League of Legends ships listed by characters. When a character has 15 ships listed and five pages that aren't stubs a page may be created for them.
Ahri • Akali • Ambessa • Aphelios • Ashe • Blitzcrank • Brand • Braum • Caitlyn Kiramman • Cassiopeia • Darius • Diana • Draven • Ekko • Elise • Evelynn • Ezreal • Gangplank • Garen • Graves • Illaoi • Irelia • Janna • Jayce Talis •Jarvan IV • Jhin • Kai'Sa • Karma • Katarina • Kayn • Kindred • LeBlanc • Lee Sin • Leona • Lucian • Lulu • Lux • Master Yi • Mel • Miss Fortune • Nami • Neeko • Nidalee • Orianna • Pyke • Qiyana • Quinn • Rakan • Riven • Samira • Senna • Seraphine • Sett • Shen • Singed • Sona • Soraka • Swain • Sylas • Syndra • Talon • Taric • Twisted Fate • Varus • Vayne • Vi • Warwick • Viktor • Xayah • Yasuo • Zac • Zed • Zyra Navigation |
Senna Abaru[]
- Lucian x Senna — the ship between Senna and Lucian
- Draven x Ahri — the ship between Ahri and Draven
- Pyke x Ahri — the ship between Ahri and Pyke
- Rakahri — the ship between Ahri and Rakan
- Warwick x Ahri — the ship between Ahri and Warwick
- Wukong x Ahri — the ship between Ahri and Wukong
- YasuAhri — the ship between Ahri and Yasuo
- Ahri x Akal — the ship between Ahri and Akali Tethi
- Ahri x Zyra — the ship between Ahri and Zyra
- Ahri x Jinx — the ship between Ahri and Jinx
- Ahri x LeBlanc — the ship between Ahri and Emilia LeBlanc
- Ahri x Vi — the ship between Ahri and Vi
- Ahrilynn — the ship between Ahri and Evelynn
- Leonahri — the ship between Ahri and Leona
- Kahri — the ship between Ahri and Kai'Sa
- MFAhri — the ship between Ahri and Miss Fortune
- Xayahri — the ship between Ahri and Xayah
- Aphelraka — the ship between Aphelios and Soraka
- Nami x Aphelios — the ship between Aphelios and Nami
- Ezphel — the ship between Aphelios and Ezreal
- Jhinphel — the ship between Aphelios and Khada Jhin
- Kaynphel — the ship between Aphelios and Shieda Kayn
- Panthelios — the ship between Aphelios and Pantheon
- PhelviegoAphelios and Viego
- Settphelios — the ship between Aphelios and Sett
- Taricphel — the ship between Aphelios and Taric
- Yonephel — the ship between Aphelios and Yone
- Settkaynphel — the ship between Aphelios, Sett, and Shieda Kayn
- Aphelios & Alune — the ship between Aphelios & Alune
- Aphelios & Yuumi — the ship between Aphelios and Yuumi
- Heartsteel — the ship between Aphelios, K'Sante, Sett, Ezreal, Shieda Kayn, and Yone
Ashe (League of Legends)[]
- TryndAshe — the ship between Ashe and Tryndamere
- Ashejani — the ship between Ashe and Sejuani
- Frozen Lotus — the ship between Ashe and Katarina Du Couteau
With Women[]
- Blitzcrank x Orianna — the ship between Blitzcrank and Orianna Reveck
- Hex Dad — the ship between Blitzcrank and Viktor
- Hex Family — the ship between Blitzcrank, Viktor, Jayce, Amaranthine and Naph
- Hex Parents — the ship between Blitzcrank, Jayce Talis, and Viktor
Braum (League of Legends)[]
- Braum x Illaoi — the ship between Braum and Illaoi
- DeepHeart — the ship between Braum and Pyke
Sona Buvelle[]
- Garen x Sona — the ship between Sona and Garen Crownguard
- Jinx x Sona — the ship between Sona and Jinx
- QuinnSona — the ship between Sona and Quinn of Uwendale
Garen Crownguard[]
- Garen x Fiora — the ship between Garen and Fiora Laurent
- Garen x Sona — the ship between Garen and Sona Buvelle
- Karen — the ship between Garen and Katarina Du Couteau
- DarGar — the ship between Garen and Darius
Luxanna Crownguard[]
- DariLux — the ship between Lux and Darius
- Ekko x Lux — the ship between Lux and Ekko
