Lena Luthor is a principal character from the Supergirl fandom.
Lena is a strong, confident and competent business woman, on a mission to use the Luthor name to do some good in the world, and maybe take down a few sexist morons along the way. She is best friends with Kara Danvers and Sam Arias, both of whom also work for her at CatCo and L-Corp, respectively. Lena is also a vulnerable and emotional person, who isn't used to having people love and care for her, with whom she can let her guard down. She finds this in her close relationship with Kara.
- Guardiancorp — the ship between Lena and Jimmy Olsen
- LeMon — the ship between Lena and Mon-El
- Spheercorp — the ship between Lena and Jack Spheer
- Winncorp — the ship between Lena and Winn Schott
- AgentCorp — the ship between Lena and Alex Danvers
- Caincorp — the ship between Lena and Cassandra Cain
- EveCorp — the ship between Lena and Eve Teschmacher
- ReignCorp — the ship between Lena and Sam Arias
- RojasCorp — the ship between Lena and Andrea Rojas
- SinCorp — the ship between Lena and Veronica Sinclair
- Supercorp — the ship between Lena and Kara Zor-El
- Wondercorp — the ship between Lena and Diana of Themyscira
- AgentSuperCorp — the ship between Lena, Alex Danvers and Kara Zor-El
- AgentReignCorp — the ship between Lena, Alex Danvers and Sam Arias
- SuperReignCorp — the ship between Lena, Kara Zor-El and Sam Arias
- Luversen — the ship between Lena, Kara Zor-El and James Olsen
- Team Science — the ship between Lena, Querl Dox and Winn Schott
- Luthor Siblings — the ship between Lena and Lex Luthor
Jack Spheer
- Main article: Spheercorp
- Main article: Guardiancorp
- Main article: Supercorp
- Lena Luthor tag on AO3
- Lena Luthor works on FanFiction.Net
- lena luthor tag on DeviantArt
- lenaluthor hashtag on Instagram
- tumblr@protectlenaluthor
- tumblr@lenaa-luthors
- tumblr@lena-luthcr
- tumblr@gayforlenaluthor
- tumblr@fylenaluthor
- lena luthor posts on Tumblr
- lena luthor posts on Twitter
- lenaluthor hashtag on Twitter
- Lena Luthor on Fanlore
- Lena Luthor @ Arrow Wiki
# | portmanteau | character | type |
16293 | Supercorp | Kara Zor-El | femslash |
715 | AgentCorp | Alex Danvers | femslash |
404 | Lena & Kara | Kara Zor-El | gen |
404 | Alex & Lena | Alex Danvers | gen |
279 | ReignCorp | Sam Arias | femslash |
155 | Lena & Sam | Sam Arias | gen |
103 | Guardiancorp | Jimmy Olsen | het |
87 | Luthor Siblings | Lex Luthor | family |
80 | Lena & Lillian | Lillian Luthor | family |
54 | ? | Kara Zor-El • Cat Grant | poly |
Supergirl Ships • Supergirl Characters | ||
SHIPS | femslash | Agent Canary • Agent Reign • AgentCorp • Dansen • Kanvers • KaraLois • Psimra • ReignCorp • RojasCorp • Sanvers • SuperCat • Supercorp • Superdreamer • SuperSaturn |
het | Brainia • Guardiancorp • Karadox • Karamel • Karolsen • Superarrow • SuperFlash | |
slash | Scholsen • Superolsen • Winniac 5 | |
poly | Karolswinn • Superdreamdox • Superflarrow | |
family | Supercousins | |
CHARACTERS | female | Alex Danvers • Lois Lane • Lena Luthor • Kara Zor-El |
male | Querl Dox • Clark Kent • Lex Luthor • James Olsen |