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Lill's Alliance is the friend ship between Ashley Graham, Lill Davis, Nick Milton and Will Hughes from the Disventure Camp fandom.


Season One[]

Lill's Alliance in its first challenge

Ashley proposes to her alliance that she and Will be defenders of the flag.

In “Meet Me in Tipiskaw”, Lill instructs Will and Ashley to look for food while she asks Nick to accompany her to collect water. Shortly after, the four are in the middle of their respective tasks, so Lill proposes forming an alliance that they all agree to join and then head to the challenge zone after hearing Derek's statement. In that area, the hosts comment that both teams must vote out one of their members, which surprises everyone. However, Lill tells the entire alliance to write down Gabby's name and they agree. In the end, Gabby is the most voted, but she isn't eliminated from the show, she is only swapped teams with Fiore. Before starting the challenge, Ashley proposes that she and Will stay to defend the flag, to which the rest of the alliance and team accept and take the role of attackers. After all, they win the challenge and are rewarded with sleeping bags. At night, the entire alliance sits around the campfire.

The entire alliance awaits Fiore at the top

Ashley, Lill, Nick and Will wait for Fiore.

In "Logged & Loaded", Lill stands up and greets her entire team and then asks if anyone wants to accompany her to pick more apples, to which her entire alliance and Fiore agree. In a confessional, Ashley confesses that she feels comfortable with their alliance because they are good people and she is willing to invite them to her farm to teach them how to ride a bull. Before starting the challenge, Derek indicates that the losing team must go to the elimination ceremony to vote out one of its members, which surprises the entire group. When Lill reaches the top of the mountain, she grabs the machete and begins cutting the ropes while the rest watch in silence. A short time later, the logs fall to the ground and it is the alliance's duty to get on them and go down, but first they must wait for Fiore to return. Time passes and she doesn't return, which worries everyone, but the rich guy sees the 6-year-old girl arrive at his location, so the log ridden by Nick, Ashley and Lill departs downhill while Will waits for Fiore.

Will, upset, explains that Fiore hit and threatened him, but his alliance doesn't believe him

Will, upset, explains that Fiore hit and threatened him, but his alliance doesn't believe him.

In the end, the team loses because Will and Fiore took too long to get down the mountain. Arriving at their destination, Lill asks what happened, then the muscular man excitedly exclaims that the kiddo hit him and threatened him. No one believes him, which makes the man even more angry. At the elimination ceremony, the alliance cannot agree to vote for just one person: Will and Lill vote for Fiore, Ashley for Alec, and Nick for Will. After all, the paranoid guy is eliminated from the reality show, saddening the entire alliance except Nick.

Lill talks to Nick and Ashley about Will's elimination

Lill talks to Nick and Ashley about Will's elimination.

In “Mazed and Confused”, Lill tells her allies that it's a shame they couldn't agree on who to vote for last ceremony. Ashley responds that she is still very confused about the matter, but Nick speaks up and thinks it was right to eliminate the crazy man. Lill says that must not happen again because the alliance must remain strong and united. Later, Nick complains in a confessional about his alliance mates' decisions: Lill defending the muscle boy and Ashley wasting her vote on Alec. He concludes that the Girl Scout leader is being annoying.

Ashley and Nick look at each other dubiously because of Lill's suspicions about Fiore

Ashley and Nick look at each other dubiously because of Lill's suspicions about Fiore.

During the challenge, the three try to support their teammates in overcoming their personalized challenge with their biggest fears, although when someone doesn't want to do it they look at them strangely. In the middle of Alec's time penalty, Lill meets with Nick and Ashley and comments them her suspicions about Fiore's behavior because she writes so fast, but usually kids barely know how to read. Nevertheless, her allies seem to doubt the mature woman.

Nick, Lill and Ashley are happy that the blonde girl managed to overcome her challenge

Nick, Lill and Ashley are happy that the blonde girl managed to overcome her challenge.

Later, Ashley must stay in a fire for 15 minutes, which surprises and terrifies everyone. However, she accepts her challenge after hearing Lill's motivating words. Despite wearing a fire suit, the country girl is still afraid to enter, but enters anyway following the motivation of her alliance mates. In the end, she manages to spend 15 minutes inside the fire, leaving everyone surprised and happy, and then runs to the exit and wins the challenge.

In “Slip N Slide”, Lill wakes up and alarmed tells Nick and Ashley that their things are on fire. Quickly, Nick looks for culprits in Ellie and Alec's tend, but Fiore appears who says that Lill burned their valuables in the night, which surprises them. Ashley isn't sure about that claim, but Nick blindly believes the girl's claim and angrily complains to the alliance leader. Lill angrily responds that she didn't do it, and shortly after, telling her companions that she has no reason to burn their things. However, Nick assumes that he did it as revenge for voting against Will, but Ashley calms him down by commenting that she thinks the Girl Scout leader wouldn't do that.

Nick and Fiore's canoe arrives last, causing their team to lose the first phase of the challenge

Nick and Fiore's canoe arrives last, causing their team to lose the first phase of the challenge.

