: Sheith



Keith tag on AO3
Keith tag on


Keith posts on Tumblr
KeithEdit posts on Tumblr


Keith (Legendary Defender) on Voltron Wiki


# portmanteau characters type
31338 Klance Lance slash
14742 Sheith Shiro slash
2612 Keith & Shiro Shiro gen
1435 Keith & Lance Lance gen
1415 Shklance LanceShiro poly
1201 Pidge & Keith Pidge Holt gen
1021 Heith Hunk slash
846 Kallura Allura het
846 Keitor Lotor slash
724 Kidge Pidge Holt het


  • Keith's full name is unknown.
  • Keith likes the outdoors because of how quiet it is.
  • Keith is both Human and Galra.
    • Keith is the only Paladin who's human race is never revealed.
  • Keith (Voltron) was originally only known to be in his late teens.[1][2] His age was published as being 18 in The Paladin's Handbook, which was not reviewed by executive series staff.[3][4]
    • While The Voltron Coalition Handbook states that a year has passed since Shiro's return to Earth, making Keith 19 by the time Season Seven begins, his age is subject to his travels through the warped space-time of the Quantum Abyss, aging him two additional years. This was so Keith and Krolia could properly bond.[5]
    • Consequently, Keith ages two years ahead of the rest of Team Voltron, on top of the year he experiences along with everyone else, making him 21 years old by Season Seven's beginning, three years older than his age in Season One.



VLD - Logo1
SHIPS het AlluranceAllurivanHidgeHunayJamonicaKacxaKalluraKidgeKrolidadKrolivanLeiffinLotacxaLoturaPlanceShalluraShidgeZaggar
slash AdashiHanceHeithJaithKeitorKlanceKoliveithLancelotLatteShanceSharkonShattSheithShendakShlavShotorSvanceSvavSveithUliro
femslash RomuraVeracxaZezor
poly JeiroPalluranceSheitorShklance
family Kroeith
friend Corance
CHARACTERS m/f AlluraHunkKeithLanceLotorPidgeShiro