League of Legends is a video game franchise.
League of Legends[]
League of Legends (or LoL; initially League of Legends: Clash of Fates) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) genre video game developed by Riot Games. It was designed to operate on the Microsoft Windows operating system. The game was first announced on October 7, 2008 and released a year later on October 27, 2009. The game was in beta from April 10, 2009 to October 26th, 2009.
Players are formed into two even teams primarily comprised of five members. Each team starts at opposing sides of a map, near what is called a "Nexus". To win a match, a team must destroy the opposing team's Nexus. To do so, each team must work through a series of towers called 'turrets' that are placed along three paths to each base (commonly referred to as 'lanes') Along the way, each player gains power by completing game objectives, earning them experience points and gold that are used to increase the player's level and to purchase powerful items, potentially giving players an advantage over their opponents. Examples of these objectives include killing the opposing team's turrets, players, and 'minions' (small NPCs that constantly spawn and attack the other team).
Runeterra (meaning magic earth) is a plane of existence composed of the physical realm: an oblate spheroid planet and the Spirit Realm. It is also the fictional world where most of the lore of the League of Legends intellectual property takes place. Runeterra is part of the larger Runeterra Prime universe. The currently known continents the planet comprises are Valoran and Shurima. It also boasts several large bodies of water, such as the currently known 18 Seas (like the Conqueror's Sea and the Guardian's Sea), and 2 Oceans with several archipelagos and islands around them (like Ionia, the Serpent Isles, and the Shadow Isles). The planet orbits around a G-type star while a natural satellite moon orbits around the planet. Runeterra's sun and moon also even mirrored equivalents in the spirit realm.
Arcane (titled onscreen as Arcane: League of Legends) is an animated action-adventure series created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee for Netflix. Produced by Fortiche under the supervision of Riot Games, it is set in the League of Legends Arcane universe, and focuses on several characters from the games, particularly Vi and Jinx. The series was first released in November 2021.
Aatrox | Shurima | Juggernaut | 2013-06-13 |
Ahri | Ionia | Burst | 2011-12-14 |
Akali | Ionia | Assassin | 2010-05-11 |
Akshan | Shurima | Marksman | 2021-07-22 |
Alistar | Runterra | Vanguard | 2009-02-21 |
Amumu | Shurima | Vanguard | 2009-06-26 |
Anivia | Freljord | Battlemage | 2009-07-10 |
Annie | Noxus | Burst | 2009-02-21 |
Aphelios | Targon | Marksman | 2019-12-11 |
Ashe | Freljord | Marksman | 2009-02-21 |
Aurelion Sol | Unknown | Battlemage | 2016-03-24 |
Azir | Shurima | Specialist | 2014-09-16 |
Bard | Unknown | Catcher | 2015-03-12 |
Blitzcrank | Zaun | Catcher | 2009-09-02 |
Brand | Freljord | Burst | 2011-04-12 |
Braum | Freljord | Warden | 2014-05-12 |
Caitlyn | Piltover | Marksman | 2011-01-04 |
Camille | Piltover | Diver | 2016-12-07 |
Cassiopeia | Shurima | Battlemage | 2010-12-14 |
Cho'Gath | Unknown | Specialist | 2009-06-26 |
Corki | Bandle City | Marksman | 2009-09-19 |
Darius | Noxus | Juggernaut | 2012-05-23 |
Diana | Iona | Diver | 2012-08-07 |
Dr. Mundo | Zaun | Juggernaut | 2009-09-02 |
Draven | Noxus | Marksman | 2012-06-06 |
Ekko | Zaun | Assassin | 2015-05-29 |
Elise | Noxus | Diver | 2012-10-26 |
Evelynn | Unknown | Assassin | 2009-05-01 |
Ezreal | Piltover | Marksman | 2010-03-16 |
Fiddlesticks | Demacia | Specialist | 2009-02-12 |
Fiora | Demacia | Skirmisher | 2012-02-29 |
