Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 11Screenshots: 4646Stills: 22
Slash ship: 11Het ships: 44

Lie Ren is a character from the RWBY fandom.


Ren is one of the main characters in RWBY and a current member of team JNR. His semblance allows him to amplify the semblances of others, as well as sense auras and emotions.



Brown Belt — the ship between Ren and Velvet Scarlatina
Crimson Lotus — the ship between Ren and Ruby Rose
Elm Flower — the ship between Ren and Elm Ederne
Flower Trail — the ship between Ren and Neon Katt
Glass Vase — the ship between Ren and Cinder Fall
Greek Lotus — the ship between Ren and Pyrrha Nikos
Ice Lotus — the ship between Ren and Winter Schnee
Jade Lotus — the ship between Ren and Emerald Sustrai
Ninja's in love — the ship between Ren and Blake Belladonna
Quiet Confidence — the ship between Ren and Coco Adel
Quiet Meditation — the ship between Ren and Neopolitan
Prismatic Petals — the ship between Ren and Ilia Amitola
ReNora — the ship between Ren and Nora Valkyrie
Steel Magnolia — the ship between Ren and Penny Polendina
Sunflowyr — the ship between Ren and Yang Xiao Long
Tigerlily — the ship between Ren and Sienna Khan
White Lotus — the ship between Ren and Weiss Schnee


Bird Lotus — the ship between Ren and Qrow Branwen
Blind Lotus — the ship between Ren and Fox Alistair
Blood Lotus — the ship between Ren and Adam Taurus
Flower Shade — the ship between Ren and Flynt Coal
Iron Lotus — the ship between Ren and James Ironwood
Lie and Cheat — the ship between Ren and Roman Torchwick
Lie and Steal — the ship between Ren and Sun Wukong
Lotus Pond — the ship between Ren and Neptune Vasilias
Lotus Vine — the ship between Ren and Vine Zeki
Martial Arcs — the ship between Ren and Jaune Arc
Ninja Spice — the ship between Ren and Sage Ayana
Pine Lotus — the ship between Ren and Oscar Pine
Poisonous Lotus — the ship between Ren and Tyrian Callows
Scarlet Lotus — the ship between Ren and Scarlet David
Silver Lotus — the ship between Ren and Mercury Black


Evergreen — the ship between Ren, Oscar Pine and Emerald Sustrai
Green Team — the ship between Ren, Oscar Pine, Emerald Sustrai, and Penny Polendina
Himbo Squad — the ship between Ren, Jaune Arc, Neptune Vasilias, and Sun Wukong
Juniper Berries — the ship between Ren, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos
Martial Barcs — the ship between Ren, Jaune Arc and Marrow Amin
Martial Sharcs — the ship between Ren, Jaune Arc, and Neptune Vasilias
Renorarc — the ship between Ren, Jaune Arc and Nora Valkyrie


Nora Valkyrie

Main article: ReNora


Lie Ren tag on AO3
Lie Ren tag
Lie Ren tag on Tumblr
Lie Ren on RWBY Wiki


# ship name characters type
1794 ReNora Nora Valkyrie het
193 Martial Arcs Jaune Arc slash
128 Juniper Berries Jaune Arc ·Pyrrha Nikos · Nora Valkyrie poly
101 Ren & Nora Nora Valkyrie gen
88 Renorarc Jaune Arc · Nora Valkyrie poly


  • Ren's character is based off of the legendary Chinese character, Hua Mulan.


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femslash Achilles HeelBlack GlassBlood MintBumblebyCatmeleonCrossharesCold SteelCream MachineDouble BowElectromagnetismEmberaldFreezerburnFalling PetalsGingersnapsGuilty ConscienceLadybugMilk and CerealMonochromeMommy IssuesNuts and DoltsNordic WinterOverheatingPennyWeissPink LemonadeRed VelvetRosebirdSchneekosSnowfallSpicecreamSpumoneSteadfastStrawberry ShortcakeSugar RushThundercatWhite Rose
poly Bees SchneesCloqwork OrangeFrosensteelMechabugTraffik Lights
friendship Sister Complex
family Abandonment IssuesDragon RoseHarvesting MoonsIce AgeStrawberry SunriseTrouble Twins
cargo Forever AloneSea King
CHARACTERS male Jaune ArcMercury BlackQrow BranwenJames IronwoodOscar PineLie RenNeptune VasiliasTyrian Callows
female Blake BelladonnaCinder FallEmerald SustraiNeopolitanNora ValkyriePyrrha NikosPenny PolendinaRuby RoseWeiss SchneeWinter SchneeYang Xiao Long