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Leafblock is a het ship between Blocky and Leafy from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Battle for Dream Island[]

Blocky and Leafy made it to the balance beam's final few competitors. Blocky says, "Uh oh," after learning that Pin and Leafy are going to run over Flower. Leafy cries out to Blocky and Rocky for assistance as Leafy, Pin, and Teardrop dangle from the cliff. He tries to lift them but stumbles, clinging to them by his feet only. Blocky is knocked off as Leafy inadvertently treads on him as they swing back up onto the beam.

Blocky laments about how long it is taking him to descend the endless pit. Leafy corrects him, saying that she can see the bottom, and he reacts with astonishment. When the Grapes are down to just three players, Leafy reminds Blocky and Ice Cube that they are still the greatest team ever. Leafy tells Blocky that it was cruel of him to melt Ice Cube during the sobbing competition. Blocky explains his actions by telling Leafy that the ICRC will recover her during the skiing competition, but Leafy is still upset with him for what he did to Ice Cube. Later, they plan a jump over Rocky together.

Blocky supports Leafy's strategy of pursuing the Cherries first. Blocky warns Leafy to be careful when Snowball and Eraser hurl nails at her. Blocky advises biting when Leafy inquires about how to pop without nails. Blocky and Leafy high-fived each other after completing the obstacle. Leafy asks Blocky if they should descend at night. He replies "Nah."

Blocky deems Pencil, Pen, and Leafy failures for having so much fun with their dolls, then snatches them, unintentionally rescuing them from a curse, and inflicts it upon himself. Leafy subtracts points from everyone, including Blocky, when she has to. She takes 10 points away from everyone while claiming that she wants equality. He deducts 56 points from Leafy for "even thinking" about deducting his score.

Blocky has been eliminated, and Leafy agreed with Pencil that they shouldn't celebrate his departure due to the way he abuses Ice Cube.

Blocky wants Leafy to win Dream Island since he dislikes the other candidates, and when the others try to vote for someone else, he slaps them. Blocky inquires Leafy about Dream Island when everyone is looking for it. Later, he concurs that Leafy should be executed.

Battle for Dream Island Again[]

Blocky is visible as a member of the enraged mob pursuing Leafy to put her to death for robbing Dream Island.

Battle for BFB/BFDI[]

When Blocky hits the ground, Leafy turns to face him with concern.


During BFDI, Blocky and Leafy have been minor friends. People haven't notice this friendship due to it being overshadowed by Blockwood (Blocky/Woody) and Fireafy (Firey/Leafy.) After BFDI 25, their friendship falls apart due to Leafy stealing dream island. In BFB, they never shown much interaction, due to them not being on the same team.

Leafblock has no fanfictions



Leafblock search results on DeviantArt

