Shipping Wiki

Lifekettle is the het ship between Lifering and Tea Kettle from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.


In "Stranded in Paradise", they both get on the same team, The Sinkers. When Tea Kettle complained to MePhone4 she can't be covered in paint (which she called schmutz), Lifering asked if there's a need to preform CPR. During the challenge, after Lifering accidentally fell into the sand, Tea Kettle and the rest of The Sinkers fell on top of him to weight him down. At their elimination, MePhone4 told Lifering his inability to sink sunk the challenge. He admitted, saying that his diving could've been stronger, to which Tea Kettle says he's not talking about that.

In "The Shame of the Name", Lifering asks Tea Kettle what she thinks of his idea to name the team "The Sinkers". In the "Calm Down Cabana", she talked about how she didn't know what to say but ended up admitting he and the others did a great job. She rewards him and the others with Hors d'oeuvres.

In "Snapshot Showdown", Lifering proposes his idea on how they can win the challenge. Tea Kettle agrees on it, telling she's not just saying that to be accommodating. But when he says they'll be hiding under a pool raft, she becomes annoyed. Some time later, Tea Kettle proposes that when everyone else finishes shooting photos of themselves, the team goes out to attack. Lifering agrees with it.

In "Try Not To Laugh Challenge", Lifering sees Tea Kettle fall onto Indefinite Island. To prevent her from breaking, he catches her in time. Due to starvation, he asks her if she has any of her Hors d'oeuvres, to which she surprisingly says yes. Lifering is later heard yelling out "Family reunion!"

In "I Am Chocolate!", as Walkie-Talkie is counting down, Lifering holds onto Tea Kettle and Blueberry, thinking an explosion is going to happen. During the second part of the challenge, Tea Kettle helps Lifering get his bag down. Later on, she tells him that if he starts from the first half of the alphabet and she from the second, they'll have better chances at winning. While helping him, Tea Kettle tries giving Lifering coconut-soufflé. She motivates him that he will rejoin. However, she helps him out so much she forgets about doing the challenge herself. Lifering seems upset about it and tries to motivate Tea Kettle to start helping out herself.


Lifekettle is not very common in the Inanimate Insanity fandom, but well-respected amongst it. Fans of the ship like their dynamic, some even going as far as to assign them as the "parents" of The Sinkers. An episode that sparked the ship is "I Am Chocolate!", in which Tea Kettle tried her hardest to help Lifering rejoin the contest, so much she forgot she was participating too. It is the most popular ship for both Tea Kettle and Lifering. A ship that would most likely rival it is Lifeberry.


Lifering/Tea Kettle tag on AO3
Lifering & Tea Kettle tag on AO3
Lifekettle stories on Wattpad
Lifekettle tag on TikTok
Lifering x Tea Kettle tag on TikTok
Tea Kettle x Lifering tag on TikTok
Lifekettle posts on Tumblr
Lifekettle posts on Twitter



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