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Lakellie is the femslash ship between Ellie Parker and Lake Müller from the Disventure Camp fandom.



Although not having interactions during the flight, the two were excited to know that this season's intial prize (1 million dollars) would be tripled. They're revealed to be on the same team after their parachutes had shown the color of their respective group.

In the first challenge the two have dealth with animals the double of their size: Lake, a wolf (who would later chase after Riya's call); and Ellie; a crocodile, dragged by the orange-haired girl.

Lakellie going after Tom and Aiden

Lake will check on Tom and Aiden

In H2Oh-No!, during the challenge, Ellie watches as Lake has enough and goes to look over Tom and Aiden after they began to scream just a moment right when they split. When Lake discovers another hint to find the treasure chest, Ellie knows where the place was judging by the drawing on it, making Lake smile, and she tells the rest of girls to follow her. Ellie then proposes a girl's alliance, which they gladly accept to join in, although first Tess and Lake would consider it.

Lakellie know where it is

Ellie where the next place they have to go is

They've been swimming next each other for a long time, and as the four were losing their lead, Miriam arrives to "guide them" to the exit. Ellie, on the other hand, is aware that it could be one of Miriam's tricks to slow the girls down after the latter mentions losing oxygen, which is her own problem; yet, Lake adds to Ellie that she believes she should respect her elders, unaware of the real reason Ellie told Miriam that. After getting manipulated by Miriam however, the Cyan team loses and forces them into the eliminaton ceremony.

Lakellie Aiden

Ellie proposes Lake to vote Aiden

Prior to the event, Ellie, Gabby and Tess gather to have a brief conversation about the votes (as they waited for Lake), but Ellie states that she's worried of Lake's friendship with Aiden, as it seemed a lot stronger than she thought. Gabby asks her girlfriend if she thinks that Lake isn't committed to the alliance, and Ellie replies "Guess we'll find out". A moment later Lake appears behind Ellie, making this latter flinch as Gabby reminds Lake about their past conversation.

Lakellie voting for Aiden

E: "Are you saying you won't vote for Aiden?"

Lake refuses to vote for Aiden, and instead going for Tom, however Ellie says that the cop was more useful for psychical challenges, but the german girl refutes assuring that they didn't need his strength. Ellie realizes that she wouldn't vote for her male friend, and wouldn't change her mind about it. They look at each other when the alliance couldn't come to an agreement regarding the votes. In the confessional, Ellie says she was not going to let Lake to vote Tom out since she would have Aiden and Tess by her side.

Lakellie vote with us

Ellie attempts to convince Lake to vote alongside the girls

Now at night, Ellie whispers Lake she has to vote with them, however the latter apologizes as she's still committed into not voting for Aiden, and hopes she can respect her decision. Ellie has something to say to the team before the voting: she discloses that Lake was responsible for forming the girls' alliance (clearly lying to frame her), exposing the members while also betraying the union, and therefore Lake.

Lakellie lie

Ellie betrays Lake

To persuade Tom, Ellie states that Lake has been attempting to get the girls to vote for the cop all afternoon. Lake realizes that this meant the girls' alliance was over, and Ellie agrees to then manipulate Tom into voting Lake so he could save himself. The german girl tries to make Tom reconsider, going for Ellie instead, inquiring how he could trust her after all that she had done.

Ellie“Lake formed a girls' alliance.”
Lake“What?! I never came up with that!”
Ellie“And she's been trying to convince us to vote for you all afternoon.”
Lake“Wait... that's not how it happened! Ellie's the one who—!”
Ellie“Lake, have you or haven't you been trying to convince us to vote for Tom?”
Lake“No! Well, yes. But...”
— Ellie betrays Lake, whereas the latter is unable to refute and explain herself.

The members began to convince each other into evicting someone, and Lake goes to Tess and whisper her to vote for Ellie. Unfortunately for Lake, she's the second person eliminated from the season, but she wasn't mad at Tess for not voting alongside Aiden and her, as she understood that Tess wasn't the kind of person to "bend her morals for a cash prize", referring to Ellie while looking at her.

When the Secret Villains' Alliance is exposed, Ellie being part of it too, Aiden directs his fury at her as he says that first she votes for Lake, and then Ellie turns out to be a traitor.

In "What's Mine Is Mine", Lake wonders how can any of the other participants (referring to Gabby, Ellie, Grett and Yul) root for Riya, and Ellie explains that "there was more space on these bleachers".


  • In one of Lake's personalized fan greetings by user 'Muhammed Camara', she makes clear she doesn't hate Ellie.[1]
  • In another Lake's personalized fan greetings by user 'BxGamerx', she comments that they are both on good terms. Although she never received an apology, she doesn't consider it necessary because she believes that the program brings out the worst in everyone and fears that if she stayed at the camp longer, she would change for the worse.[2]


The ship is considered a very much rarepair, and hadn't been considered as a pairing due to their antagonistic bond in the series, with Ellie being the responsible in getting her eliminated during the start of the season. Also because of Ellie's relationship with Gabby, thus the minor interactions they had (and the very few friendly ones), it doesn't have a lot of attention. Fans found unfair Lake's early elimination and of course had deflected their hate towards Ellie, but still some others were fine with her elimination since she already had her development arc completed in season 2.

As result of Ellie's elimination on episode 8, many expect an unfriendly reunion in Lake's part once arriving at the losers' motel.



Ellie/Lake (Disventure Camp) tag on AO3
Lake/Ellie (Disventure Camp) posts on Twitter






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Disventure Camp ShipsDisventure Camp Characters
SHIPS het AlecllyConRiyaHuntAllyHunTessJamesAllyKaiggyKrisvekKrisverNickLillRiyalecRiYulRosakaiRosalecSpenJadeTrevmilyWishleyZaivy
slash AleconnorAleNickDalecDiencerHuntakeHuntomJaidenJakedenJakmesJuulKaidenKaiYulLogalessioOlympicModelTedlessioTomalecTomdenTomJakeTrevekWillnickYulnickYulter
femslash AnarissaAshallyAshlillGabEllieGremilyGrettabbyGrettallyKarolillKarolRiyaKristilyLaggyLakeabbyLakellieMariLakeMollikaNatabelRigrettRiyallyRosaLakeRosariyaRosetoyTessabbyTessAllyTessellieTessLake
family ConJakeFiodrewFioJakeFiolecFiollyMiriakeRosa & SofiaTomJake's biggest fan
friend DanbbyDrewbbyFioNickGabYulGirls' allianceGomGrettakeIdol AllianceJabbyJaidakeJake CultJakellieJallyJamakeJashleyJessLaJakeLakedenLill's AllianceNickbbyRiyakeTessAiden
non-binary TristannahTristenji
poly ConriyalecTessGabEllie
cargo Chet x 🎥🍩 AddictFiore x 🚌Jake & 🐦Kai x 🌿
CHARACTERS male Aiden BrooksAlec ÇelikConnor BlakeHunter PageJake HamiltonJames CostaKai MitchellKim YulNick MiltonTom Reed
female Ally AmberAshley GrahamEllie ParkerFiore RicciGabby NowakGrett ClarkLake MüllerRiya SharmaRosa María RiveraTess Morgan