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Knuxerci is the het ship between Knuckles and Perci from the Sonic Boom fandom.


Rise of Lyric[]

Knuckles, Sonic, Tails, and Amy meet Perci outside her house near the gate of the unnamed village. Perci is concerned with the village's safety while being frustrated with the other villagers caring less about such, focusing on the mayor's re-election. Knuckles affirms he and his team are able to help the bandicoot. She replies by requesting them to energize monuments to strengthen seaside defenses on the Bygone Island. After the team finish this side mission, the bandicoot rewards them with a Power Glyph of the player's choice, and promising them to a toast of victory after Lyric's defeat at the end of the game's story.

Sonic Boom[]

In "Battle of the Boy Bands", Perci was one of the brainwashed Justin Beaver fangirls obsessed with his mind control music. She attended a Justin Beaver concert in which Knuckles' band, Dreamboat Express, challenged him to a sing-off. Perci and the other fangirls were freed after Sonic used a counter-frequency on Justin, then cheered on Knuckles' band under a new name, Dude-itude.

In "Late Night Wars", Knuckles began his moments of fame when he was attracted to photo shoots after wearing a battered trashcan as a hat. Later, he was seen walking past Meh Burger with Perci and her twin sister Staci. When Soar pointed a microphone at him, he aggressively blocked the reporter's camera in front of the twins.

In "Fire in a Crowded Workshop", Tails went inside his smoking workshop and saw Knuckles, Perci, Sonic, and Amy covered in soot. Sonic explained his own story of how the workshop caught fire, but Knuckles disagreed with this. Knuckles then told his own exaggerated version: after meeting Perci, Sonic made a fool of himself and Knuckles humbly introduced himself to her. In reaction, Perci admired her "muscles and brain-smartness". Knuckles then accompanied her to Tails' workshop. While Sonic hurt his finger as he was repairing Perci's bicycle, Knuckles washed Perci's scarf and placed it in a kiln. He offered her a pillow but Amy snatched it, asserting her role as a medic. Sonic and Amy fought over the pillow, then suddenly the workshop catches on fire. Knuckles uses his ice-breath to extinguish the fire, to the affection of Perci. He blamed Amy for starting the fire by tossing the activated heating pad on the newspapers, but Amy disagreed with his version of the story. She told them her own version of the story, with both Sonic and Knuckles having obvious interest in Perci. Aggravated by the contradicting points of view, Perci told her own version of the story that Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy were equally fretting over the accident. Tails revealed to them that accident was caused by his new security system that should have gone off. Resolved, Knuckles, Sonic, and Amy went out to Meh Burger for some lunch.

In "Three Men And My Baby!", Perci, Staci, and Zooey glanced at the passing Knuckles, Sonic, and Tails who are feeding Lady Walrus's younger son Chumley.


This ship has garnered some interest since the airing of "Late Night Wars", gaining further since "Fire in a Crowded Workshop". There are handful of works on DeviantArt featuring Perci being romantically involved with Knuckles. Sonerci is seen as a potential rival.



knuci tag on DeviantArt
knuxerci tag on DeviantArt
knucklesxperci tag on DeviantArt
Knuckles and Perci on DeviantArt
Knuckles X Perci on DeviantArt



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Sonic the Hedgehog ShipsSonic the Hedgehog Characters
SHIPS het BartoniaBuntoineChaffronChareamEspadeEspicoleEspikalEspioniaInfinisperJetaveJuleenaKhanallyKnuxamyKnuxaraKnuxerciKnuxikalKnuxoniaKnuxougeKnuxulieManamyManinaMarinicMinashSallailsScourgionaShadallyShadamyShadariaShadarineShadazeShadDashShadikalShadoniaShadougeShadsticksSilvamySilvazeSilvisperSonallySonamySonazeSonDashSoneachSoneenaSoneezieSoneliseSonerciSonicksSonikalSonicLumineSonionaSonisperSonminaSonougeTailamyTailarbyTailazeTailerciTailinaTailionaTailougeTailrineTailscoTailseyTailsmoTaireamVectamyVectilla
slash EspilverKnuxadowManourgeMephadowMephilverMonoSonicShadfiniteShadilverShadpioSonadowSonectorSoneggmanSonilverSonKaiSonMarioSontailsSonucklesVecpio
femslash AmooeyAmreamBlazamyBlazeamBunallyFionicMareamPeachamyPercamyRougamyRoupazSalamySallicoleSticmySurgamySurgazeTangazeWhispangle
non-binary MetadowMetailsMetamyMetonicRookiniteShadomegaShardicoleTikaos
poly SconadilverSonadilverSonSalAmy
family EggSageSonic UndergroundVanilleam
friend Diamond CuttersShadeamSoneamTeam ChaotixTeam DarkTeam RoseTeam Sonic
cargo KnuxmeraldSonChili
CHARACTERS male Espio the ChameleonKnuckles the EchidnaManic the HedgehogMiles "Tails" ProwerShadow the HedgehogSilver the HedgehogSonic the HedgehogVector the Crocodile
female Amy RoseBlaze the CatCream the RabbitRouge the BatSally AcornSonia the HedgehogTikalWhisper the Wolf