- EzLux — the ship between Lux and Ezreal
- Sylux — the ship between Lux and Sylas
- TaLux — the ship between Lux and Talon
- KataLux — the ship between Lux and Katarina Du Couteau
- Lightcannon — the ship between Lux and Jinx
- LuxQuinn — the ship between Lux and Quinn of Uwendale
- Luxvana — the ship between Lux and Shyvana
- MFLux — the ship between Lux and Miss Fortune
- SeraLux — the ship between Lux and Seraphine
- ViLux — the ship between Lux and Vi
- Ekko x Ezreal x Jinx x Lux — the ship between Lux, Ekko, Ezreal, and Jinx
- Flashbomb — the ship between Lux, Ekko and Jinx
Darius (League of Legends)[]
- DariLux — the ship between Darius and Luxanna Crownguard
- DarGar — the ship between Darius and Garen Crownguard
- DarSwain — the ship between Darius and Jericho Swain
- Noxus Bros — the ship between Darius and Draven
Diana (League of Legends)[]
- Leodia — the ship between Diana and Leona
- MFDiana — the ship between Diana and Miss Fortune
- Draven x Ahri — the ship between Draven and Ahri
- Draven x Sett — the ship between Draven and Sett
- Swain x Draven — the ship between Draven and Jericho Swain
- Noxus Bros — the ship between Draven and Darius
Sylas of Dregbourne[]
- Sylux — the ship between Sylas and Luxanna Crownguard
- SylEz — the ship between Sylas and Ezreal
- Sylett — the ship between Sylas and Sett
- Sylettez — the ship between Sylas, Sett, and Ezreal
Cassiopeia Du Couteau[]
- Swain x Cassiopeia — the ship between Cassiopeia and Jericho Swain
- Cassiopeia x Zyra — the ship between Cassiopeia and Zyra
- Jinx x Cassiopeia — the ship between Cassiopeia and Jinx
- Quinn x Cassiopeia — the ship between Cassiopeia and Quinn of Uwendale
- Cassiopeia & Talon — the ship between Cassiopeia and Talon Du Couteau
- Du Couteau Siblings — the ship between Cassiopeia, Katarina Du Couteau, and Talon Du Couteau
- Du Couteau Sisters — the ship between Cassiopeia and Katarina Du Couteau
Katarina Du Couteau[]
- Karen — the ship between Katarina and Garen Crownguard
- Swain x Katarina — the ship between Katarina and Jericho Swain
- Frozen Lotus — the ship between Katarina and Ashe
- Katakali — the ship between Katarina and Akali Tethi
- KataLux — the ship between Katarina and Luxanna Crownguard
- KataRiven — the ship between Katarina and Riven Konte
- MFKatarina — the ship between Katarina and Miss Fortune
- Du Couteau Siblings — the ship between Katarina, Cassiopeia Du Couteau, and Talon Du Couteau
- Du Couteau Sisters — the ship between Katarina and Cassiopeia Du Couteau
- Katarina & Talon — the ship between Katarina and Talon Du Couteau
Talon Du Couteau[]
- Talon x Briar — the ship between Talon and Briar
- TalQuinn — the ship between Talon and Quinn of Uwendale
- TalRiven — the ship between Talon and Riven Konte
- TaLux — the ship between Talon and Luxanna Crownguard
- Talez — the ship between Talon and Ezreal
- TalKayn — the ship between Talon and Shieda Kayn
- Talon x Ekko — the ship between Talon and Ekko
- Talon x Swain — the ship between Talon and Jericho Swain
- Talon x Yasuo — the ship between Talon and Yasuo
- TalSett — the ship between Talon and Sett
- TalZed — the ship between Talon and Zed
- Viktor x Talon — the ship between Talon and Viktor
- Cassiopeia & Talon — the ship between Talon and Cassiopeia Du Couteau
- Du Couteau Siblings — the ship between Talon, Cassiopeia Du Couteau, and Katarina Du Couteau
- Katarina & Talon — the ship between Talon and Katarina Du Couteau
Ekko (League of Legends)[]
- Ekko x Janna — the ship between Ekko and Janna