Fizz | Guardian Sea | Assassin | 2011-11-15 |
Galio | Demacia | Warden | 2010-08-10 |
Gangplank | Bilgewater | Specialist | 2009-08-19 |
Garen | Demacia | Juggernaut | 2010-04-27 |
Gnar | Unknown | Specialist | 2014-08-14 |
Gragas | Fjeljord | Vanguard | 2010-02-02 |
Graves | Bilgewater | Specialist | 2011-10-19 |
Gwen | Camavor | Skirmisher | 2021-04-15 |
Hecarium | Shadow Isles | Diver | 2012-04-18 |
Heimerdinger | Piltover | Specialist | 2009-10-10 |
Illaoi | Bilgewater | Juggernaut | 2015-11-24 |
Irelia | Ionia | Diver | 2010-11-16 |
Ivern | Unknown | Catcher | 2016-10-05 |
Janna | Zaun | Enchanter | 2009-09-02 |
Jarvan IV | Demacia | Diver | 2011-03-01 |
Jax | Shurima | Skirmisher | 2009-02-21 |
Jayce | Piltover | Artillery | 2012-07-07 |
Jhin | Ionia | Catcher | 2016-02-01 |
Jinx | Zaun | Marksman | 2013-10-10 |
Kai'Sa | Shurima | Marksman | 2018-03-07 |
Kalista | Shadow Isles | Marksman | 2014-11-20 |
Karma | Ionia | Enchanter | 2011-02-01 |
Karthus | Shadow Isles | Battlemage | 2009-06-12 |
Kassadin | Shurima | Assassin | 2009-08-07 |
Katarina | Noxus | Assassin | 2009-09-19 |
Kayle | Mount Targon | Specialist | 2009-02-21 |
Kayn | Ionia | Skirmisher | 2017-07-12 |
Kennen | Ionia | Specialist | 2010-04-08 |
Kha'Zix | Unknown | Assassin | 2012-09-27 |
Kindred | Runterra | Marksman | 2015-10-14 |
Kled | Noxus | Skirmisher | 2016-08-10 |
Kog'Maw | Shuriman Continent | Marksman | 2010-06-24 |
LeBlanc | Noxus | Burst | 2010-11-02 |
Lee Sin | Ionia | Diver | 2011-04-01 |
Leona | Targon | Vanguard | 2011-07-13 |
Lillia | Ionia | Skirmisher | 2020-07-23 |
Lissandra | Freljord | Burst | 2013-04-30 |
Lucian | Demacia | Marksman | 2013-08-22 |
Lulu | Bandle City | Enchanter | 2012-03-20 |
Lux | Demacia | Burst | 2010-10-19 |
Malphite | Shuriman Jungle | Vanguard | 2009-09-02 |
Malzahar | Shurima | Battlemage | 2010-06-01 |
Maokai | Shadow Isles | Vanguard | 2011-02-16 |
Master Yi | Ionia | Skirmisher | 2009-02-21 |
Miss Fortune | Bilgewater | Marksman | 2010-09-08 |
Mordekaiser | Mita Rachnun | Juggernaut | 2010-02-24 |
Morgana | Valoran | Catcher | 2009-02-21 |
Nami | Marai Village | Enchanter | 2012-12-07 |
Nasus | Shurima | Juggernaut | 2009-10-01 |
Nautilus | Bilgewater | Vanguard | 2012-02-14 |
Neeko | Ixtal | Catcher | 2018-12-05 |
Nidalee | Ixtal | Specialist | 2009-12-17 |
Nocturne | Runterra | Assassin | 2011-03-15 |
Nunu | Freljord | Vanguard | 2009-02-21 |
Olaf | Freljord | Diver | 2010-06-09 |
Orianna | Piltover | Burst | 2011-06-01 |
Ornn | Freljord | Vanguard | 2017-08-23 |
Pantheon | Targon | Diver | 2010-02-02 |
Poppy | Demacia | Warden | 2010-01-13 |
Pyke | Bilgewater | Catcher | 2018-05-31 |
Qiyana | Ixtal | Assassin | 2019-06-28 |
Quinn | Demacia | Specialist | 2013-03-01 |
Rakan | Ionia | Catcher | 2017-04-19 |
Rammus | Shurima | Vanguard | 2009-07-10 |
Rek'Sai | Void | Diver | 2014-12-11 |
Rell | Noxus | Vanguard | 2020-12-10 |
Renata Glasc | Zaun | Enchanter | 2022-02-17 |
Renekton | Shurima | Diver | 2011-01-18 |
Rengar | Ixtal | Diver | 2012-08-21 |
Riven | Noxus | Skirmisher | 2011-09-14 |
Rumble | Bandle City | Battlemage | 2011-04-26 |
Ryze | Runterra | Battlemage | 2009-02-21 |
Samira | Noxus | Marksman | 2020-09-21 |
Sejuani | Freljord | Vanguard | 2012-01-17 |
Senna | Blessed Isles | Marksman | 2019-11-10 |
Seraphine | Piltover/Zaun | Burst | 2020-10-29 |
Sett | Ionia | Juggernaut | 2020-01-14 |
Shaco | Runterra | Assassin | 2009-10-10 |
Shen | Ionia | Warden | 2010-03-24 |
Syvana | Demacia | Juggernaut | 2011-11-01 |
Singed | Zaun | Specialist | 2009-04-18 |
Sion | Noxus | Vanguard | 2009-02-21 |
Sivir | Shurima | Marksman | 2009-02-21 |
Skarner | Shurima | Diver | 2011-08-09 |
Sona | Demacia | Enchanter | 2010-09-21 |
Soraka | Targon | Enchanter | 2009-02-21 |
