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Lakeden is the friend ship between Lake Müller and Aiden Brooks from the Disventure Camp fandom.


Season 2[]


Lakeden worry

Lake gives a worried look after Aiden is called a traitor by Karol

Aiden and Lake are both placed on the Orange Team on day 1. They don't interact much at first due to being in separate alliances: Lake with Maggy and Rosa María; and Aiden with James, but as their team dwindles in members they quickly bond due to both being level-headed and supportive people. In 'Open Your Eyes', upon James revealed the girls that Karol and Aiden were talking about voting one of them, this shocked them and also made Karol to be evicted. When this latter calls Aiden a traitor, Aiden looks down in sadness as Lake worringly looks at him.

Lakeden books

Lake and Aiden bonding

In 'The Kiss-a-thon', Aiden trips on one of Lake's books as he walks out of the cabin; she calls out his name and asks if he's all right. Aiden argues that it was nothing and that he should have been watching where he was going, but Lake takes the blame for putting her books on the ground. Aiden forgives her and wonders why she owns so many books. Lake adds that she needs to write a few essays for her tutor while she is here, which surprises Aiden, who wonders why Lake needs to do schoolwork on a reality program. Lake explains that her parents imposed a condition on her so that she could participate in the show. Aiden is astonished, but Lake chooses to take the books and leave to talk to the girls, saying that she'll see him later. In the challenge, their photos are seen placed next to each other on the wheel. Lake blushes when it was turn for Aiden and James to kiss. It's possible that they could also have kissed during the 25 rounds that have passed, but it's implied that they didn't get to.

Lakeden Truth Hurts


In the episode 'Truth Hurts', during the humilliating secret-reveal challenge, the two are seen sitting close, with Aiden in front of Lake. Aiden and Lake both have to admit that during the previous one they had their first kisses by pressing the button next to them in order to get points for their team, embarrassing them both.

Lakeden thanks

Lake thanks Aiden for his words

Aiden and Lake start getting closer in You Are A Monster!, where Aiden approaches Lake after eating breakfast and greets her with a good morning. He asks if he might sit by her, and she greets him cheerfully and allows him to do so. He asks her if everything is well, as he has noticed she has been depressed lately. Instead of responding, Lake asks him whether he believes she leads a regular life. Aiden answers by questioning what is considered normal anymore and tries to laugh it off. However, when Lake tells him to be honest, Aiden sighs and explains that they all have things we don't want to do for own benefit, but he believes Lake is purposely doing those things and harming herself. Lake claims Rosa told her something similar, but instead of listening, she became angry. Aiden emphasizes that a friend that loves you will always tell you the truth, no matter how painful it may be. Lake asks Aiden what she should do, and he suggests to talk with Rosa, who is presumably waiting for her to do so. Lake is grateful to Aiden.

Lakeden dinner

Lake and Aiden about to have dinner

Later in the challenge, when Kristal instructs Lake to remove her wig, Aiden advises her she shouldn't since she won't satisfy her. And after yelling at Kristal, Aiden admits that he has always believed that about her but never had the strength to say it out loud. After the challenge, Aiden sits with Lake, having what appears to be dinner, before being approached by their remaining teammates, Yul and James.

Lakeden mushroom

Lake and Aiden see Yul's state after 'eating' mushrooms

Aiden refuses to cooperate, insisting that he and Lake will vote for Yul regardless of what happens in the tiebreaker. Yul tries to intimidate Aiden, but he backs away and moves closer to Lake instead. Aiden tells Yul to keep away from him, and then he and Lake leave to eat. Lake and Aiden were astonished at the ceremony to learn that Yul had been poisoned and that James had voted with them despite the circumstances.

Lakeden jacuzzi

In the jacuzzi

In 'Broke & Back Mountain', Lake is seen standing next to Aiden in different occassions: at the beginning of the episode, after leaving the bus: at the end, after the challenge and when Kristal allows Aiden and James to use her personal jacuzzi and could invite anyone they wanted, and they decide to invite everyone. Lake is seen on Aiden's side while the two are talking with their respective alliances, both wearing not too revealing bath suits.