- Ekko x Lux — the ship between Ekko and Luxanna Crownguard
- Ekko x Rell — the ship between Ekko and Rell
- Ekko x Seraphine — the ship between Ekko and Seraphine
- Ekko x Zeri — the ship between Ekko and Zeri
- Timebomb — the ship between Ekko and Jinx
- Timeweaver — the ship between Ekko and Taliyah
- Ezko — the ship between Ekko and Ezreal
- Jayce x Ekko — the ship between Ekko and Jayce Talis
- Pyke x Ekko — the ship between Ekko and Pyke
- Talon x Ekko — the ship between Ekko and Talon Du Couteau
- Viktor x Ekko — the ship between Ekko and Viktor
- Ekko x Ezreal x Jinx x Lux — the ship between Ekko, Ezreal, Jinx and Luxanna Crownguard
- Flashbomb — the ship between Ekko, Jinx and Luxanna Crownguard
- Dad Benzo — the ship between Ekko and Benzo
- Ekko & Heimerdinger — the ship between Ekko and Heimerdinger
- Ekko & Vi — the ship between Ekko and Vi
- Lil'Zaun Crew — the ship between Ekko, Vi, Jinx, Milo, and Claggor
Evelynn (League of Legends)[]
Ezreal (League of Legends)[]
- EzLux — the ship between Ezreal and Luxanna Crownguard
- EzSera — the ship between Ezreal and Seraphine
- Ezante — the ship between Ezreal and K'Sante
- Ezett — the ship between Ezreal and Sett
- Ezko — the ship between Ezreal and Ekko
- Ezphel — the ship between Ezreal and Aphelios
- Ezreal x Hwei — the ship between Ezreal and Luka Hwei
- Ezreal x Rhaast — the ship between Ezreal and Rhaast
- Ezreal x Yone — the ship between Ezreal and Yone
- Shadowblink — the ship between Ezreal and Shieda Kayn
- SylEz — the ship between Ezreal and Sylas
- Talez — the ship between Ezreal and Talon Du Couteau
- Taric x Ezreal — the ship between Ezreal and Taric
- Ekko x Ezreal x Jinx x Lux — the ship between Ezreal, Ekko, Jinx, and Luxanna Crownguard
- Ezreal x Kayn x Rhaast — the ship between Ezreal, Shieda Kayn, and Rhaast
- Ezreal x Kayn x Yone — the ship between Ezreal, Shieda Kayn, and Yone
- Sylettez — the ship between Ezreal, Sylas, and Sett
- Heartsteel — the ship between Ezreal, K'Sante, Sett, Shieda Kayn, Yone, and Aphelios
Sarah Fortune[]
- MFGraves — the ship between Sarah and Graves
- MFPyke — the ship between Sarah and Pyke
- MFShen — the ship between Sarah and Shen
- TFMF — the ship between Sarah and Twisted Fate
- MFAhri — the ship between Sarah and Ahri
- MFDiana — the ship between Sarah and Diana
- MFIllaoi — the ship between Sarah and Illaoi
- MFKai'Sa — the ship between Sarah and Kai'Sa
- MFKatarina — the ship between Sarah and Katarina Du Couteau
- MFLeona — the ship between Sarah and Leona
- MFLux — the ship between Sarah and Luxanna Crownguard
- MFNami — the ship between Sarah and Nami
- MFSamira — the ship between Sarah and Samira
- MFSoraka — the ship between Sarah and Soraka
- MFVi — the ship between Sarah and Vi
- CaitViMF — the ship between Sarah, Caitlyn Kiramman, and Vi
- TFMFGraves — the ship between Sarah, Twisted Fate, and Graves
- Gangplank x Illaoi — the ship between Gangplank and Illaoi
Malcolm Graves[]
- MFGraves — the ship between Graves and Miss Fortune
- TFGraves — the ship between Graves and Twisted Fate
- TFMFGraves — the ship between Graves, Twisted Fate, and Miss Fortune
- Braum x Illaoi — the ship between Illaoi and Braum
- Gangplank x Illaoi — the ship between Illaoi and Gangplank
- MFIllaoi — the ship between Illaoi and Miss Fortune
- Ekko x Janna — the ship between Janna and Ekko
- TFJanna — the ship between Janna and Twisted Fate
- Viktor x Janna — the ship between Janna and Viktor
- Yanna — the ship between Janna and Yasuo
Jayce Talis[]
- Jayce x Sky — the ship between Jayce and Sky Young