Swain | Noxus | Battlemage | 2010-10-05 |
Sylas | Freljord | Burst | 2019-01-25 |
Syndra | Ionia | Burst | 2012-09-13 |
Tahm Kench | Runterra | Warden | 2015-07-09 |
Taliyah | Shurima | Battlemage | 2016-05-18 |
Talon | Noxus | Assassin | 2011-08-24 |
Taric | Targon | Enchanter | 2009-08-19 |
Teemo | Bandle City | Specialist | 2009-02-21 |
Thresh | Shadow Isles | Catcher | 2013-01-23 |
Tristana | Bandle City | Marksman | 2009-02-21 |
Trundle | Freljord | Juggernaut | 2010-12-01 |
Tryndamere | Freljord | Skirmisher | 2009-05-01 |
Twisted Fate | Bilgewater | Burst | 2009-02-21 |
Twitch | Zaun | Marksman | 2009-05-01 |
Udyr | Freljord | Juggernaut | 2009-12-02 |
Urgot | Zaun | Juggernaut | 2010-08-24 |
Varus | Shurima | Marksman | 2012-05-08 |
Vayne | Demacia | Marksman | 2011-05-10 |
Veigar | Bandle City | Burst | 2009-07-24 |
Vel'Koz | Void | Artillery | 2014-02-27 |
Vex | Shadow Isles | Burst | 2021-09-23 |
Vi | Piltover | Diver | 2012-12-19 |
Viego | Shadow Isles | Skirmisher | 2021-01-21 |
Viktor | Zaun | Battlemage | 2011-12-29 |
Vladimir | Noxus | Battlemage | 2010-07-27 |
Volibear | Freljord | Juggernaut | 2011-11-29 |
Warwick | Zaun | Diver | 2009-02-21 |
Wukong | Ionia | Diver | 2011-07-26 |
Xayah | Ionia | Marksman | 2017-04-19 |
Xerath | Shurima | Artillery | 2011-10-05 |
Xin Zhao | Demacia | Diver | 2010-07-13 |
Yasuo | Ionia | Skirmisher | 2013-12-13 |
Yone | Ionia | Assassin | 2020-08-06 |
Yorick | Shadow Isles | Juggernaut | 2011-06-22 |
Yuumi | Bandle City | Enchanter | 2019-05-14 |
Zac | Zaun | Vanguard | 2013-03-29 |
Zed | Ionia | Assassin | 2012-11-13 |
Zeri | Zaun | Marksman | 2022-01-20 |
Ziggs | Zaun | Artillery | 2012-02-01 |
Zilean | Icathia | Specialist | 2009-14-18 |
Zoe | Targon | Burst | 2017-11-21 |
Zyra | Ixtal | Catcher | 2012-07-24 |
- Ambessa x Her Boytoy — the ship between Ambessa Medarda and Miguel
- Ambessa x Hwel — the ship between Ambessa Medarda and Hwel
- Ambessa x Silco — the ship between Ambessa Medarda and Silco
- Ambessa x Viktor — the ship between Ambessa Medarda and Viktor
- Aphelraka — the ship between Aphelios and Soraka
- Braum x Illaoi — the ship between Braum and Illaoi
- Cassandra x Tobias — the ship between Cassandra Kiramman and Tobias Kiramman
- DariLux — the ship between Darius and Luxanna Crownguard
- Draven x Ahri — the ship between Draven and Ahri
- Ekko x Janna — the ship between Ekko and Janna
- Ekko x Lux — the ship between Ekko and Luxanna Crownguard
- Ekko x Rell — the ship between Ekko and Rell
- Ekko x Seraphine — the ship between Ekko and Seraphine
- Ekko x Zeri — the ship between Ekko and Zeri
- EzLux — the ship between Ezreal and Luxanna Crownguard
- EzSera — the ship between Ezreal and Seraphine
- Fieram x Orianna — the ship between Fieram and Orianna Reveck
- Gangplank x Illaoi — the ship between Gangplank and Illaoi
- Garen x Fiora — the ship between Garen Crownguard and Fiora Laurent
- Garen x Sona — the ship between Garen Crownguard and Sona Buvelle
- Jarvan x LeBlanc — the ship between Jarvan Lightshield IV and Emilia LeBlanc
- Jarvan x Shyvana — the ship between Jarvan Lightshield IV and Shyvana
- Jhin x Jinx — the ship between Khada Jhin and Jinx
- Jimx — the ship between Jinx and Jim Hawkins
- Jinx x Jarvan — the ship between Jinx and Jarvan Lightshield IV
- Jinx x Pyke — the ship between Jinx and Pyke
- KataGaren — the ship between Garen Crownguard and Katarina Du Couteau
- KarmaSin — the ship between Karma and Lee Sin
- Kayn x Akali — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Akali Tethi
- Kayn x Seraphine — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Seraphine
- Kayn x Zoe — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Zoe
- Lucian x Senna — the ship between Lucian and Senna Abaru
