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Lollipop“For your next prank Woody, how about-”
Woody“Wah! (Gulp) No!”
Lollipop“I didn't even describe one yet, Woody! But if you're not enjoying pranks anymore, you don't have to keep doing them. If pranks aren't completely your thing, we can find something else for you to do.”
Woody“Uh, yeah!”
Lollipop“And now it's time to talk about me.”
— The Hidden Contestant

Lolliwood is the het ship between Lollipop and Woody from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Lollipop stands up for Woody by telling his team to reassess what value they think Woody contributes, and says that he isn't a dead weight.

Woody panics when Lollipop calls him to the stand. She reassures him that she doesn't think he stole the diary and just wants to hear from everyone. Woody pranks her with his first story, annoying her a bit, and then tells her what he was actually doing.

Lollipop asks Woody for suggestions on horrible music to use for her party, and says that he's Blocky's replacement. Woody offers Purple Face. Lollipop agrees with his pick.

Lollipop shows Woody her Halloween banner and asks what he'll be doing for his party. Woody makes a noise while pointing to Purple Face. Lollipop doesn't know what that means but says she's sure it will be great, and then wishes Woody luck.

Lollipop tells Woody her idea of a prank that would allow everyone to laugh and not get hurt. When she asks Woody if he agrees that's how all pranks should be, Woody gulps. For the rest of the episode, Lollipop acts suspicious of him because he gulped.

Lollipop starts to suggest a prank for Woody to do, but Woody rejects it before Lollipop can say it. Lollipop mentions this, and says that if pranks aren't his thing, they can find something else for him to do, and Woody agrees. Lollipop begins to talk about her scribble on her face immediately after.

When Woody is being sent to the BRB, she tells him goodbye and wishes him good luck on his next non-pranking endeavor.


Lolliwood is a rarepair in the Battle for Dream Island fandom. Much of the fandom dislikes the ship as well, because they think that Lollipop is a canonical lesbian. It also has far more popular rival ships foreshadowing it. The rivalry ships are Blockwood (Blocky x Woody) and Flowerpop (Flower x Lollipop).


Woody x Lollipop search results on Wattpad