- MelJay — the ship between Jayce and Mel Medarda
- Jayce x Ekko — the ship between Jayce and Ekko
- Jayce x Silco — the ship between Jayce and Silco
- Jayce x Vander — the ship between Jayce and Vander
- JayVik — the ship between Jayce and Viktor
- Mel x Jayce x Sevika x Viktor — the ship between Jayce, Mel Medarda, Sevika and Viktor
- MelJayVik — the ship between Jayce, Mel Medarda, and Viktor
- MelCatJayVik — the ship between Jayce, Mel Medarda, Lest, and Viktor
- Hex Family — the ship between Jayce, Viktor, Blitzcrank, Amaranthine and Naph
- Hex Parents — the ship between Jayce, Viktor and Blitzcrank
- Girldad Jayce — the ship between Jayce and Amaranthine
- Soften Up — the ship between Jayce, Viktor, Amaranthine and Naph
- CaitJay — the ship between Jayce and Caitlyn Kiramman
- Flop Duo — the ship between Jayce and Vi
Khada Jhin[]
- Jhin x Jinx — the ship between Jhin and Jinx
- JhinHwei — the ship between Jhin and Lukai Hwei
- Jhinphel — the ship between Jhin and Aphelios
- JhinPyke — the ship between Jhin and Pyke
- JihnVik — the ship between Jhin and Viktor
- Akali x Kai'sa — the ship between Kai'sa and Akali Tethi
- Kahri — the ship between Kai'Sa and Ahri
- MFKai'Sa — the ship between Kai'Sa and Miss Fortune
Karma (League of Legends)[]
- KarmaSin — the ship between Karma and Lee Sin
Sheida Kayn[]
- Kayn x Akali — the ship between Kayn and Akali Tethi
- Kayn x Seraphine — the ship between Kayn and Seraphine
- Kayn x Zoe — the ship between Kayn and Zoe
- Shadowcannon — the ship between Kayn and Jinx
- Kayn x K'Sante — the ship between Kayn and K'Sante
- Kayn x Yasuo — the ship between Kayn and Yasuo
- Kaynphel — the ship between Kayn and Aphelios
- KaynSwain — the ship between Kayn and Jericho Swain
- KaynZed — the ship between Kayn and Zed
- Kayone — the ship between Kayn and Yone
- Rhaayn — the ship between Kayn and Rhaast
- Sett x Kayn — the ship between Kayn and Sett
- Shadowblink — the ship between Kayn and Ezreal
- TalKayn — the ship between Kayn and Talon Du Couteau
- Ezreal x Kayn x Rhaast — the ship between Kayn, Ezreal, and Rhaast
- Ezreal x Kayn x Yone — the ship between Kayn, Ezreal, and Yone
- Kayn x Rhaast x Yone — the ship between Kayn, Rhaast, Yone
- Settkaynphel — the ship between Kayn, Sett, and Aphelios
- Heartsteel — the ship between Kayn, K'Sante, Sett, Ezreal, Yone, and Aphelios
With Men[]
- Warwick x Kindred — the ship between Kindred and Warwick
With Women[]
- Jinx x Kindred — the ship between Kindred and Jinx
Caitlyn Kiramman[]
- Caitbessa — the ship between Caitlyn and Ambessa Medarda
- CaitJinx — the ship between Caitlyn and Jinx
- Caitlyn x Corina — the ship between Caitlyn and Corina Veraza
- Caitlyn x LeBlanc — the ship between Caitlyn and Emilia LeBlanc
- Caitphine — the ship between Caitlyn and Seraphine
- Maddilyn — the ship between Caitlyn and Maddie
- CaitVi — the ship between Caitlyn and Vi
- CaitJinxVi — the ship between Caitlyn, Jinx and Vi
- CaitViMF — the ship between Caitlyn, Vi, and Miss Fortune
- The Kiramman Family — the ship between Caitlyn, Cassandra Kiramman and Tobias Kiramman
- CaitJay — the ship between Caitlyn and Jayce Talis
- VikCait — the ship between Caitlyn and Viktor
Riven Konte[]
- TalRiven — the ship between Riven and Talon Du Couteau
- Riven x Yasuo — the ship between Riven and Yasuo
- Zac x Riven — the ship between Riven and Zac
- KataRiven — the ship between Riven and Katarina Du Couteau
- Rivelia — the ship between Riven and Xan Irelia
Emilia LeBlanc[]
- Jarvan x LeBlanc — the ship between LeBlanc and Jarvan Lightshield IV