- Malza’Sai — the ship between Malzahar and Rek’Sai
- Melco — the ship between Meo Medarda and Silco
- MelJay — the ship between Jayce Talis and Mel Medarda
- MelVik — the ship between Mel Medarda and Viktor
- MFPyke — the ship between Miss Fortune and Pyke
- MFShen — the ship between Miss Fortune and Shen
- Nami x Aphelios — the ship between Nami and Aphelios
- Pyke x Ahri — the ship between Pyke and Ahri
- Rakahri — the ship between Rakan and Ahri
- RaXayah — the ship between Rakan and Xayah
- Riven x Yasuo — the ship between Riven Konte and Yasuo
- Rumble x Tristana — the ship between Rumble and Tristana
- Settoraka — the ship between Sett and Soraka
- SettXayah — the ship between Sett and Xayah
- Sevilco — the ship between Sevika and Silco
- Sevika x Miguel — the ship between Sevika and Miguel
- Seviktor — the ship between Sevika and Viktor
- Shadowcannon — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Jinx
- Shoola x Tobias — the ship between Shoola and Tobias Kiramman
- Silcia — the ship between Silco and Felicia
- Sinbessa — the ship between Ambessa Medarda and Corin Reveck
- SkyVik — the ship between Sky Young and Viktor
- Skyce — the ship between Jayce Tails and Sky Young
- Swain x Cassiopeia — the ship between Jericho Swain and Cassiopeia Du Couteau
- Swain x Katarina — the ship between Jericho Swain and Katarina Du Couteau
- Swain x LeBlanc — the ship between Jericho Swain and Emilia LeBlanc
- Sylux — the ship between Sylas and Luxanna Crownguard
- Talon x Briar — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Briar
- TalQuinn — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Quinn of Uwendale
- TalRiven — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Riven Konte
- TaLux — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Luxanna Crownguard
- Teemo x Tristana — the ship between Teemo and Tristana
- Timebomb — the ship between Ekko and Jinx
- Timeweaver — the ship between Ekko and Taliyah
- TFEvelynn — the ship between Twisted Fate and Evelynn
- TFJanna — the ship between Twisted Fate and Janna
- TFMF — the ship between Twisted Fate and Miss Fortune
- TryndAshe — the ship between Tryndamere and Ashe
- Vanlicia — the ship between Vander and Felicia
- Varus x Zyra — the ship between Varus and Zyra
- VeiLu — the ship between Veigar and Lulu
- Viktor x Janna — the ship between Viktor and Janna
- Viktor x Orianna Reveck — the ship between Viktor and Orianna Reveck
- Vinx — the ship between Viktor and Jinx
- Vladimir x LeBlanc — the ship between Vladimir and Emilia LeBlanc
- Warwick x Ahri — the ship between Warwick and Ahri
- Warwick x Soraka — the ship between Warwick and Soraka
- Wukong x Ahri — the ship between Wukong and Ahri
- Yanna — the ship between Yasuo and Janna
- YasuAhri — the ship between Yasuo and Ahri
- Zac x Riven — the ship between Zac and Riven Konte
- Ziggs x Jinx — the ship between Ziggs and Jinx
- Zyndra — the ship between Zed and Syndra
- Claggor x Milo — the ship between Claggor and Milo
- DarGar — the ship between Darius and Garen Crownguard
- DarSwain — the ship between Darius and Jericho Swain
- DeepHeart — the ship between Pyke and Braum
- Draven x Sett — the ship between Draven and Sett
- Ezante — the ship between Ezreal and K'Sante
- Ezett — the ship between Ezreal and Sett
- Ezko — the ship between Ezreal and Ekko
- Ezphel — the ship between Ezreal and Aphelios
- Ezreal x Hwei — the ship between Ezreal and Luka Hwei
- Ezreal x Rhaast — the ship between Ezreal and Rhaast
- Ezreal x Yone — the ship between Ezreal and Yone
- FinnVik — the ship between Finn and Viktor
- Graves x Viktor — the ship between Malcolm Graves and Viktor
- Jarvan x Swain — the ship between Jarvan Lightshield IV and Jericho Swain
- Jayce x Ekko — the ship between Jayce Talis and Ekko
