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Lander is the slash ship between Luke Peterson and Zander Wickham from The Music Freaks fandom.


Episode 1: He Can Sing?![]

After Jake is let into the music club, Zander runs off into the bathroom due to his annoyance. Luke follows. A short scene of Luke comforting Zander is shown, Zander blushes.

Episode 2: Trust Issues[]

When Luke Peterson talks to Jake about Zander's behavior, Luke says to Jake, that if he ever hurts Zander, Jake will have to deal with him afterwards.

Episode 4: Lovesick Luke[]

It was confirmed that Luke liked Zander ever since they were kids and that Luke wants to confess to Zander, but he is too nervous because he doesn't want to ruin their friendship in case Zander doesn't feel the same way. Near the end of the episode, Jake suggests that Luke could write a love song that he could sing for Zander to confess Luke's feelings for him. But unfortunately, Jake arrives late and Hailey is the one who ended up singing the love song that Luke wrote instead.

Episode 5: Drummer's Confession[]

After Hailey sang, Luke was about to confess to Zander, but unfortunately, he was interrupted by the bell. During PE class, Zander is seen blushing lightly at Luke. During this time, Hailey Austin walks over to where he is sitting and attempts to get him to tell her what he really thinks about the song, and Luke. He quickly shuts her down saying that it's understandable why Luke wouldn't have told him. Hailey sighs and tells him that he should tell Luke how he really feels if things are ever going to get better between them. Later at the end of the school day, Zander admits that he thinks Luke is so kind and caring that he's selfish and annoying and claims that Luke probably hates him. The rest of the club quickly denies this saying the Luke adores him and that he should tell him how he feels. Zander, now having a motivation to confess quickly walks off to find Luke. However, when he walks in, he sees Stacy kissing Luke and hears her confess to him. A heartbroken Zander runs off the campus with tears in his eyes and down to the park in which Zander and Luke went to as children, followed by Luke. Zander believes that Luke likes Stacy back and gets frustrated saying that he should just leave and go back to that girl. Luke replies saying that he doesn't like Stacy, and he likes Zander. A flustered Luke says that he has loved Zander for a really long time but, recently feels as if he makes Zander feel uncomfortable and that he is probably making Zander feel uncomfortable now . Zander interrupts Luke saying he's never made him feel uncomfortable and that he felt if Luke got too close he would realize how Zander really felt, and he didn't want to lose Luke. Luke replies saying Zander will never lose him. After sharing a kiss, the two both confirm their feelings for each other, making this ship canon. The two are now officially dating.

Episode 6: Misfortunate Day Out[]

The two are shown being very affectionate towards each other throughout the episode. Closer to the beginning, Milly claims she wants less rehearsal time, due to her finding Luke and Zander's flirting obnoxious (Mind the singles!). The scene then cuts to Luke putting his scarf on Zander. Later, Zander's mom, Shannon Wickham teasingly says to Luke that he can call her 'mum', flustering Luke. In the background, you can hear her say he's already part of the family, and he just has to marry into it. After the club decides to go the mall, Luke almost calls Zander his 'honey-bun' pet name, however stops himself before he finishes, and flushes in embarrassment. At the mall, after Jake jokingly says Zander gets his attitude from his mother, Luke claims that Zander carries her sass, angering Zander, causing Luke to quickly say he finds Zander's sass charming. When Hailey splits the group up to search for Sean's laptop, Milly complains that she doesn't want to be with Luke and Zander, and her and Zander get into an argument about Zander and Luke's Public Display Affection towards each other. While they're shopping, Luke and Zander are often seen holding hands.

Episode 7: Out in the Open[]

While they're making seating arrangements, Zander says Luke can sit in the middle, despite Zander being the smallest, implying Zander would much rather sit next to Luke than Jake. After Shannon calls Zander with the nickname Alex, he gets aggravated and asks her how many times he has to tell her to stop calling him that and his mom replies that she is the one who gave him his name so she have the right to. Luke then says he thinks both Alex and Zander are cute nicknames, to which Hailey jokingly says that Luke finds everything cute about Zander, which Luke admits that he think so.

Episode 7: Scared of the Spotlight[]

At the beginning of the episode, when Luke and Zander are watching puppies wake up, they are seen holding hands. During the song Band-Aid you can see Luke putting his scarf on Zander. Also in the song Band-Aid Luke Picks up Zander and they run across the halls.

Episode 11: A Singer’s Resolve[]

They kiss after seeing each other.


Lander first gained popularity when the bathroom flashback appeared in Episode 1. It gained more shippers in Episode 2 as it was confirmed that Zander is gay, and the scene where Luke got protective of Zander. It became an even bigger ship during production of Episode 4, revolving around Luke's crush on Zander. When Episode 5 was released, Lander finally sailed when Zander admitted his true feelings for Luke, and they kissed for the first time. It is one of the most actively praised ships.


Luke/Zander tag on AO3
Luke & Zander tag on AO3
Lander tag on Tumblr
Luke x Zander tag on Tumblr
Lander on The Music Freaks Wiki


  • In the trailer, when the characters are introduced, Zander and Luke are seen blushing at one another.
  • When Sean is telling Jake about Zander and Luke's relationship and is saying that they are childhood friends, a clip is shown of Luke trying to cheer up Zander, who is shown slightly blushing.



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