- Swain x LeBlanc — the ship between LeBlanc and Jericho Swain
- Vladimir x LeBlanc — the ship between LeBlanc and Vladimir
- Ahri x LeBlanc — the ship between LeBlanc and Ahri
- Caitlyn x LeBlanc — the ship between LeBlanc and Caitlyn Kiramman
- Cassiopeia x LeBlanc — the ship between LeBlanc and Cassiopeia Du Couteau
Leona (League of Legends)[]
- Leodia — the ship between Leona and Diana
- Leonahri — the ship between Leona and Ahri
- Leona x Zyra — the ship between Leona and Zyra
- MFLeona — the ship between Leona and Miss Fortune
Jarvan Lightshield IV[]
- Jarvan x LeBlanc — the ship between Jarvan IV and Emilia LeBlanc
- Jarvan x Shyvana — the ship between Jarvan IV and Shyvana
- Jinx x Jarvan — the ship between Jarvan IV and Jinx
- Jarvan x Swain — the ship between Jarvan IV and Jericho Swain
Lucian (League of Legends)[]
- Lucian x Senna — the ship between Lucian and Senna Abaru
- Yasuo x Lucian — the ship between Lucian and Yasuo
Lulu (League of Legends)[]
- VeiLu — the ship between Lulu and Veigar
Ambessa Medarda[]
- Ambessa x Her Boytoy — the ship between Ambessa and Miguel
- Ambessa x Silco — the ship between Ambessa and Silco
- Ambessa x Viktor — the ship between Ambessa and Viktor
- Sinbessa — the ship between Ambessa and Corin Reveck
- Ambvika — the ship between Ambessa and Sevika
- Caitbessa — the ship between Ambessa and Caitlyn Kiramman
- Graybessa — the ship between Ambessa and Grayson
- Silco x Ambessa x Singed — the ship between Ambessa, Silco, and Corin Reveck
- Mom Medarda — the ship between Ambessa, Mel Medarda, and Kino Medarda
- Wolf Daughter — the ship between Ambessa and Mel Medarda
Mel Medarda[]
- Melco — the ship between Mel and Silco
- MelJay — the ship between Mel and Jayce Talis
- MelVik — the ship between Mel and Viktor
- CatCouncil — the ship between Mel and Lest
- Mel x Sky — the ship between Mel and Sky Young
- Melvika — the ship between Mel and Sevika
- Mel x Jayce x Sevika x Viktor — the ship between Mel, Jayce Talis, Sevika and Viktor
- MelCatJayVik — the ship between Mel, Lest, Jayce Talis and Viktor
- MelJayVik — the ship between Mel, Jayce Talis and Viktor
- MelJaySkyVik — the ship between Mel, Jayce Talis, Sky Young and Viktor
- Medarda Silbings — the ship between Mel and Kino Medarda
- Mom Medarda — the ship between Mel, Ambessa Medarda, and Kino Medarda
- Wolf Daughter — the ship between Mel and Ambessa Medarda
Nami (League of Legends)[]
- MFNami — the ship between Nami and Miss Fortune
- Nami x Samus — the ship between Nami and Samus Aran
- Neeko x Zyra — the ship between Neeko and Zyra
- Neekolee — the ship between Neeko and Nidalee
- Neekolee — the ship between Nidalee and Neeko
- Nidakali — the ship between Nidalee and Akali Tethi
Pyke (League of Legends)[]
- Jinx x Pyke — the ship between Pyke and Jinx
- MFPyke — the ship between Pyke and Miss Fortune
- Pyke x Ahri — the ship between Pyke and Ahri
- DeepHeart — the ship between Pyke and Braum
- JhinPyke — the ship between Pyke and Khada Jhin
- Pyke x Ekko — the ship between Pyke and Ekko
- Yasuo x Pyke — the ship between Pyke and Yasuo
- Rakahri — the ship between Rakan and Ahri
- RaXayah — the ship between Rakan and Xayah
- RakanSett — the ship between Rakan and Sett
Orianna Revek[]
- Fieram x Orianna — the ship between Orianna and Fieram
- Viktor x Orianna — the ship between Orianna and Viktor
- Orisera — the ship between Orianna Reveck and Seraphine
- Blitzcrank x Orianna — the ship between Orianna and Blitzbrank
- Dad Singed — the ship between Orianna and Corin Reveck