- Jayce x Silco — the ship between Jayce Talis and Silco
- Jayce x Vander — the ship between Jayce Talis and Vander
- JayVik — the ship between Jayce Talis and Viktor
- JhinHwei — the ship between Khada Jhin and Lukai Hwei
- Jhinphel — the ship between Khada Jhin and Aphelios
- JhinPyke — the ship between Khada Jhin and Pyke
- JhinVik — the ship between Khada Jhin and Viktor
- Kayn x K'Sante — the ship between Shieda Kayn and K'Sante
- Kayn x Yasuo — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Yasuo
- Kaynphel — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Aphelios
- KaynSwain — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Jericho Swain
- KaynZed — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Zed
- Kayone — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Yone
- Kledinger — the ship between Kled and Heimerdinger
- Lee x Brand — the ship between Lee Sin and Brand
- Mordevik — the ship between Mordekaiser and Viktor
- Mundo x Viktor — the ship between Dr. Mundo and Viktor
- Nashan — the ship between Nasus and Akshan
- Nasuwick — the ship between Nasus and Warwick
- Panthelios — the ship between Pantheon and Aphelios
- Phelviego — the ship between Aphelios and Viego
- Pyke x Ekko — the ship between Pyke and Ekko
- RakanSett — the ship between Rakan and Sett
- Rengwick — the ship between Rengar and Warwick
- Rhaayn — the ship between Rhaast and Shieda Kayn
- Riggs — the ship between Rumble and Ziggs
- Salo x Viktor — the ship between Salo and Viktor
- Sett x Hwei — the ship between Sett and Luka Hwei
- Sett x Kayn — the ship between Sett and Shieda Kayn
- Settphelios — the ship between Sett and Aphelios
- Shadowblink — the ship between Shieda Kayn and Ezreal
- ShenZed — the ship between Shen and Zed
- Sinco — the ship between Corin Reveck and Silco
- Singerdinger — the ship between Corin Reveck and Heimerdinger
- Silco x Warwick — the ship between Silco and Warwick
- Swain x Draven — the ship between Jericho Swain and Draven
- Swain x Vladimir — the ship between Jericho Swain and Vladimir
- SylEz — the ship between Sylas and Ezreal
- Sylett — the ship between Sylas and Sett
- Talez — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Ezreal
- TalKayn — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Shieda Kayn
- Talon x Ekko — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Ekko
- Talon x Swain — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Jericho Swain
- Talon x Yasuo — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Yasuo
- TalSett — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Sett
- TalZed — the ship between Talon Du Couteau and Zed
- Taric x Ezreal — the ship between Taric and Ezreal
- Taricphel — the ship between Taric and Aphelios
- TFGraves — the ship between Twisted Fate and Malcom Graves
- TFYasuo — the ship between Twisted Fate and Yasuo
- Vander x Sevika — the ship between Vander and Sevika
- VanVik — the ship between Viktor and Vander
- Veimo — the ship between Veigar and Teemo
- Viktor x Ekko — the ship between Viktor and Ekko
- Viktor x Talon — the ship between Viktor and Talon Du Couteau
- Viktor x Warwick — the ship between Viktor and Warwick
- Vilco — the ship between Silco and Viktor
- Yasuo x Lucian — the ship between Yasuo and Lucian
- Yasuo x Pyke — the ship between Yasuo and Pyke
- Yisuo — the ship between Master Yi and Yasuo
- Yone x Rhaast — the ship between Yone and Rhaast
- Yonephel — the ship between Yone and Aphelios
- Zaundads — the ship between Silco and Vander
- Ahri x Akali — the ship between Ahri and Akali Tethi
- Ahri x Jinx — the ship between Ahri and Jinx
- Ahri x LeBlanc — the ship between Ahri and Emilia LeBlanc
- Ahri x Vi — the ship between Ahri and Vi
- Ahrilynn — the ship between Ahri and Evelynn
