Lightruby is the het ship between Ruby and Lightning from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
Ruby calls Lightning 'Thunder' to try to get his attention and asks if he wants to dig. Lightning ignores her due to seeing the nickname as offensive which makes her mad. Lightning sarcastically asks if she is talking to him as his name isn't Thunder. Ruby says that Thunder and Lightning are the same thing. He gets offended and says it isn't the same. He says it'll would be like if he called her 'Shatter Sound'. Ruby angrily replies that he didn't need to threaten her and that if he didn't want to dig he could've just said so. Lightning is caught off guard by her anger and clarifies that he really wants to dig and digs a massive hole in the ground to prove it.
Ruby and Flower squabble before Lightning questions the direction that they're digging as it seems random. Lightning asks if they should be digging to the coordinates that Grassy said. Ruby clarifies if he meant the coordinates 133, -82, -7.63. They start to dig at Grassy's co-ordinates with Flower's help. Lightning compliments Flower on knowing the place, and the latter claims that as a plant, her leaves "point to the Sun". Snowball refutes this, as Flower does not have leaves. As iance keeps digging, Ruby stops in her tracks and receives a strange feeling, identifying that the presence of Golf Ball is nearby. The team digs in a different direction in turn. iance is still digging underground and Lightning wonders why the team decided to pass up on an emerald. Ruby then reassures Lightning that they might find another emerald. Ruby then digs up a emerald to Lightning's shock. They then dig to escape the lava. iance is forced to turn back around into their lava-filled tunnel so Ruby tells them they need to blow hard again.
- When Fanny and Snowball are arguing, Lightning can be seen leaning on Ruby's head watching the challenge.
This ship is a rarepair in the fandom. This ship stems from both BFB 13 and 14, which are coincidentally a two-parter episode, so technically the two of them only interacted in a single episode. People that ship these two enjoy the humor that in majority of the two's interactions. They find the humor that the two's interactions were usually one of them doubting the other and the other proving the other wrong in that episode, with Lightning proving Ruby wrong by digging a hole, and Ruby proving Lightning wrong by finding a emerald. People also do like how Ruby had a nickname for Lightning without her even really interacting with him. Shippers enjoyed the two's small interactions that they had in just the two-parter as they never interacted with eachother again. The rival ships are Snowlight, the ship between Lightning and Snowball, and Rubmatch, the ship between Ruby and Match.
- BFB Lightning x Ruby posts on TikTok