- Reveck Family — the ship between Orianna, Viktor and Corin Reveck
Kegan Rodhe[]
- Lee x Brand — the ship between Brand and Lee Sin
- MFSamira — the ship between Samira and Miss Fortune
Seraphine (League of Legends)[]
- Ekko x Seraphine — the ship between Seraphine and Ekko
- EzSera — the ship between Seraphine and Ezreal
- Kayn x Seraphine — the ship between Seraphine and Shieda Kayn
- Boombox — the ship between Seraphine and Jinx
- Briar x Seraphine — the ship between Seraphine and Briar
- Caitphine — the ship between Seraphine and Caitlyn Kiramman
- Orisera — the ship between Seraphine and Orianna
- Seragwen — the ship between Seraphine and Gwen
- SeraLux — the ship between Seraphine and Luxanna Crownguard
- SeraVi — the ship between Seraphine and Vi
- Serenata — the ship between Seraphine and Renata Glasc
- Songdiva — the ship between Seraphine and Scratch
- Songmaiden — the ship between Seraphine and Rell
- Starryblade — the ship between Seraphine and Akali Tethi
- Zeriphine — the ship between Seraphine and Zeri
- Settraka — the ship between Sett and Soraka
- SettXayah — the ship between Sett and Xayah
- Draven x Sett — the ship between Sett and Draven
- Ezett — the ship between Sett and Ezreal
- RakanSett — the ship between Sett and Rakan
- Sett x Hwei — the ship between Sett and Luka Hwei
- Sylett — the ship between Sett and Sylas
- Sett x Kayn — the ship between Sett and Shieda Kayn
- Settphelios — the ship between Sett and Aphelios
- TalSett — the ship between Sett and Talon Du Couteau
- Settkaynphel — the ship between Sett, Shieda Kayn, and Aphelios
- Sylettez — the ship between Sett, Sylas, and Ezreal
- Heartsteel — the ship between Sett, K'Sante, Ezreal, Shieda Kayn, Yone, and Aphelios
Shen (League of Legends)[]
- MFShen — the ship between Shen and Miss Fortune
- ShenZed — the ship between Shen and Zed
Lee Sin[]
- Lee x Brand — the ship between Lee Sin and Brand
Corin Reveck[]
- Sinbessa — the ship between Singed and Ambessa Medarda
- Sinco — the ship between Singed and Silco
- Singerdinger — the ship between Singed and Heimerdinger
- Silco x Ambessa x Singed — the ship between Singed, Silco, and Ambessa Medarda
- Vander x Silco x Singed — the ship between Singed, Vander, and Silco
- Dad Singed — the ship between Singed and Orianna
- Reveck Family — the ship between Singed, Orianna and Viktor
- Mentor Singed — the ship between Singed and Viktor
- Settraka — the ship between Soraka and Sett
- Warwick x Soraka — the ship between Soraka and Warwick
- MFSoraka — the ship between Soraka and Miss Fortune
- Soraka x Zyra — the ship between Soraka and Zyra
Jericho Swain[]
- Swain x Cassiopeia — the ship between Swain and Cassiopeia Du Couteau
- Swain x Katarina — the ship between Swain and Katarina Du Couteau
- Swain x LeBlanc — the ship between Swain and Emilia LeBlanc
- DarSwain — the ship between Swain and Darius
- Jarvan x Swain — the ship between Swain and Jarvan Lightshield IV
- KaynSwain — the ship between Swain and Shieda Kayn
- Swain x Draven — the ship between Swain and Draven
- Swain x Vladimir — the ship between Swain and Vladimir
- Talon x Swain — the ship between Swain and Talon Du Couteau
- Zyndra — the ship between Syndra and Zed
- Syndrelia — the ship between Syndra and Xan Irelia
- Taric x Ezreal — the ship between Taric and Ezreal
Akali Tethi[]
- Kayn x Akali — the ship between Akali and Shieda Kayn
- Ahri x Akal — the ship between Akali and Ahri
- Akali x Irelia — the ship between Akali and Xan Irelia
- Akali x Kai'sa — the ship between Akali and Kai'sa