- Ahri x Zyra — the ship between Ahri and Zyra
- Akali x Irelia — the ship between Akali Tethi and Xan Irelia
- Akali x Kai'sa — the ship between Akali Tethi and Kai'sa
- Akali x Qiyana — the ship between Akali Tethi and Qiyana Yun Tal
- Akalynn — the ship between Akali Tethi and Evelynn
- Ambvika — the ship between Ambessa Medarda and Sevika
- Ashejani — the ship between Ashe and Sejuani
- Boombox — the ship between Jinx and Seraphine
- Briar x Jinx — the ship between Briar and Jinx
- Briar x Seraphine — the ship between Briar and Seraphine
- Caitbessa — the ship between Ambessa Medarda and Caitlyn
- Caitlyn x Corina — the ship between Caitlyn Kiramman and Corina Veraza
- Caitlyn x LeBlanc — the ship between Caitlyn Kiramman and Emilia LeBlanc
- CaitJinx — the ship between Caitlyn Kiramman and Jinx
- Caitphine — the ship between Caitlyn Kiramman and Seraphine
- CaitVi — the ship between Caitlyn Kiramman and Vi
- Cassiopeia x LeBlanc — the ship between Cassiopeia Du Couteau and Emilia LeBlanc
- Cassiopeia x Zyra — the ship between Cassiopeia Du Couteau and Zyra
- CatCouncil — the ship between Lest and Mel Medarda
- Elise x Zyra — the ship between Elise and Zyra
- Evelynn x Jinx — the ship between Evelynn and Jinx
- Fiora x Quinn — the ship between Fiora Laurent and Quinn of Uwendale
- Frozen Lotus — the ship between Ashe and Katarina
- Grayvika — the ship between Grayson and Sevika
- Graybessa — the ship between Grayson and Ambessa Medarda
- Leodia — the ship between Leona and Diana
- Leonahri — the ship between Leona and Ahri
- LuxQuinn — the ship between Luxanna Crownguard and Quinn of Uwendale
- Jinana — the ship between Jinx and Qiyana
- Jinx x Cassiopeia — the ship between Jinx and Cassiopeia Du Couteau
- JinxQuinn — the ship between Jinx and Harley Quinn
- Jinx x Sona — the ship between Jinx and Sona Buvelle
- Jirelia — the ship between Jinx and Xan Irelia
- Kahri — the ship between Kai'Sa and Ahri
- KataLux — the ship between Katarina Du Couteau and Luxanna Crownguard
- Leona x Zyra — the ship between Leona and Zyra
- Katakali — the ship between Katarina Du Couteau and Akali Tethi
- KataRiven — the ship between Katarina Du Couteau and Riven Konte
- Lightcannon — the ship between Luxanna Crownguard and Jinx
- Luxvana — the ship between Luxanna Crownguard and Shyvana
- Maddilynn — the ship between Maddie Nolen and Caitlyn Kiramman
- Mel x Shoola — the ship between Mel Medarda and Shoola
- Melvika — the ship between Mel Medarda and Sevika
- MFAhri — the ship between Ahri and Miss Fortune
- MFDiana — the ship between Miss Fortune and Diana
- MFIllaoi — the ship between Miss Fortune and Illaoi
- MFKai'Sa — the ship between Miss Fortune and Kai'Sa
- MFKatarina — the ship between Katarina Du Couteau and Miss Fortune
- MFLeona — the ship between Miss Fortune and Leona
- MFLux — the ship between Miss Fortune and Luxanna Crownguard
- MFNami — the ship between Nami and Miss Fortune
- MFSamira — the ship between Miss Fortune and Samira
- MFSoraka — the ship between Miss Fortune and Soraka
- MFVi — the ship between Miss Fortune and Vi
- Neeko x Zyra — the ship between Neeko and Zyra
- Neekolee — the ship between Neeko and Nidalee
- Nidakali — the ship between Nidalee and Akali Tethi
- Orisera — the ship between Orianna Reveck and Seraphine
- Qiyana x Zyra — the ship between Qiyana and Zyra
- Quinn x Cassiopeia — the ship between Quinn of Uwendale and Cassiopeia Du Couteau
- Quinn x Shyvana — the ship between Quinn of Uwendale and Shyvana
- QuinnSona — the ship between Quinn of Uwendale and Sona Buvelle
- Rivelia — the ship between Riven Konte and Xan Irelia
- Seragwen — the ship between Seraphine and Gwen
- SeraLux — the ship between Seraphine and Luxanna Crownguard
- SeraVi — the ship between Seraphine and Vi