Lakeden compliment

Aiden compliments Lake's new hair

In 'Not As Easy As It Seems', when competing in the dodgeball challenge, Lake hits Aiden unwillingly as she lets out an 'Oh no', and apologizes to Aiden after he fell in the water. During the break before the final round, Lake approaches Aiden in the restroom, and he complements her new wig, stating it looks great on her. Lake thanks him and says Rosa pushed her to make a change. Aiden is relieved to see that things have worked out between the two; Lake expresses gratitude and admits that talking to Aiden has helped her a great deal. Aiden asks if she can assist him with a separate issue, explaining that James has been helpful to him in recent days, but he is concerned about trusting him and that he will disappoint him again (when he voted Karol out). Aiden asks Lake what she believes he should do. Lake claims that while his methods for voting off Karol were questionable, she believes he merely wanted the two of them to remain in the game together. Lake goes on to state that she believes James' method of eliminating Yul was not strategic, but rather a manner of protecting Aiden.

Lakeden friends

'That's what friends are for'

He finds this strange and suggests that if James desired an alliance, Yul would be a better alternative, to which Lake responds that James could like him. Aiden asks whether she meant romantically, to which she positively answers, describing the signals that James was indirectly giving to him. While discussing this, Aiden realizes that Lake appears to know a lot about this topic, but Lake just explains that the point is that he won't know what James' goals are unless he gives him a chance. Aiden expresses gratitude to Lake, who responds that is what friends are for.

Later, Lake, Rosa Maria, and Riya approach Aiden and James, proposing an alliance against Ally, Hunter, and Tess, whose alliance has dominated the game since day one. The guys agree, and Lake and Aiden vote to eliminate Tess.

Lakeden upset

Aiden upset that Lake was eliminated

In 'Nightmare in Tipiksaw', after Karol returns and wins immunity for herself, Hunter, and Ally, Lake show concern in the confessional about the potential of having to vote for Aiden during the elimination ceremony. Later, while discussing who to vote out, James informs Aiden that he is considering voting for Lake because she is one of the toughest rivals still in the game. Aiden answers that he will not do that and advises they vote for Riya instead. Aiden, who did not want to vote for Lake or James, casts the only vote for Riya at the elimination ceremony that night and is disappointed when Lake is eliminated.

Lakeden talk

Lake suggests Aiden to talk with James

In Money, Fame and Shame, Part 1, Lake is seen encouraging Aiden in the peanut gallery at the start of the final task. When Aiden is asked to choose a challenge helper, he chooses Lake because of their strong bond and her ability to complete challenges. While on the bus ride to the snowy area, Lake soothes Aiden about his recent concerns with James and pushes him to discuss them with James, but he is unsure. Later, as they approach the cliffside, Lake reminds Aiden that he should forgive James if he is willing to change for the better. When Aiden doubts that someone can change so easily, Lake uses herself as an example to prove him wrong.

Lakeden help

Lake helps Aiden

Lake does everything she can to assist Aiden win, for example riding him to the next phase of the challenge, and the two dominate the battle until Aiden is paralyzed by fear of heights at the top of the cliff. Lake does her utmost to persuade Aiden to leap, and she begs him to cling on for aid after Riya pushes him.

Lakeden plans

Lake converses with Aiden about her plans

In the following part, after Aiden is eliminated, the pair goes to sit in the peanut gallery to cheer James. Aiden turns to Lake and asks if she is returning to Germany; Lake responds no, at least not for the time being. Aiden inquires about Lake's current plans, to which she says that she is having a holiday with Rosa María in Mexico. Aiden thinks her proposal sounds amazing and is surprised her parents let her do it. Lake corrects him, stating they didn't, leaving Aiden wondering what she means. Lake summarizes that after exposing her parents' poor parenting tactics on international television, her family's reputation has suffered, and they no longer want her around. Aiden is astonished, but Lake says she is glad because it feels liberating.

Lake wishes Aiden and James good luck on their travelling plans after James decides to use the prize money for that. The two celebrate alongside the rest after James proposes to have a party.

