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Aww! If MK's brain drove a cool car, I'd date it.
—Julia praising MK's wit on the confessionary cabin, episode 4.

Mkulia is the femslash ship between Julia and Mary Kate "MK" from the Total Drama fandom.


MK and Julia met on Total Drama Island (2023), the first season of the series' reboot, where they were placed on the team: The Frogs of death. While in the girls cabin, Julia is busy sorting out some flowers in the cabin to because it "makes her soul feel happy". With her back turned, MK uses this as an opportunity to steal one of her phones that she snuck in along with a necklace. She uses the phone to watch everyone's confessionals, which leads to MK to find out about the real Julia and exposed her. Unfortunately this causes a fierce side of Julia to unleash, which leads to Julia exposing MK as a thief and gets her eliminated.

MKulia agreement glare

MK and Julia sharing an agreement glare after chanting "evil" at the same time to Bowie.

In the second season of the reboot, their relationship had a major change and were seemingly friendly on their reunion. The first stage for the contestants was that two people are assigned on choosing members to make their respective team. MK and Julia chant "evil" at the same time when Bowie makes a speech "advising" how to be good players, sharing glances of agreement. Priya and Bowie are chosen as the main leaders of their own teams, so it was now up to them to choose the players. Bowie ends up selecting both Julia and MK, and when this latter is assigned, she stands next to Julia and blurts a thanks, to then start praising each other's style. The two come to an agreement into planning on winning season, eventually forming an alliance by bumping their fists on the consideration that both might have been chosen to be taken down first, so MK had agreed on helping Julia with the plan. Now the teams' name had been selected: Priya's as the "Team Rat Face" and Bowie's, "Team Skunk Butt".

MKulia safe

MK and Julia saved from elimination.

Their team unfortunately loses the first challenge, and are up to the elimination ceremony alongside the rest of the members. They're both sitting next to each other, and also are the contestants to be given marshmallows first back-to-back. When Julia is given the marshmallow, she smiles when MK is thrown the next one, and briefly share happy looks. In the second episode, they are shown sharing the confessional together as Julia tells the camera that she was given an internship assignment during the morning production meeting so they would have an advantage on the upcoming challenge. MK calls this "cheating," to which Julia concurs. After being infiltrated by the other intern members, MK smiles behind her fake mustache when they are told about their current task of hiding sap removal sprays. The next scene shows the two in the cabin exclaiming, "Bingo!", realizing that their plan worked and MK had gone unnoticed. In the second challenge, the Skunk Team follows MK because she has a shortcut to the goal in the current dare. Julia is the first to follow MK, seemingly spotting her drift and asking her to lead the way. In the confessional cabin, the two clarify that it was only considered cheating if they were caught; otherwise, it was referred to as "winning".

MKulia Julia stops MK

Julia wants to see how Wayne and Raj will untangle themselves from the sticky sap.

When they arrive at the hiding spot of the sprays' box, Julia explains their plan to the other members, saying that MK had stolen those from the production trailer. MK corrects Raj, saying that it sounded exactly like cheating, after he claims it sounded like it. The sticky sap causes Wayne and Raj to become tangled with one another. When MK plans to spray them with the anti-sap, Julia stops her by holding her shoulder and wickedly says she wants to watch how they untangle themselves. Bowie changes the team tactic and tells the two girls that they will split up; he with the others to the finish line and them, with their "special ups", the women pridefully smiling at each other. They're both seen spying on the other team and once again they plan to make it difficult for the contestants on the opposite team.

MKulia blush

MK flatters Julia enough to almost make her blush.

Once again in the confessional, MK compliments that her "bad guy letters" are getting good, Julia thanking her praise. Julia ends up doing the most evil heavy lifting for the other team, since in the next moment together in that cabin MK tells her that she is "vicious" in a happy, highly flattering tone, and Julia tells her to stop because she was making her blush. Chris needs an explanation for his initial suspicions that the Skunk team had arrived nearly simultaneously. When Julia finally managed to say it all out loud to allay any doubts, saying they had decided to play with their team strings, MK smiles at her. When the opposing team was unable to promptly reunite the remaining members, the Skunk team were declared the winners, and MK and Julia celebrated with high-fives.

MKulia cheating

Julia and MK reasoning with Wayne and Raj that they don't want to play fair, but win.

MK fails to get information about the next challenge even though infiltrated, and Raj celebrates with Wayne that they would finally be playing fair and square, but Julia says that they didn't want to play fair, but win. For the ensuing challenge which consists of a series of questions to be answered correctly about other members standing on the correct platform, MK plans to fall and sneak into the answer booth to pass them on to the team, and Julia agrees to this and tells her to do it, it being her turn to respond. For this, they should just listen how many times she shouts the answer, pointing out that the odd times would be platform or answer A, and the even, would be platform or answer B.

MKulia admitting

Julia admitting wanting to see Bowie fall too.

