Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 11Manip: 11Screenshots: 1616Sprite: 11Stills: 1414
Slash ships: 33Het ship: 11Poly ships: 22
Savage“Who are you to stand up against me?!! Vandal Savage! Destroyer of empires!”
Snart“Leonard Snart! Robber of ATMs!”
— River Of Time

Leonard Snart also known as Captain Cold is a character from the DC Comics fandom, adapted into the DC Animated Universe, Young Justice and Arrowverse fandoms.


Snart is a smart, calculated, seemingly snide and cold man. His father went to prison when he was around 6 years old, and upon his return started beating Snart and his sister, Lisa. Having been taken on jobs with his father, Leonard became a criminal himself (as did his younger sister) and he went to juvy when he was 14. He confesses to Sara that he thought he would die when being beaten in there, but was rescued by Mick; this cemented their partnership.



Captain Canary — the ship between Leonard and Sara Lance
ColdFrost — the ship between Leonard and Caitlin Snow
Coldhawk — the ship between Leonard and Kendra Saunders
Coldwest — the ship between Leonard and Iris West
SuperCold — the ship between Leonard and Kara Zor-El


ColdArcher — the ship between Leonard and Malcolm Merlyn
ColdAtom — the ship between Leonard and Ray Palmer
ColdFlash — the ship between Leonard and Barry Allen
ColdHart — the ship between Leonard and Hartley Rathaway
Coldstantine — the ship between Leonard and John Constantine
Coldwave — the ship between Leonard and Mick Rory
TimeCaptain — the ship between Leonard and Rip Hunter


Coldshifter — the ship between Leonard and Charlie


CaptainCanaryBlazer — the ship between Leonard, Sara Lance and John Constantine
Captains3 — the ship between Leonard, Rip Hunter and Sara Lance
ColdAtomWave — the ship between Leonard, Ray Palmer and Mick Rory
Coldflashwave — the ship between Leonard, Barry Allen and Mick Rory
ColdWestAllen — the ship between Leonard, Barry Allen and Iris West
Rogue Canary — the ship between Leonard, Sara Lance and Mick Rory


Legends of Domesticity S1 — the ship between Leonard, Rip Hunter, Martin Stein, Ray Palmer, Sara Lance, Jefferson Jackson, Kendra Saunders, Gideon and Mick Rory
Snart Siblings — the ship between Leonard and Lisa Snart


Sara Lance
Main article: Captain Canary


Mick Rory
Main article: Coldwave

Snart agrees to take up with Rip Hunter in order to steal from various epic eras in time and possibly destroy his records. It turns out his biggest aim is to change his own past, namely his father's violent disposition as a result of being imprisoned. Snart and Rory keep their own aims in sight at first, but eventually find affinity for their "new crew", the team. However, this development alters their partnership, as Mick is still looking to steal while Leonard starts re-evaluating his life as part of the team. When stuck in 2046, Mick wants to stay in the dystopian future, while Snart would rather stay with the Legends. A rift forms between them and when Mick betrays the team to Time Pirates, Snart puts his allegiance with the Legends.

Snart tells the team he "took care" of Mick, but really leaves him behind. When Mick shows up as Kronos, Snart tells him he was always going to return for him.

Barry Allen
Main article: ColdFlash


Leonard Snart tag on AO3
Leonard Snart tag on Tumblr
Captain Cold tag on Tumblr


  • Although Snart is mostly presented as straight, Wentworth Miller considers him pansexual[1]


# portmanteau characters type
4810 ColdFlash Barry Allen slash
2144 Captain Canary Sara Lance het
2058 Coldwave Mick Rory slash
518 ColdAtom Ray Palmer slash
445 Coldflashwave Barry AllenMick Rory poly
359 Mick & Leonard Mick Rory gen
296 Snart Siblings Lisa Snart gen
202 Barry & Leonard Barry Allen gen
188 ColdWestAllen Iris WestBarry Allen poly
121 Coldwest Iris West het