All Stars[]

Lakeden conveying

In the airplane

In the first episode, when Aiden and James step onto the plane, Aiden recognizes Lake and compliments on her life as an award-winning author. Lake rushes over to the couple and expresses her excitement at seeing them together. Lake conveys Rosa María and Sofia's hello, which makes Aiden pleased. The three enjoy a reunion selfie as James offers that they go on a trip together at some point. Aiden and Lake are then placed on the Cyan Team without James, and Aiden urges James not to do anything extreme in the game. Aiden, James, and Lake are walking to their individual camps on episode 2, and when James shares in tease of not wanting to win in case it causes Aiden and Lake to return home, Aiden, while offended, says they can handle it by themselves. Aiden and James kiss, and as he leaves, Aiden feels sad, so Lake places a soothing hand on his shoulder and smiles, her best friend returning the same expression.

Lakeden missing

Aiden misses James

Aiden and Lake approach their team and introduce themselves to Gabby in order to help her feel more at ease with them and avoid the impression that they are both strangers. Aiden expresses his annoyance at not being able to get any sleep, to which James comes over to Aiden and Lake and whispers to them of the scheme his own team did to prevent getting soaked.

Lakeden comfort

Lake comforting Aiden

In episode 3, when it's announced that James was eliminated from the Magenta team, Lake and Tom place a hand on Aiden's shoulders despite he already knew this would happen. During the challenge, the Cyan members see how Aiden and Tom go inside a cave by themselves, and when they hear them scream, Lake them decides to go after them, only to avoid Tom and Aiden fleeing from there with a shark hunting the two men. Their team ends up losing, and when the girls are discussing whether to vote Aiden or Tom, Lake says in the confessional that she wouldn't vote Aiden no matter what, as his friendship was worth more than the whole game.

Lakeden no regrets

Lake assures Aiden that she didn't regret anything

However there was still debating on to vote Lake or Ellie, but Aiden refuses to vote the former as he believes her statement of Ellie's actions, and tries to convince Tom to switch his vote to Ellie, but fails. In the end the voting results reveal that Lake was the next eliminated, and Aiden rushes to her, unable to believe that first was James and now her being voted out. But Lake tells him not to worry, and to stay strong, because she didn't regret anything, and when Kristal says it was time for Lake to go, the two best friends share a last hug.

Jaidake heart

Aiden expresses his love towards James and Lake

The next day (episode), Tess approaches Aiden and comforts him after he's upset that Lake and James were the first two to be eliminated from the competition. She is deeply sorry that Lake was gone, but he tells her not to beat herself up over it, because he was aware this being a game. They share their personal feelings over their relationships, especially when Aiden had his boyfriend and best friend out of the game first. Tess comforts him when he feels that he doesn't belong here, sharing words of ressurance that James and Lake wouldn't want to see him this way, and to have confidence in himself. Aiden agrees with her in the confessional, saying that he loves both James and Lake (as he shapes a heart with his fingers), and that he'll win this season for not only them but for himself too.

When the Secret Villains' Alliance is exposed, Ellie being part of it too, Aiden directs his fury at her as he says that first she votes for Lake, and then Ellie turns out to be a traitor.

In "Last Second Chance" the two are paired up together for the comeback competition. Aiden expects this to be the miracle the heroes need, and he plans to have Lake return to the game to even things out. After Lake and Aiden successfully repair a motorcycle to continue with the challenge, both are seen riding it, with the woman in charge of the driving. Aiden apologizes to Lake when he finds that the transportation was going slow, but she reassures him by saying she enjoys bike trips. Lake informs that she and James are doing well, particularly the

Jaidake Lakeden hug

Aiden lovingly hugs Lake

Brazilian man, who refuses to stop talking about missing Aiden. Lake apologizes for not being there for too long, but Aiden tells her that it's fine (putting a hand on her shoulder) and mentions his main issue to deal with: Jake. Lake sympathizes with him, despite Aiden's attempts to persuade her otherwise, but she admits that she suffered the worst several weeks of her life (something she hadn't told Aiden), telling how her parents saw her as a horrible example for her boys, which incensed her. Aiden guesses that this is why he hasn't heard from her since the show, and she claims to have gone to therapy, but she was able to stop hating herself, and that Jake may be in a comparable position. Though Aiden is upset that she is reducing her level to Jake's, she provides excellent advice about everyone deserving a chance to correct their wrongs, just as James did with Aiden. At the bus stop, Lake and James root for Aiden and, as a farewell gesture, have physical contact with him: James and Aiden kiss, and then the e-boy hugs Lake.

