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Something about you...reminds me of him...Please... don’t let... your ideals... kill you... I... love...
—Sasaki trying to confess her feelings to Kunikida while dying.

KuniSaki is the het ship between Doppo Kunikida and Nobuko Sasaki from the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom.


Following an anonymous tip, Kunikida first meets Sasaki when she’s kidnapped and drowning at an abandoned hospital. Kunikida promptly saves her and shows worry to her condition. Kunikida had asked Dazai’s thoughts on the case, and Dazai responded saying that Sasaki looks sexy, which greatly irritated Kunikida.

Some days later, Kunikida and Atsushi visit Sasaki in the hospital. She thanks them for saving her and reveals she stayed last night at Dazai's place, which shocks the two men. Kunikida scolds Dazai intensely over his “immoral” actions, jumping to the conclusion of what could’ve happened. At the start of the investigation Kunikida says that he was not jealous of Sasaki staying at Dazai's place, though it is strongly implied that he was, considering how in the light novel Kunikida envied Dazai’s luck with women. Kunikida was relieved when Dazai clarified that Sasaki slept in another room away from him, and Kunikida later invited her to stay at his own place for her safety, insisting that he had no ulterior motives whatsoever. He appeared almost vulnerable in Sasaki's midst, with Dazai nudging at Kunikida's apparent attraction towards her and attempting to hook them up, asking Sasaki her type and leaving the cafe after she answered with a description identical to Kunikida.

When the agency learns about the bomb threat, Dazai was with Sasaki in a cafe. Kunikida and Atsushi arrive and they openly discuss the bomb situation. Dazai asks Sasaki for her opinion and she tells them a lot about the Azure King and guessed this was either him or someone related to him. When she revealed she was single because she recently broke with her boyfriend, Dazai tried hooking her up with Kunikida since he was her type. Kunikida kept denying Dazai’s allegations, but eventually the latter stole Kunikida’s notebook that safe-keeps his wants in a woman. Much to Kunikida’s dismay, Dazai showed Sasaki Kunikida’s requirements and thoughts on his ideal woman, but she thought it was too descriptive, and was frightened.

Kunikida described Sasaki to be beautiful and was taken aback upon learning that her ideal type is a man of ideals who would devote himself to everything, much like Kunikida himself. The next day, Kunikida visited the graveyard, where he happened to find Sasaki. Kunikida complimented her saying she looked "even lovelier in a kimono". She explained that she lied to him about breaking up with her boyfriend, and he had actually died. He tried to comfort her, only to retort with what he deemed as foolish, simple, and stupid words.

As Sasaki left the cemetery, Dazai called Kunikida to the abandoned hospital. He had Rokuzo look into Sasaki's claims, which led him and Kunikida to an abandoned building. When Rokuzo arrives, Kunikida denies the thought of him being Azure Messenger, which Dazai confirms. Before either he or Rokuzo can clarify the situation, Sasaki appears, shooting and killing the boy. Kunikida becomes conflicted by how he feels towards her with her identity revelation as the Azure Apostle. He pleads for her to stop after she shot Rokuzo, but he becomes stumped when she asks him who she should be pointing her weapon at instead. Even while Sasaki revealed herself to be the conspirer behind the heinous acts Kunikida had fought against, he thinks to himself how beautiful Sasaki is, the light novel describing that his heart skipped a beat.

Sasaki points out that she could never be with an idealist. To her, the idealism the Azure King and Kunikida shared inevitably leads to her and people like her to feel left behind, always put second to ideals that could never truly be reached. Ironically, it's that exact nature that drew her toward Kunikida. Before he can react to her statement, Rokuzo shoots and kills her with the gun Dazai had dropped. she attempts to confess her love to him in her dying moments, showing considerable conflicting emotions with her feelings towards idealists. Kunikida had screamed and cried over Sasaki's death.

Kunikida becomes plagued with the question on why Sasaki had saved him back at the abandoned hospital from the poison gas when she had every chance of finishing him off cleanly. He soon arrived at the conclusion that she simply had no interest in a world where criminals were killed for their crimes but merely wanted to finish her deceased lover's plot.

In the end, Kunikida turned his rage towards Dazai for indirectly killing Sasaki through Rokuzo, only to be refuted by Dazai who warned him not to succumb into his ideals, lest he would be consumed by them like what happened to the Azure King. Sasaki's death greatly impacted Kunikida and his view of his ideals. Although he remains true to them, he is constantly haunted by the deaths of those he cannot save, a weight that remains heavy on his shoulders.

Kunikida greatly regretted Sasaki's death, admitting to recall "a trace of her smile" in his mind. This death would seem to haunt him when Kunikida became affected by Q's curse at least two years later during the three-way conflict. Throughout the curse, Kunikida apparently spouted how he "cherished her life so much because he sought the ideal world".


It's strange...She was so beautiful. Her dignified tone, as clear as a bell, causes my heart to skip a beat.
—Kunikida's thoughts after Sasaki was revealed to be the mastermind.


Despite the mutual feelings between the two, KuniSaki is not a very popular ship within the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom, due to Sasaki not having very much screen time, and an early death. Many people in the fandom, not even just shippers, believe the two would have married if Sasaki survived as the real life Doppo Kunikida and Nobuko Sasaki were married.

KuniSaki is the most popular ship for Sasaki, though on Kunikida’s side it’s rivaled by Kunikidazai and KuniKatai. There are 17 works on ao3 for the pairing.



Kunikida/Sasaki tag on AO3


KuniSaki posts on Tumblr


  • Sasaki's late lover, the Azure King, bares an intense resemblance to Kunikida in the anime adaptation.
  • The real Nobuko Sasaki and Doppo Kunikida, who both characters are based on, were married in real life.
    • They married despite Sasaki’s parents' rejection (her mother even encouraged suicide), but they eventually divorced after five months when faced with pregnancy and financial instability. The divorce left Kunikida devastated, and this may play into the BSD Sasaki’s death.
  • They both taught at universities, Kunikida being an algebra instructor at the Shin-Tsuruya Institute, while Sasaki was a lecturer at a university in Tokyo.
  • They both have green eyes.
  • Kunikida's birthday, August 30th and Sasaki's birthday, July 20th, are 41 days away from each other.



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Bungou Stray Dogs ShipsBungou Stray Dogs Characters
SHIPS het AkuHiguAtsuGinAtsuKyouAtsuLucyAyamuraChuuAkiDazai x WaitressDazasakiFukuHaruFyoagathaHawMitchKuniSakiKyouKenjiMarkLucyMoriZakiPoeCottRanposanoTachiGinTeruSigma
slash ChuuAkuChuuAtsuChuuRanDazAkuDazatsuFukuFukuFukuMoriFukuRanFyoKarmaFyolaiFyosigFyoyaFyozaiKuniChuuKunikidazaiOdazaiRanpoeRimlaineShin SoukokuShirachuuSigmAtsuSiglaiSigzaiSouhekiSoukokuSuegikuTachiJou
femslash HiguGinKousanoLucyKyouMontcott
family Tanizaki Siblings
CHARACTERS male Osamu DazaiFyodor DostoyevskyRanpo EdogawaAtsushi NakajimaChuuya NakaharaSigma