Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 11Screenshots: 2424Sprite: 11
Femslash ships: 99Het ships: 99Non-binary ships: 33Poly ships: 22

Leafy is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Leafy is a contestant in the first and fourth seasons of Battle for Dream Island. She has competed on the Squashy Grapes, Beep, The Losers!, and Have Cots. She placed 2nd in the first season.



Balleafy — the ship between Leafy and Balloony
Clockleaf — the ship between Leafy and Clock
Cloudleaf — the ship between Leafy and Cloudy
Coinleaf — the ship between Leafy and Coiny
Fireafy — the ship between Leafy and Firey
Geleafy — the ship between Leafy and Gelatin
Lavid — the ship between Leafy and David
Leafblock — the ship between Leafy and Blocky
Leafnut — the ship between Leafy and Donut
Leafpen — the ship between Leafy and Pen
Leaftree — the ship between Leafy and Tree
Loseafy — the ship between Leafy and Loser
Markeafy — the ship between Leafy and Marker
Nickleaf — the ship between Leafy and Nickel
Taxeafy — the ship between Leafy and Income Tax Return Document
TennisLeaf — the ship between Leafy and Tennis Ball
Woodleaf — the ship between Leafy and Woody


Belleafy — the ship between Leafy and Bell
Bookleaf — the ship between Leafy and Book
Bubeafy — the ship between Leafy and Bubble
Eggleaf — the ship between Leafy and Eggy
Fanleaf — the ship between Leafy and Fanny
Floweafy — the ship between Leafy and Flower
GolfLeaf — the ship between Leafy and Golf Ball
Iceleaf — the ship between Leafy and Ice Cube
Leafbulb — the ship between Leafy and Lightbulb
Leafcil — the ship between Leafy and Pencil
Leafdrop — the ship between Leafy and Teardrop
Leafiy — the ship between Leafy and Liy
Leaflety — the ship between Leafy and Bracelety
Leafmote — the ship between Leafy and Remote
Leafoldy — the ship between Leafy and Foldy
Leafpie — the ship between Leafy and Pie
Leafpin — the ship between Leafy and Pin
Leafsaw — the ship between Leafy and Saw
LeafSpinach — the ship between Leafy and Spinach Cookie
Leaftube — the ship between Leafy and Test Tube
Leafypop — the ship between Leafy and Lollipop
LeafyShipping — the ship between Leafy and Evil Leafy
Matchleaf — the ship between Leafy and Match
Needleafy — the ship between Leafy and Needle
Pilleafy — the ship between Leafy and Pillow
Puffleaf — the ship between Leafy and Puffball
Rubyleaf — the ship between Leafy and Ruby
Tacoleaf — the ship between Leafy and Taco


CRTleaf — the ship between Leafy and CRT
Foureafy — the ship between Leafy and Four
LeafX — the ship between Leafy and X
Profileafy — the ship between Leafy and Profily
Twoleaf — the ship between Leafy and Two
Winnerleaf — the ship between Leafy and Winner


BFDI Finalists — the ship between Leafy, Firey and Bubble
Coinleafdle — the ship between Leafy, Coiny and Needle
Coinpinleaf — the ship between Leafy, Coiny and Pin
Element Trio — the ship between Leafy, Firey and Teardrop
Fireafpin — the ship between Leafy, Firey and Pin
Firefloweafy — the ship between Leafy, Firey and Flower
Fireleafcoinpin — the ship between Leafy, Firey, Coiny and Pin
Fireleafcoinpineedle — the ship between Leafy, Firey, Coiny, Pin and Needle
Gelarubyleafdrop — the ship between Leafy, Ruby, Gelatin and Teardrop
Geleafypop — the ship between Leafy, Gelatin and Lollipop
Gelireafy — the ship between Leafy, Gelatin and Firey
Lea4x — the ship between Leafy, Four and X
Leafmatchcil — the ship between Leafy, Match and Pencil
Leafpindrop — the ship between Leafy, Pin and Teardrop
Leafpineedrop — the ship between Leafy, Pin, Needle and Teardrop
Poly Exit — the ship between Leafy, Bracelety, Liy and Pencil
Spongeleafdrop — the ship between Leafy, Spongy and Teardrop
Woodleafdrop — the ship between Leafy, Woody and Teardrop


Garden Gang — the ship between Leafy, Flower, Grassy and Tree


Firey Jr.'s Parents — the ship between Leafy, Firey and Firey Jr.


Main article: Fireafy
Main article: Leafpin


Leafy tag on AO3
Leafy stories on Wattpad


# portmanteau characters type
73 Fireafy Firey het
69 Firey & Leafy Firey gen
64 Leafpin Pin femslash
21 Leafy & Pin Pin gen
11 Leafy & Teardrop Teardrop gen
9 Leafypop Lollipop femslash
8 Leafcil Pencil femslash
8 Flower & Leafy Flower gen
8 Coiny & Leafy Coiny gen
7 Leafdrop Teardrop femslash

# portmanteau characters
73 Fireafy Firey
2 Loseafy Loser
1 Woodleaf Woody
1 Coinleaf Coiny
1 Balleafy Balloony
1 Peneafy Pen

# portmanteau characters
64 Leafpin Pin
9 Leafypop Lollipop
8 Leafcil Pencil
7 Leafdrop Teardrop
5 Matchleaf Match
5 Floweafy Flower
4 Leafble Bubble
4 GolfLeaf Golf Ball
3 Iceleaf Ice Cube
2 Leafpie Pie

# portmanteau characters
69 Firey & Leafy Firey
21 Leafy & Pin Pin
11 Leafy & Teardrop Teardrop
8 Flower & Leafy Flower
8 Coiny & Leafy Coiny
4 Leafy & Lollipop Lollipop
4 Four & Leafy Four
3 Four & Leafy & X FourX
3 Firey & Leafy & Pin FireyPin
2 Leafy & Tree Tree