In "Weight Off Your Shoulders," Jake wins immunity and Aiden compliments him on his awesome job by hugging him, both distinct from the hug, albeit Jake appreciates Aiden's words. In the confessional, Aiden claims Lake that she was right, reminding her words that everyone deserves another chance.

In "No Vacancy," Lake and Ashley help Aiden boost up to the roof of a building in order for him to reach the second totem left to assist a finalist. The German girl also encourages him by saying that he has already overcome his fear of heights.

After the season is over, Tom looks for everyone's plan during the bus ride, to which Aiden declares that Lake, James and him are going on a trip, followed by the girl who states that she's showing James and Aiden a taste of Germany. At the ending credits, a group photo taken by James can be seen of Rosa María, her daughter, Aiden, Lake and of course, himself, in the european country.


  • In a greeting, Aiden ranks Lake 3rd on his personal top 5 contestants. He also says that if he wins, he'd use the remaining money to help both Lake and Rosa.[1]
  • Lake once again affirms that Aiden is one of her best friends in a fan greeting.[2]


Lakeden is one of the most loved friendships in Disventure Camp overall, because their bond hadn't weakened since season 2 and the years that have passed until the next season. Lake is often put as Aiden's great ally as she was always there for him, shown during the final challenge in the past season, also having her development befriending Aiden. Fans don't see the ship as romantic at all, first because they're both canonically gay and lesbian respectively, which works out as a 'mlm & wlw solidarity', and because their relationship was depicted as platonic-only. Many were disappointed on Lake's early elimination because that had also notably Aiden after having his boyfriend out too, but were happy to the fact that she cared more for her friendship with Aiden than the three million dollar prize. Some expect that she will make a future appearance in the show, and for now Tess can work out as some Lake figure to Aiden.


Aiden & Lake (Disventure Camp) tag on AO3




  • Insecurity Team refers to the friendship between the two, Jake and Tess
  • Jaidake refers to the friendship between the two and James


Disventure Camp logo
Disventure Camp ShipsDisventure Camp Characters
SHIPS het AlecllyConRiyaHuntAllyHunTessJamesAllyKaiggyKrisvekKrisverNickLillRiyalecRiYulRosakaiRosalecSpenJadeTrevmilyWishleyZaivy
slash AleconnorAleNickDalecDiencerHuntakeHuntomJaidenJakedenJakmesJuulKaidenKaiYulLogalessioOlympicModelTedlessioTomalecTomdenTomJakeTrevekWillnickYulnickYulter
femslash AnarissaAshallyAshlillGabEllieGremilyGrettabbyGrettallyKarolillKarolRiyaKristilyLaggyLakeabbyLakellieMariLakeMollikaNatabelRigrettRiyallyRosaLakeRosariyaRosetoyTessabbyTessAllyTessellieTessLake
family ConJakeFiodrewFioJakeFiolecFiollyMiriakeRosa & SofiaTomJake's biggest fan
friend DanbbyDrewbbyFioNickGabYulGirls' allianceGomGrettakeIdol AllianceJabbyJaidakeJake CultJakellieJallyJamakeJashleyJessLaJakeLakedenLill's AllianceNickbbyRiyakeTessAiden
non-binary TristannahTristenji
poly ConriyalecTessGabEllie
cargo Chet x 🎥🍩 AddictFiore x 🚌Jake & 🐦Kai x 🌿
CHARACTERS male Aiden BrooksAlec ÇelikConnor BlakeHunter PageJake HamiltonJames CostaKai MitchellKim YulNick MiltonTom Reed
female Ally AmberAshley GrahamEllie ParkerFiore RicciGabby NowakGrett ClarkLake MüllerRiya SharmaRosa María RiveraTess Morgan

