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Kovira is the femslash ship between Korra and Kuvira from The Legend of Korra fandom.


Korra initially had great respect for Kuvira, as she was the captain of Zaofu's guard. When the Red Lotus tried to capture Korra, Kuvira tried to stop them and demanded that they release her. Kuvira even fought Zaheer, but was defeated. Kuvira later accompanied Korra and the group to the Northern Air Temple when Korra decided to turn herself in. Zaheer tried to kill Korra's father, Tonraq, by throwing him off a cliff, but Kuvira was able to save him. Korra was very grateful.

While Korra recovered over the next three years, Kuvira decided to take the unification of the Earth Kingdom into her own hands. However, she eventually lost sight of what was important and formed the Earth Empire instead, declaring herself the new leader. Korra did not agree when she found out, but she did not want to confront her because she understood her. Kuvira was happy to see Korra when they reunited, but refused to back down. So Korra had no choice but to take her on. Korra entered the Avatar state and was about to win when she saw a vision of herself in the Avatar State inside Kuvira. This hesitation allowed Kuvira to trap her, and Jinora and Opal had to help Korra escape.

When Kuvira attacked Republic City with the colossus, Korra managed to capture her fiancé Bataar Jr. and hold him hostage. However, Kuvira decided to fire her spirit energy cannon at them anyway. Eventually, Korra managed to get inside the colossus and fought Kuvira one-on-one until the colossus was destroyed. Korra rescued Kuvira from the colossus and told her to surrender. Instead, Kuvira attacked her and ran away. When Korra caught up with her, she found that Kuvira had retrieved her cannon and was ready to fire at her.

Korra begged Kuvira not to fire, but Kuvira did. Korra dodged the blasts until Kuvira lost control of the cannon. Korra told her to turn it off, but she couldn't and finally felt fear. Kuvira fell and was about to be blasted by the cannon until Korra jumped in front of her and bended the energy away from them while in the Avatar State. Finally, there was a huge explosion and they were both blown into the Spirit World through a newly created portal.

Korra woke up in the Spirit World and saw an image of herself before it turned into Kuvira. When the two landed on the ground, Korra held Kuvira until she woke up. Kuvira asked if they were dead, and Korra explained that they were in the Spirit World. Kuvira complained that she knew nothing about her because the Avatar was loved by millions, but Korra explained that she finally understood. Korra knew what it was like to lose control after being poisoned by Zaheer, and she understood Kuvira's pain at being abandoned by her parents. As a result, Kuvira was finally convinced to surrender and turn herself in. Later, Korra told Tenzin that she believed she had to be poisoned so that she could understand the suffering of other people like Kuvira.


Kovira became popular after the last episode, when Korra and Kuvira finally connected. Although Kuvira was engaged, the engagement ended when she voluntarily fired the spirit cannon at Bataar Jr. Kuvira will most likely spend a long time in prison, if not for life. Many fans speculate that Korra would visit Kuvira in prison, as she is now one of the few people who truly cares about her. Fans also hope that Korra will convince others to go easy on Kuvira.

It certainly helped that there are a lot of screenshots during the finale of Kuvira holding onto Korra for support or lying in her arms.


Korra/Kuvira tag on AO3
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Kovira posts on Tumblr


  • Korra and Kuvira were supposed to mirror each other in book four. There were several hints that they were actually very similar, even though they were enemies for a time.


LoK - Logo1
SHIPS het AmorraBaaviraBoleskaBolingerBopalBorraBosamiKainoraLinzinMakorraMasamiMingkoMingzanPemzinPheerRaavaatuSenraqTahnorraVarrisamiWaavaZhurrick
slash BorrickLieumonUnavaatuWuko
femslash KorrasamiKorralinKorpalKoviraOpalvira
CHARACTERS female KorraTophKatara
male BolinZuko