LoKasa is the friendship between Louise and Mikasa Ackerman from the Attack on Titan fandom.
Mikasa saved Louise from a Titan in 850. This aspired Louise to join the Survey Corps to look for her, to which she did. When Louise joins the Jaegerists, she is imprisoned, and Mikasa goes to visit her. She asked Mikasa if she's staying in the same cell Mikasa was in, to which Mikasa said no, leaving her disappointed. Louise says that they were both saved by Eren, and tries to get Mikasa to free him, although Mikasa coldly tells her to shut up. As she leaves, Louise salutes her.
After escaping, Louise meets Mikasa again. She tells her that she is glad to fight alongside Mikasa again. When the latter leaves her scarf, Louise asks her if she is leaving it for good. Mikasa apathetically replies that she is. That's when Louise decides to steal it and wear it herself. Some time later, when Louise is on her deathbed after getting heavily injured by a Thunder Spear, Mikasa takes her scarf back from her, claiming that she knew it was going to be with Louise. As she leaves, Louise says that she followed Mikasa by devoting her heart.
Ever since Mikasa had saved Louise from a Titan, and topple it down with ease, Louise had come to a realization that you cannot live without strength. Mikasa's actions greatly pushed Louise's character to become who she is, and her little care for breaking rules. Mikasa on the other hand, wasn't exactly friendly with Louise, and didn't give much care to when she was dying. Louise, however, indirectly helped her activate some memories of her childhood that helped Mikasa be more skeptical of Eren's actions. The two of them became even more strained because they were in complete opposite sides during the Rumbling, with Louise in the Yeagerists' side, while Mikasa was on the Alliance, fighting to stop Eren's genocide, and therefore, in complete opposition of Louise's faction.
This ship has a small fandom, due to Louise's actions being seen as "creepy" which causes hatred around her character. It only has four works on AO3. There is a possibility that Mikasa sees herself in Louise, admiring the person who saved her. In fan art, Louise can be seen with idolizing Mikasa and Eren with Floch. With Louise being fourteen and Mikasa being nineteen this is rather seen as a friendship.
- Mikasa & Louise tag on AO3