- Serenata — the ship between Seraphine and Renata Glasc
- Mel x Sky — the ship between Mel Melarda and Sky Young
- Songdiva — the ship between Seraphine and Scratch
- Songmaiden — the ship between Seraphine and Rell
- Sevlest — the ship between Sevika and Lest
- Sevinx — the ship between Sevika and Jinx
- Shockgrenade — the ship between Zeri and Jinx
- Soraka x Zyra — the ship between Soraka and Zyra
- Starryblade — the ship between Akali Tethi and Seraphine
- Steelmoon — the ship between Camille and Diana
- Syndrelia — the ship between Syndra and Xan Irelia
- Vayne x Zyra — the ship between Vayne and Zyra
- Vi x Corina — the ship between Vi and Corina Veraza
- Vi x Maddie — the ship between Vi and Maddie Nolen
- ViLux — the ship between Vi and Luxanna Crownguard
- Viora — the ship between Vi and Fiora Laurent
- Xayahri — the ship between Xayah and Ahri
- Zeri x Rell — the ship between Zeri and Rell
- Zeriphine — the ship between Zeri and Seraphine
- Blitzcrank x Orianna — the ship between Blitzcrank and Orianna Reveck
- Jinx x Kindred — the ship between Jinx and Kindred
- Warwick x Kindred — the ship between Warwick and Kindred
- Ambessa x Viktor x Mel — the ship between Ambessa Medarda, Viktor and Mel Medarda
- CaitJinxVi — the ship between Caitlyn, Jinx and Vi
- CaitViMF — the ship between Caitlyn Kiramman, Vi, and Miss Fortune
- Ekko x Ezreal x Jinx x Lux — the ship between Ekko, Ezreal, Jinx and Luxanna Crownguard
- Ezreal x Kayn x Rhaast — the ship between Ezreal, Shieda Kayn, and Rhaast
- Ezreal x Kayn x Yone — the ship between Ezreal, Shieda Kayn, and Yone
- Flashbomb — the ship between Ekko, Jinx and Luxanna Crownguard
- Kayn x Rhaast x Yone — the ship between Shieda Kayn, Rhaast, Yone
- MelJayVik — the ship between Mel Medarda, Jayce Talis and Viktor
- MelCatJayVik — the ship between Mel Medarda, Lest, Jayce Talis and Viktor
- MelJaySkyVik — the ship between Mel Medarda, Jayce Talis, Sky Young and Viktor
- Mel x Jayce x Sevika x Viktor — the ship between Mel Medarda, Jayce Talis, Seivika and Viktor
- Settkaynphel — the ship between Sett, Shieda Kayn, and Aphelios
- Sevika x Silco x Vander — the ship between Sevika, Silco and Vander
- Silco x Ambessa x Singed — the ship between Silco, Ambessa Medarda and Corin Reveck
- Sylettez — the ship between Sylas, Sett, and Ezreal
- TFMFGraves — the ship between Twisted Fate, Miss Fortune and Graves
- Twink Agenda — the ship between Ambessa Medarda, Miguel, Viktor, Salo and Silco
- VanVilco — the ship between Vander, Viktor and Silco
- Vander x Silco x Singed — the ship between Vander, Silco and Corin Reveck
- Aphelios & Alune — the ship between Aphelios and Alune
- Cassiopeia & Talon — the ship between Cassiopeia Du Couteau and Talon Du Couteau
- ChumFam — the ship between Renni and Renni’s Son
- Dad Benzo — the ship between Benzo and Ekko
- "Dad" Silco — the ship between Jinx and Silco
- Dad Singed — the ship between Corin Reveck and Orianna Reveck
- Dad Vander — the ship between Vander, Vi and Jinx
- Du Couteau Siblings — the ship between Cassiopeia Du Couteau, Katarina Du Couteau, and Talon Du Couteau
- Du Couteau Sisters — the ship between Cassiopeia Du Couteau and Katarina Du Couteau
- Boydad Viktor — the ship between Viktor and Naph
- Hex Dad — the ship between Blitzcrank and Viktor
- Hex Family — the ship between Viktor, Jayce, Blitzcrank, Amaranthine and Naph
- HexMic — the ship between Seraphine and Seraphine’s Father
- Hex Parents — the ship between Jayce Talis, Viktor and Blitzcrank
- Katarina & Talon — the ship between Katarina Du Couteau and Talon Du Couteau
- Girldad Jayce — the ship between Jayce Talis and Amaranthine
- Mini Jinx — the ship between Jinx and Isha
- Jinx Dads — the ship between Jinx, Vander and Silco
