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LevIsa is the friendship between Levi Ackerman and Isabel Magnolia from the Attack on Titan fandom.


Levi's Ova; No regrets[]

This story follows Levi during his days as a criminal in the underground city, when he was with his two best friends Isabel Magnolia and Farlan Church before Erwin Smith recruits him into the Survey Corps.

Part 1[]

Levi was living with Farlan in the underground city. They were giving money to some poor guys that needed medicine. Levi realized that he gave more money to a guy and asked him why. After Farlan explained it was because the guy's leg was getting worse, a loud sound was heard at the door. When they opened, there was Isabel holding a bird. Farlan called her "brat", in which Isabel replied two times she isn't one. Levi saw her, and told her that he wouldn't feel bad even if he kicked her out; that he wouldn't get mad because she messed up the floor; and told her to leave. Farlan realizes she can't move, but Isabel replies again that she can. Suddenly, some guys shouted as if they were looking for someone. Farlan and Levi realized they were coming for Isabel. When the guys came closer one of them told them Isabel got to the stairs. Levi and Farlan got shocked. When the same guys were going to enter the house to get Isabel, Levi cut the inner part of his hand with his knife, making him bleed, proceeding to kick him three times. Isabel saw him with an impressed face. Levi turned back and asked her when was she going to let the bird go, stating that it was going to die. Isabel told them that she wanted to go upstairs so she could release the bird to the surface, since it belongs there. Farlan accepted it, but said his wings were hurt. After treating the bird, each one of them introduces themselves. Isabel started calling Levi "Levi-aniki" which means "big brother" in japanese (aniki 兄貴). Isabel begged if she could be in their group, because she wanted to learn how to use the three-dimensional mobility equipment. Levi told her that first she needs to learn how to clean, which means that she can learn how to use them. Isabel, with a surprised look on her face, watches Farlan as he nods. Isabel happily shouts "arigato aniki" (thanks big brother), while Levi was leaving the house.

Then there are a couple of scenes showing how Isabel is learning how to use the equipment and a scene with the three of them together. In one of these scenes, Isabel offered Levi some bread, and he caressed her head, assuming that Levi let her eat the rest of the bread. Then they showed us that Isabel finished learning how to use the three-dimensional mobility equipment and was already travelling with Farlan and Levi. Later, they got to release the bird and let it go to the surface. A guy offered to pay for their services, but they didn't accept until they saw that the guy's leg was getting worse. When they got to the surface, they met an old guy that offered them a job. They started using the equipment to get the job done, but they started been persecuted by the Police Squad and the Survey Corps. Moments later, the three of them got detained. They met Erwin Smith. When he started making questions, none of them answered, until they started threatening Levi.

Part 2[]

The three of them already got into the Survey Corp, but they had problems trying to get along with the others. When their sleeping rooms are shown and they're told Isabel should be in another room, she got angry and said that she was okay being with Levi and Farlan. Levi got the mission to steal a scroll from Erwin, and if he had the option, to kill him. The first thing they did was planning to steal the scroll, but they figured out Erwin might have it with him all the time. When it was time to go out the walls, Levi suggested that both of them should stay, since he's the best one of their team, but actually he was doing that because he was worried about them. Later that night Farlan and Isabel talked to Levi to let them go with him. Levi didn't say yes or no, only talked about how it was the same as being in the underground city, since it was all dark and there were no stars shining. Isabel told him it wasn't right, since they know there is no roof, and there was the moon. At the end, Levi smiled and decided to trust them to go with him. Outside the walls, when two titan were approaching Isabel and Farlan, Levi turned back and slaughtered one of them, and the other one was slaughtered by Farlan and Isabel. Isabel happily asked Levi what he thought of her kill, and he said they both did it good. When Erwin told them they used a lot of gas, Levi asked him if it's more important than his friends' life.

It started raining, and Levi told them he was ready to kill Erwin, but said that it was going to be suspicious if the three go together. Isabel trusted him with having the clue of how to live in the city. When Levi already separated from them, he saw the two of them, and Isabel was moving her arm to tell him goodbye. Levi arrived at his point, but he only saw titans and some fallen soldiers there. He turned back and saw titan footsteps pointing the way where they were Isabel and Farlan. Levi turned and ran with the horse in that direction. When he arrived, his horse slipped and saw Isabel's head decapitated. Sadness and anger were reflected in his eyes. Then he turned and saw Farlan's body cut in two. Levi angrily started slaughtering the titan as he was shouting in anger and pain. After he finished killing the titan completely, he stood in front of Isabel's head crying. After discussing with Erwin, he knelt down remembering the night where he trusted both of them. At the end, he admitted that no one will ever know the answer, but he said he will follow Erwin so he could know what he was watching in the three of them that he couldn't see.


The birds following Levi

After returning to the walls, the next day, Levi is going out the walls again with the rest of the Survey Corps. When he's going under the roof of the wall, he imagined the underground city roof. After he got out the walls, two birds are seen flying next to him, representing that Isabel and Farlan's legacy is always going to accompany Levi. Levi promises himself he isn't going to regret that decision, and he isn't going to regret anything ever again from now on.


LevIsa is a quite popular ship within the fandom. Some people don't ship it romantically, since Levi saw her as his best friend alongside Farlan, and Isabel saw him as his older brother. And since Levi found Isabel in the Underground when she was a little kid, many are put off by their age gap. Even though Isabel just appeared in Levi's OVA, it showed us that Levi had a terrible past, and that's why sometimes it's hard for him to trust the ones he cares for, since he doesn't want to lose them like he lost Isabel and Farlan.


LevIsa stories on Wattpad
I Really Like You AMV - Levi x Isabel, Attack on Titan (No Regrets) - Bing video


Thug Trio refers to the ship between the two and Farlan Church


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SHIPS het AruAniAruHitchAruKuriAruMikaAurEtraBeruAnnieEreAnnieEreHisuEreLenaEreMikaErePetoEreSashaFalGabiFarIsaFarmHisuHitLoweJeanKasaJeanPikuJikuPikuLeoRinaMikaBertMikaFlochMikeNanaNiccosashaPokkoPikuReiAnnieReiKasaReiKuriRivetraSpringlesUdoFiaZekeLena
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non-binary EreHanEruHanKisuHanLeviHanMagaHanMikaHanMobuHanOnyaHanPikuHan
friendship BeruYumiEreGabiEren x Ymir FritzEreYumiFalrenGabiPikuGabviJeanGabiLevIsaLokasaReiYumiSquad LeviThug TrioTitan ShiftersYumiCon
family FurHisuKenRiRivaMikaZekEren
poly AruHitchAniClub Good TasteEreHisuFlochEreJeanKasaEreJeArminEreMikaAruEruRiHanEruRiMikeJeanSashConReiBertAniYumiHisuMikaYumiSashaKuri
cargo ArminOceanEren x FreedomErwinBasementHanTanSasha x Potato-kunScarfKasa
CHARACTERS men Armin ArlertBertolt HooverConnie SpringerEren JaegerErwin SmithFloch ForsterJean KirsteinLevi AckermanReiner Braun
women Annie LeonhartGabi BraunHistoria ReissMikasa AckermanPetra RalPieck FingerSasha BrausYmir
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