- Akali x Qiyana — the ship between Akali and Qiyana Yunalai
- Akalynn — the ship between Akali and Evelynn
- Katakali — the ship between Akali and Katarina Du Couteau
- Nidakali — the ship between Akali and Nidalee
- Starryblade — the ship between Akali and Seraphine
Twisted Fate[]
- TFEvelynn — the ship between Fate and Evelynn
- TFJanna — the ship between Fate and Janna
- TFMF — the ship between Fate and Miss Fortune
- TFGraves — the ship between Fate and Malcom Graves
- TFYasuo — the ship between Fate and Yasuo
- TFMFGraves — the ship between Fate, Miss Fortune and Graves
Quinn of Uwendale[]
- TalQuinn — the ship between Quinn and Talon Du Couteau
- Fiora x Quinn — the ship between Quinn and Fiora Laurent
- LuxQuinn — the ship between Quinn and Luxanna Crownguard
- Quinn x Cassiopeia — the ship between Quinn and Cassiopeia Du Couteau
- Quinn x Shyvana — the ship between Quinn and Shyvana
- QuinnSona — the ship between Quinn and Sona Buvelle
- Vanlicia — the ship between Vander and Felicia
- Warwick x Ahri — the ship between Warwick and Ahri
- Warwick x Soraka — the ship between Warwick and Soraka
- Jayce x Vander — the ship between Vander/Warwick and Jayce Talis
- Nasuwick — the ship between Warwick and Nasus
- Rengwick — the ship between Warwick and Rengar
- VanVik — the ship between Vander/Warwick and Viktor
- Zaundads — the ship between Vander/Warwick and Silco
- Warwick x Kindred — the ship between Warwick and Kindred
- VanVilco — the ship between Vander, Viktor and Silco
- Vander x Silco x Singed — the ship between Vander, Silco and Corin Reveck
- Dad Vander — the ship between Vander, Vi and Jinx
- Jinx Dads — the ship between Vander, Jinx, and Silco
- Jinxwick — the ship between Vander/Warwick and Jinx
- Viwick — the ship between Vander/Warwick and Vi
- Zaun Family — the ship between Vander/Warwick, Jinx, Vi, and Isha
- Blisters & Bedrock — the ship between Vander, Silco and Felicia
- Corin Reveckwick — the ship between Vander/Warwick and Corin Reveck
- Varus x Zyra — the ship between Varus and Zyra
Shauna Vayne[]
- Vayne x Zyra — the ship between Vayne and Zyra
Viktor (League of Legends)[]
- Ambessa x Viktor — the ship between Viktor and Ambessa Medarda
- MelVik — the ship between Viktor and Mel
- Sevika x Viktor — the ship between Viktor and Sevika
- SkyVik — the ship between Viktor and Sky Young
- Viktor x Janna — the ship between Viktor and Janna
- Viktor x Orianna — the ship between Viktor and Orianna
- Vinx — the ship between Viktor and Jinx
- FinnVik — the ship between Viktor and Finn
- JayVik — the ship between Viktor and Jayce Talis
- JihnVik — the ship between Viktor and Khada Jhin
- VanVik — the ship between Viktor and Vander
- Viktor x Ekko — the ship between Viktor and Ekko
- Viktor x Talon — the ship between Viktor and Talon Du Coteau
- Vilco — the ship between Viktor and Silco
- Mel x Jayce x Sevika x Viktor — the ship between Viktor, Mel Medarda, Jayce Talis, and Sevika
- MelCatJayVik — the ship between Viktor, Mel Medarda, Lest, and Jayce Talis
- MelJayVik — the ship between Viktor, Jayce Talis, and Mel Medarda
- VanVilco — the ship between Viktor, Vander, and Silco
- Hex Dad — the ship between Viktor and Blitzcrank
- Hex Family — the ship between Viktor, Jayce Talis, Blitzcrank, Amaranthine and Naph
- Hex Parents — the ship between Viktor, Jayce Talis, and Blitzcrank
- Reveck Family — the ship between Viktor, Corin Reveck, and Orianna
- Soften Up — the ship between Viktor, Jayce Talis, Amaranthine and Naph
- Boydad Viktor — the ship between Viktor and Naph