Julia says in the cabin that if MK's brain drove a cool car, she'd date it. MK manages to go into the booth, and when Chris questions her team where she was, Julia nervously says that she had explosive diarrhea, making Chris go disgusted but still managed to be convincing. Bowie almost manages to get to the end, but upon seeing Chris was getting even more suspicious on them, MK had to give the wrong answer to prevent this, and in the shared cabin Julia admits MK's statement on wanting to see Bowie fall on this occurrence. Skunk team once again wins immunity being the first group closest to the goal, almost being reached by the Rat team if it weren't that the last member failed the last answer.

MKulia bumpfist

MK and Julia succeeding on distracting Raj and Wayne by bumpfisting.

For the next challenge, the two girls plan another way to cheat by drawing a map on Ripper's belly with a marker in order to get keys faster and win the challenge, and are quite confident of their victory by already having a complete scheme. The first part of the challenge consists on the two teams riding respective boats in order to reach the second segment, and Julia is spotted sitting next to MK. The two are the first to enter to one of the iceberg entrances, followed by Ripper and Bowie. Julia and MK are seen sharing the cabin once again to comment how it made sense to bring ice skates after being announced the challenge involved ice, this after MK lent these pair of skates to both Wayne and Raj to distract them. The two share a bump-fist afterwards. After Bowie unwillingly blurts another cheating plan, Julia and MK give him interested reactions as Julia agreed with him. MK cuts a way through the ice with the hair dryer brought to get the keys through frost, and Julia congratulates her for getting them to the final part, in which they'd get Chris coins through frozen vaults. Raj threatens MK on telling Chris that she is cheating by using the hair dryer on the safes, but Julia intervenes by half agreeing with the condition that he had to tell it to his boyfriend (Bowie) too.

MKulia same idea

MK and Julia coinciding on how they were gonna make the other team lose.

Before the two guys get into an argument, MK gets the Chris coin, and the two girls immediately gaze at the opposite team's vault, and they chanted having the same idea in mind: if there was no coin in the safe, the other team wouldn't win, and the two wickedly approach it. Now it was Julia the one heating the safe, however she notices that the three guys (except Ripper) were attempting to stop her with a snowball fight, and she quickly joins it with MK and Ripper on her team. Nobody won though, because the iceberg was suddenly collapsing, which forced them to take their coin and flee from the place. They manage to win even after almost giving the other team a bigger advantage, with MK returning the coin to Chris and after he announces their victory, everyone celebrates, except for Bowie, Raj and Wayne.

MKulia token explanation

MK and Julia smiling and sharing glances at each other during Chris' explanation about the immunity token.

In the following episode, Chris has an announcement to make to the contestants, and Julia, sitting with MK, argues to get on with it. The teams were officially merged, meaning that they all were gonna compete individually and had to see each other as 'sworn enemies'. MK and Julia glare with interested expressions, and they're seen sharing sufficiency looks when Chris explains about that the immunity token could be used to save oneself in the elimination ceremony. Everyone is required to form pairs for the challenge, however excludes MK from such, and she suspects that he might know about her cheating and stealing. She gazes at Julia and Wayne leaving together as a team with a sad expression. Her suspicions are confirmed and she's now forced to compete by herself after being exposed. After arriving to the indicated place, a lake, Chris suddenly reveals that the members of their teams had to fight each other. The opponent who touches the water immediately loses and the winner moves on the next fight. MK was paired with a bear that Chris had chosen especially for her, and it ends her up. The two are safe of the elimination ceremony whereas Bowie is eliminated, however they are seen injured the next time they share the confessionary cabin again, in which Julia narrates how she had lied that it was Bowie's idea to cheat with the intern costume, this in order to protect MK.

MKulia friendship

MK pokes fun at Julia supposedly liking her, even proposing to get friendship pendants.

The next day MK and Julia are looking together for the immunity token in the forest, and sarcastically comment (on the cabin) how it wasn't like they enjoyed looking inside animals, because after all it was Chris who said it'd be hard to find it. Julia confesses on having thought that MK would be sent home in the past ceremony, making MK tease Julia by asking if she liked her. The blonde woman hesitates by denying her question, however MK excitedly pokes that she did like her, calling themselves "#BFFS!", and suggests Julia that they should get friendship pendants, and also to start a podcast the two of them. Julia seemingly rejects the idea, and mockingly wishes for MK to get eaten by something out the forest as she leaves her. MK comments on the cabin that she thought of Julia as someone kind cool when she isn't destroying your life.

We should get one of those heart pendants where you wear one half and I wear the other. Oh! And we should start a podcast together.
—MK to Julia, episode 7.
MKulia bakery

MK doesn't find bakery that hard than what Chef makes it look like.