DC Bullet 2024
DC Comics ShipsHet DC Comics ShipsSlash DC Comics ShipsFemslash DC Comics ShipsMale DC Comics CharactersFemale DC Comics Characters
SHIPS het AlMaxAquaMeraAquaWonderBabsDonnieBatannaBatCatBatLaneBatQuinnBatShivaBBRaeBBStarBBTerraBruBabsBruTaliaBruWeissCloisCyRaeCyStarDamiRaeDemonfireDickBabsDickKoryDinahOllieHalCarolHarleypoolHawkmatesJadeRoyJarleyJasonyouJayBabsJayStephJohnZeeKaradoxKarolsenPoisonBatRaeFlashRobJinxSuperarrowStarzamStephKonSuperWonderTalJayTimBabsTimStephTrigEllaTuernlaVictoraWallindaWestallenWonderBatWondertrevZeeiver
slash AquaBatAquaSuperAtomarrowBartDickBatArrowBatFlashBartKonBatJokesBatLanternBatLexBatstantineBirdFlashBoostleBrainMallahChastantineClexClollieColdwaveColdFlashConnorKenanConnorKyleConstanqueenConstantsharkCyBBCyRobDamiJonDickJoeyDickRoyDickstrokeEobarryFlashborgGhostBatGordlockHalBarryHalOllieHawkFateJayKyleJayJonJayRoyKonGarKrypAceKyleWallyLexJokesMidpolloNygmobblepotOlivarryPatrochillesRiddlebatRoyKyleRoyWallySinghwaySinHalSladiverStarblazerSuperbatSuperBrainSuperolsenTimBartTimberTimConnorTimKonTwoBatsWallyPiper
femslash Amy x LorenaAnitaCissieBabsAlysiaBabsFrankieBabsIvyBabsQuinnBabslinaBabsRaeBabsRoseBabstannaBatmooreBeaToraCassieRaeCatQuinnCissieCassieDianaKateDianEttaDianlaDinahBabsDinaharleyDinahelenaDinahZeeDitemisDonnaKoryDonnaRaeEiko x SelinaHarley x ReneeHarlivyHarperCassHelenaBabsHelenaReneeJinxQuinnKaneeKanversKaraBabsKaraCassieKaraLoisKatanaQuinnKateBabsKatelinaKatequinnKate x SafiyahKawyerKoryBabsM'gann x RosePamlinaPoisonFrostQuintressRoseCassieRoseRaeStarRaeStephCassStephCassieStephGretaStephHarperStephKaraSuperSaturnTalia x JadeTalinaTerraRaeThundergraceWestparkWonderBardaWonderCaptainWonderCanaryWonderCarterWonderCatWonderCheetahWonderCroftWonderDoveWonderHawkWonderLoisWonderMagicWonderMeraWonderQuinnWonderSuperZeeKateZindinah
non-binary JessAndyScarab Love
poly AquaWonderMeraBabsHarlivyBatJokeleyBrutalinaCissieCassieAnitaCissieCassieGretaCissieCassieKonConnorKyleWallyDamiMar'iJonDickKoryBabsDickWallyRoyDinahHalOllieGotham City SirensHalBarryOllieHelenaDinahBabsJayKyleDonnaJokeRiddlePenguinJoyFireSuperBatLaneSuperWonderBatTimKonBart
family Al Ghul SistersAquabrosAquafamArrowfamBarryBartBarryWallyBatboysBatbrothersBatcousinsBatfamilyBatKidsBruAlfBruCassBruDamiBruJayBruTimBWDGCassDamiCassSandraClarkJonClarkKonDianaCassieDianaDonnaDianaHippolytaDickDamiDickJayTimDraysonFlashfamJayDamiJayDickJayTimJimBabsJohnstraLexKonOllieConnorRobinsRoyOllieSupercousinsTimCassTimDamiWilson SiblingsWonderFamYoung BatsZataras
friend BabsCassBabsDamiBatgirlsBruAceBruDukeBruStephClarkryptoCore FourDamiRaphDamiStephWonderwing
cargo JayCrowbarMeraWaterPoisonPlantsTimCoffeeWonderCreamZeeMagic
CHARACTERS male Male DC Comics CharactersBarry AllenBart AllenJohn ConstantineArthur CurryQuerl DoxTim DrakeDick GraysonRoy HarperConnor HawkeNate HeywoodHal JordanClark KentConner KentGarfield LoganLex LuthorRay PalmerJimmy OlsenOliver QueenKyle RaynerCisco RamonMick RoryLeonard SnartVictor StoneJason ToddBruce WayneDamian WayneWally West
female Female DC Comics CharactersNyssa al GhulTalia al GhulHelena BertinelliStephanie BrownCassandra CainDiana of ThemysciraBarabara GordonPamela IsleyKate KaneCissie King-JonesKoriand'rSelina KyleDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneAstra LogueLena LuthorMeraRenee MontoyaHarley QuinnRachel RothCassie SandsmarkFelicity SmoakCaitlin SnowDonna TroyIris WestRose WilsonZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El