In the middle of the challenge, Ashley tells Lill that she trusts her word, which she happily thanks her partner, but wishes Nick believed her too. The blonde girl continues the conversation by asking why the little girl would act that way, to which the other woman responds that she doesn't know why. They both arrive at the assigned place on time, but they got lost due to the delay of Nick and Fiore's ship, which produces confusion and discontent on their faces.

Nick is eliminated from the show which surprises Lill and Ashley

Nick is eliminated from the show which surprises Lill and Ashley.

In the end, the purple team loses the second part of the challenge and must eliminate one of its members. Lill and Ashley try to talk to Nick, but he refuses and leaves with the intention of eliminating the mature woman. Nevertheless, the millionaire guy is expelled by his companions, which surprises the rest of his alliance.

As part of their plan, Lill distracts her teammates with fruit while Ashley successfully steals Fiore's notebook

As part of their plan, Lill distracts her teammates with fruit while Ashley successfully steals Firoe's notebook.

In “Baking My Heart!”, Lill and Ashley collect fruit for the entire team. In the middle of her work, the farm girl regrets having eliminated Will while the other woman tells her that they must act quickly to avoid being the next eliminated. Then, the blonde woman smiles at her saying that she has a plan that involves Lill distracting the others with food while Ashley breaks into Fiore's tent to steal her book. The plan turns out to be successful. In the middle of the challenge, the girl scout leader asks her partner if she had read Fiore's notebook to which she affirms it, mentioning that she wrote hurtful things about everyone. Lill stands up and exclaims that she knew it while the blonde girl asks why a girl would do that. Shortly after, the girls agree that they should tell the rest of the team about this discovery, using the book as evidence.

Lill's alliance failed

Lill is the camper with the most votes at the ceremony and Ashley fears that she will suffer the same fate.

In the next part of the challenge, both of them along with Ellie must consume the stew prepared by Fiore and Alec. At first, they didn't want to eat it, but Lill motivated them to start doing it. However, Lill cannot tolerate the disgusting taste of the dish in her mouth so she vomits it on Ashley and then she vomits, losing the challenge. Before the elimination ceremony, they tell their other teammates Fiore's true colors and ask them to act against her. Although, the librarian doesn't seem to care about the matter while Ellie is undecided. In the end, Lill and Ashley are eliminated from the competition and angrily head for the exit. Before taking the bus, they both hug each other in gratitude.

In “A Hearts Desire”, the eliminated campers return to camp to support one of the 3 finalists: Ellie, Fiore or Miriam. The entire alliance decides to support the old woman above the others.

All Stars[]

Lill, Will and Nick didn't participate in season 3 of the series. However, Ashley mentions them from time to time and does classify them. In “Gone Buck Wild!”, her team loses and they must eliminate one of their own. She confesses that it's the perfect opportunity to get revenge in honor of Lill, Will, and even Nick, who she doesn't care about, but would enjoy seeing Fiore's elimination. She fears she won't have another chance to do it later. In the end, she votes against James, eliminating him.

In “Ball Busters”, Ashley's team loses again and she takes the opportunity to eliminate the 6-year-old girl from the program, succeeding. In a confessional she expresses her joy and comments that she, Lill, Nick and Will should go out for drinks and that she would buy the first round.


  • In one of Ashley's personalized fan greetings by user 'Isaiah Meehan', the Country Girl mentions that she continued to stay in touch with Lill and Nick and that they and Will went out for a drink. So, they solved the problems between them.[1]


Lill's alliance was never popular in the Disventure Camp fandom due to how little presence they had on the show. Additionally, many viewers found the behavior of two of its members: Will and Nick, irritating. Despite its low popularity, over time its members began to be more loved and appreciated by the community, especially Ashley. In some fan fictions, the alliance of Lill, Nick, Will and Ashley is added to the story and, in some cases, its members take an important role in avenging Fiore. Also, people decide to replace the millionaire guy and the muscle guy in the alliance with other characters like Ellie or Gabby.



Lill's Alliance posts on Twitter


Lill's Alliance on the Disventure Camp Wiki


Season One[]



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SHIPS het AlecllyConRiyaHuntAllyHunTessJamesAllyKaiggyKrisvekKrisverNickLillRiyalecRiYulRosakaiRosalecSpenJadeTrevmilyWishleyZaivy
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friend DanbbyDrewbbyFioNickGabYulGirls' allianceGomGrettakeIdol AllianceJabbyJaidakeJake CultJakellieJallyJamakeJashleyJessLaJakeLakedenLill's AllianceNickbbyRiyakeTessAiden
non-binary TristannahTristenji
poly ConriyalecTessGabEllie
cargo Chet x 🎥🍩 AddictFiore x 🚌Jake & 🐦Kai x 🌿
CHARACTERS male Aiden BrooksAlec ÇelikConnor BlakeHunter PageJake HamiltonJames CostaKai MitchellKim YulNick MiltonTom Reed
female Ally AmberAshley GrahamEllie ParkerFiore RicciGabby NowakGrett ClarkLake MüllerRiya SharmaRosa María RiveraTess Morgan