- Jinxwick — the ship between Jinx and Warwick
- Medarda Silbings — the ship between Mel Medarda and Kino Medarda
- Mom Medarda — the ship between Ambessa Medarda, Mel Medarda and Kino Medarda
- Noxus Bros — the ship between Darius and Draven
- Reveck Family — the ship between Corin Reveck, Orianna Reveck and Viktor
- Soften Up — the ship between Jayce Talis, Viktor, Amaranthine and Naph
- The Kiramman Family — the ship between Caitlyn Kiramman, Cassandra Kiramman and Tobias Kiramman
- Time Family — the ship between Ekko, Wyeth and Inna
- ViJinx — the ship between Vi and Jinx
- Viwick — the ship between Vi and Warwick
- Wolf Daughter — the ship between Ambessa Medarda and Mel Medarda
- Yasuo & Yone — the ship between Yasuo and Yone
- Zaun "Family" — the ship between Silco, Jinx and Sevika
- Zaun Family — the ship between Jinx, Vi, Isha, and Warwick
- Aphelios & Yuumi — the ship between Aphelios and Yuumi
- Blisters & Bedrock — the ship between Vander, Silco and Felicia
- CaitJay — the ship between Caitlyn Kiramman and Jayce Talis
- Ekko & Heimerdinger — the ship between Ekko and Heimerdinger
- Ekko & Vi — the ship between Ekko and Vi
- Flop Duo — the ship between Vi and Jayce Talis
- Heartsteel — the ship between K'Sante, Sett, Ezreal, Shieda Kayn, Yone, and Aphelios
- Independence 4 Zaun — the ship between Sevika, Jinx and Isha
- Jericho & Vi — the ship between Jericho and Vi
- Mentor Singed — the ship between Corin Reveck and Viktor
- Lil'Zaun Crew — the ship between Vi, Powder, Milo, Claggor and Ekko
- MFGraves — the ship between Miss Fortune and Graves
- Singedwick — the ship between Corin Reveck and Warwick
- VikCait — the ship between Viktor and Caitlyn Kiramman
- ViVi — the ship between Viktor and Vi
- HexVik — the ship between Viktor and the Hexcore
- The Glorious Evolution — the ship between Viktor and glorious evolution
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- [League of Legends Wiki
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
12271 | CaitVi | Caitlyn/Vi | femslash |
9428 | JayVik | Jayce/Viktor | slash |
3118 | Timebomb | Ekko/Jinx | het |
2293 | ViJinx | Jinx & Vi | gen |
1379 | Lightcannon | Luxanna Crownguard/Jinx | femslash |
1233 | "Dad" Silco | Jinx & Silco | gen |
1020 | MelJay | Jayce/Mel | het |
960 | Zaundads | Silco/Vander | slash |
895 | Jilco | Jinx/Silco | het |
815 | Settphelios | Aphelios/Sett | slash |
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
3346 | CaitVi | Caitlyn/Vi | femslash |
2081 | JayVik | Jayce/Viktor | slash |
1379 | Lightcannon | Luxanna Crownguard/Jinx | femslash |
815 | Settphelios | Aphelios/Sett | slash |
731 | Timebomb | Ekko/Jinx | het |
694 | EzKayn | Ezreal/Shieda Kayn | slash |
678 | Akalynn | Akali/Evelynn | femslash |
549 | ViJinx | Jinx & Vi | gen |
410 | TFGraves | Twisted Fate/Malcom Graves | slash |
397 | Rhaayn | Rhaast/Shieda Kayn | slash |
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
11903 | CaitVi | Caitlyn/Vi | femslash |
9194 | JayVik | Jayce/Viktor | slash |
3079 | Timebomb | Ekko/Jinx | het |
2276 | ViJinx | Jinx & Vi | gen |
1233 | "Dad" Silco | Jinx & Silco | gen |
1014 | MelJay | Jayce/Mel | het |
960 | Zaundads | Silco/Vander | slash |
895 | Jilco | Jinx/Silco | het |
598 | Jinx/Vi | Jinx/Vi | femslash |
614 | Mini Jinx | Isha & Jinx | gen |
League of Legends Ships • League of Legends Characters | ||
SHIPS | het | EzLux • Malza’Sai • MelJay • MelVik • RaXayah • Shadowcannon • SkyVik • Timebomb • YasuAhri |
slash | Ezko • JayVik • JhinHwei • Settphelios • Shadowblink • ShenZed • TFGraves | |
femslash | Akalynn • CaitVi • JinxQuinn • Leodia • Lightcannon • Melvika • MFIllaoi • Neekolee • StarryBlade | |
poly | TFMFGraves | |
family | ViJinx | |
friend | CaitJay | |
CHARACTERS | female | Jinx |