DCAU logo
SHIPS het AquaMeraBatannaBatCatBatHawkBatLaneBatQuinnBruBabsBruTaliaCloisDickBabsDinahOllieJarleyKaradoxStarzamVictoraWallindaWonderBatWondertrev
slash AquaBatAquaSuperBatArrowBatJokesBatLexClexLexJokesSuperbatTwoBats
femslash BabsQuinnBabslinaBeaToraCatQuinnDianAresiaDianAudreyDinahelenaHarley x ReneeHarlivyKaraBabsKaraLoisPamlinaWonderCanaryWonderCheetahWonderHawkWonderMera
poly BatJokeleyGotham City SirensSuperBatLaneSuperWonderBat
family BatfamilyBruAlfBruTerrBruTimDianaHippolytaDraysonJimBabsRoyOllieSupercousins
cargo PoisonPlantsZeeMagic
CHARACTERS male Arthur CurryQuerl DoxTim DrakeDick GraysonRoy HarperHal JordanClark KentLex LuthorJimmy OlsenOliver QueenKyle RaynerCisco RamonLeonard SnartBruce WayneWally West
female Talia al GhulHelena BertinelliBarabara GordonPamela IsleySelina KyleDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneMeraHarley QuinnRenee MontoyaDiana of ThemysciraZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El
YJ logo
SHIPS het AquarMeraBarryIrisCloisDickBabsDinahOllieSpitfireTalJayTimBartTimStephWonderBat
slash BartDickBatArrowBartKonBirdFlashBluepulseClexCyBBDickRoyKonGarRoyWallySuperbatTimKon
femslash BabstannaSnaibselStephCassStephCassieTalia x JadeZaquel
poly SuperWonderBat
non-binary Scarab Love
family AquabrosBarryBartBarryWallyBatfamilyBruTimBWDGCassSandraClarkJonClarkKonDianaCassieDianaDonnaDraysonJayDamiJayTimLexKonRoyOllieTimCassZataras
friend BabsCassBatgirls
cargo MeraWaterZeeMagic
CHARACTERS male Barry AllenBart AllenArthur CurryQuerl DoxTim DrakeDick GraysonHal JordanClark KentConner KentGarfield LoganLex LuthorOliver QueenCisco RamonLeonard SnartVictor StoneJason ToddBruce WayneDamian WayneWally West
female Talia al GhulStephanie BrownCassandra Wu-SanDiana of ThemysciraBarbara GordonPamela IsleyKate KaneCissie King-JonesDinah Laurel LanceLois LaneMeraCassie SandsmarkIris WestZatanna ZataraKara Zor-El
The Flash
SHIPS het BarricityIriscoKillervibeQuickwest • SmoakvibeSnowbarry
slash ColdflashColdRayColdwaveEobarryOlivarryRoyWally
femslash BatfrostCaitlicitySmoakwestWestpark
poly BarriscowestSuperflarrow
family BarryBartBarryWallyWest Family
CHARACTERS male Barry AllenBart AllenCisco RamonMick RoryLeonard SnartWally West
female Caitlin SnowIris West
Legends of Tomorrow ShipsLegends of Tomorrow Characters
SHIPS het Atomic HawkCaptain CanaryDarhkblazerHellcanaryHellHackerHellStarMixenNamayaSteelHackerTime CanaryTimehawkZaray
slash ArrowaveAtomblazerAtomwaveColdAtomColdRayColdwaveConstandesConstangreenHellwaveNateradNate x DionStarblazerSteelAtomSteelwaveTimeHex
femslash Agent CanaryAvalanceAvstraCanaryHawkCanary VixenDarhkWuEsperastraTotemshipZamayaZastraZavaZelenZidget
non-binary AtomshifterCanaryshifterChastraEncharlieHellshifterGreenshifterMarlieShapeShipSharpeShifterShifterstonerStarshifterSteelshifterWolfshifterZarlie
poly AtomicSteelVixenColdAtomWaveDarhkSteelAtomDarhkWuSharpeHellHackerShifterRogue CanarySamari
family Johnstra
friend SteelSharpe
CHARACTERS female Nora DarhkAmaya JiweSara LanceAstra LogueAva SharpeZari TaraziZari Tomaz
male John ConstantineNate HeywoodRay PalmerMick RoryLeonard SnartWally West
neutral Charlie