- Mentor Singed — the ship between Viktor and Corin Reveck
- VikCait — the ship between Viktor and Caitlyn Kiramman
- ViVi — the ship between Viktor and Violet
- HexVik — the ship between Viktor and the Hexcore
- The Glorious Evolution — the ship between Viktor and glorious evolution
Violet (League of Legends)[]
- Ahri x Vi — the ship between Vi and Ahri
- CaitVi — the ship between Vi and Caitlyn Kiramman
- MFVi — the ship between Vi and Miss Fortune
- SeraVi — the ship between Vi and Seraphine
- Vi x Corina — the ship between Vi and Corina Veraza
- Vi x Maddie — the ship between Vi and Maddie Nolen
- ViLux — the ship between Vi and Luxanna Crownguard
- Viora — the ship between Vi and Fiora Laurent
- CaitJinxVi — the ship between Vi, Caitlyn and Jinx
- CaitViMF — the ship between Vi, Caitlyn, and Miss Fortune
- Dad Vander — the ship between Vi, Vander, and Jinx
- ViJinx — the ship between Vi and Jinx
- Viwick — the ship between Vi and Warwick
- Zaun Family — the ship between Vi, Jinx, Isha, and Warwick
- Ekko & Vi — the ship between Vi and Ekko
- Flop Duo — the ship between Vi and Jayce Talis
- Lil'Zaun Crew — the ship between Vi, Jinx, Milo, Claggor and Ekko
- ViVi — the ship between Vi and Viktor
Xan Irelia[]
- Akali x Irelia — the ship between Irelia and Akali Tethi
- Jirelia — the ship between Irelia and Jinx
- Rivelia — the ship between Irelia and Riven Konte
- Syndrelia — the ship between Irelia and Syndra
- RaXayah — the ship between Xayah and Rakan
- SettXayah — the ship between Xayah and Sett
- Xayahri — the ship between Xayah and Ahri
- Riven x Yasuo — the ship between Yasuo and Riven Konte
- Yanna — the ship between Yasuo and Janna
- YasuAhri — the ship between Yasuo and Ahri
- Kayn x Yasuo — the ship between Yasuo and Shieda Kayn
- Talon x Yasuo — the ship between Yasuo and Talon Du Couteau
- TFYasuo — the ship between Yasuo and Twisted Fate
- Yasuo x Lucian — the ship between Yasuo and Lucian
- Yasuo x Pyke — the ship between Yasuo and Pyke
- Yisuo — the ship between Yasuo and Master Yi
- Yasuo & Yone — the ship between Yasuo and Yone
Master Yi[]
- Yisuo — the ship between Master Yi and Yasuo
Qiyana Yunalai[]
- Akali x Qiyana — the ship between Qiyana and Akali Tethi
- Jinana — the ship between Qiyana and Jinx
- Qiyana x Zyra — the ship between Qiyana and Zyra
Elise Zaavan[]
- Elise x Zyra — the ship between Elise and Zyra
Zac (League of Legends)[]
- Zac x Riven — the ship between Zac and Riven Konte
Zed (League of Legends)[]
- Zyndra — the ship between Zed and Syndra
- ShenZed — the ship between Zed and Shen
- TalZed — the ship between Zed and Talon Du Couteau
- Varus x Zyra — the ship between Zyra and Varus
- Ahri x Zyra — the ship between Zyra and Ahri
- Cassiopeia x Zyra — the ship between Zyra and Cassiopeia
- Elise x Zyra — the ship between Zyra and Elise
- Leona x Zyra — the ship between Zyra and Leona
- Neeko x Zyra — the ship between Zyra and Neeko
- Qiyana x Zyra — the ship between Zyra and Qiyana
- Soraka x Zyra — the ship between Zyra and Soraka
- Vayne x Zyra — the ship between Zyra and Vayne
League of Legends Ships • League of Legends Characters | ||
SHIPS | het | EzLux • Malza’Sai • MelJay • MelVik • RaXayah • Shadowcannon • SkyVik • Timebomb • YasuAhri |
slash | Ezko • JayVik • JhinHwei • Settphelios • Shadowblink • ShenZed • TFGraves | |
femslash | Akalynn • CaitVi • JinxQuinn • Leodia • Lightcannon • Melvika • MFIllaoi • Neekolee • StarryBlade | |
poly | TFMFGraves | |
family | ViJinx | |
friend | CaitJay | |
CHARACTERS | female | Jinx |