The next challenge involves baking, so everyone would be divided in three teams. The two share a look as MK comments how baking didn't sound that hard as Chef made it look like. Chris reveals that this time he had chosen the teams, and the next moment the two are anxious about this overcome, whereas Julia doesn't want to be paired up with any of the guys she had been sticking with. MK asks if she will finally get her much deserved comeuppance, and Julia smiles by saying that she was really on a roll today. Between the juries, Owen is invited to this competition to supervise both taste and looks of the baking. The two girls are splitted, however have to deal with their respective partners who either did nothing to contribute (MK's case with Ripper and Axel), or otherwise, were annoying around (Julia with Wayne and Raj). They are forced to do most of the job. Seeing that MK had done a lot of progress by taking the cake out of the oven, Julia is shocked and regrettably calls for an O-Dog on MK, basically a visit from Owen to her team, who'd later mess most of the bakery progress. The next moment MK is in the cabin wondering if she was surprised that Julia would stab her alliance partner on the back, answering with an annoyed no. The two don't share major interaction at the elimination ceremony, but both were safe: Julia's team by winning immunity, and MK receiving a marshmallow.

MKulia new plan

Julia and MK scheming something to take information out of Zee.

After using the outhouse, Julia finds MK waiting her outside and the latter claims to have been looking for her the whole time. Julia nervously greets her too but however MK notices that Julia might be avoiding her. Julia awkwardly denies it, and MK talks with her about past challenge, especially about the O-Dog situation, that she was over it, and attempts to regain their alliance again as a team, however she can't end her sentence because Zee had caught her attention on the distance by covering his mouth with his own underwear. The two girls approach him and mock him that nobody wanted to see him challenging on his 'undies'. He blurts out a confession that he was repressing behind the cloth, but immediately after accidentally half-revealed that to the other two, he gets it again into his mouth and walks away. Julia and MK sit together on the cabin as they plan something to get all of Zee's secret out, and the next moment they're seen holding hands calling him to talk with them, and to let [the secret] out.

MKulia hand holding (Full)

MK and Julia instigating Zee to spill out the secret he's been holding on.

Zee thinks he was hallucinating by holding all of those secrets on his mind when the two girls had seemingly disappeared from his sight after covering his eyes for a moment. Next time Chris announces a change on the challenge, MK and Julia smile and share a look to each other, only to be greet by giant Chris coins falling on them and the rest of contestants, being part of challenge: human pinball. They have to carry the coin given all the way to a pinball mount to reach a box where they will insert it.

MKulia saved again

Saved once again.

Afterwards, they will do a resistance test where they'll get points by colliding with different objects that gave points according to the number of times they crashed with them. Julia initially waits for MK when the challenge starts, as she's unable to carry the coin, hurrying her. At the end of the challenge, everyone gasps in surprise (Julia in amazement) over Zee's pent-up confession: Caleb was only pretending to like Priya so she'd help him win. On their way to the ceremony, MK is seen walking next to Julia. The two girls, Damien, Wayne and Raj distance themselves both Caleb and Zee after the whole secret-revealing incident (by Zee's part with all of intention). Just as with the first elimination ceremony, Julia and MK are the first to be given marshmallows, sharing a satisfied glance.

MKulia complain

MK jealous that Priya got all the attention MK never received from the other participants, but Julia has a new plan.

MK is jealous of Priya getting all of the attention because Caleb had played her and asks Julia about where was everyone when she was being mopped by a bear. The taller girl thinks out another plan, in which MK could fake tears to avoid elimination too. The two approach the others and Julia fakely pities Priya over her situation, and MK tries to change the subject about the next challenge, however Damien interrupts saying that they weren't talking about the game. Instead of comforting Priya, Damien ends up offending and making her groan. Julia and MK call out the hypocrisy of Damien about feelings mattering more than a million dollars, to which Julia denies by saying it was gross. Julia and MK decide to offer Caleb to be part of their team to 'help' him, however he rejects the offer, finishing he was better off by himself rather than teaming up with them as he parted off, surprising Julia and MK. The latter is quite offended and calls him rude, whereas Julia has two words for Caleb: "Dead meat". During the episode, the two try convince Caleb to join their team either by getting in his way or by offering false help that could encourage him. Chris surprise them for another challenge after making everyone bring big objects for it, in which they have to dismantle their possessions and introduce the pieces through a tree mail slodge.

MKulia compliment

Julia doesn't have a response for MK's doubt, but says it was her gift.

Unfortunately for them, Caleb ends up winning inmunity, so either one of them will be sent back home. When they meet again before the ceremony, Julia says out of respect for their alliance to see how it plays out. MK agrees with the deal and both handshake. However, MK thinks that it would actually be another deception on Julia's part, so to avoid being eliminated, she tries to blame Julia for everything bad that happened to the other participants, and spreads misinformation of her. She fails, though, and Julia is the last one receiving the marshmallow, her plans seemingly having been wrecked. A surprised MK asks how she could do it, because she was making up horrible things about her, and mistakenly thinks that Julia might have been done something similar but worse to the point MK got eliminated. MK learns she had been set up to look worse than her after Julia said she had communicated everyone not to bad mouth each other, and she was amazed that Julia could be good at it, though Julia doesn't know how to respond but says it was her gift.

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MK and Julia sharing a farewell hug.

Chris interrupts by reminding them it was time for MK to go, and once at the dock of shame, Julia is seen with MK while she awkwardly asks if she isn't mad at her, to which MK initially calls her an evil backstabbing monster, but excitedly denies being angry, and Julia is moved that she also calls MK awful. MK wishes Julia good luck on getting the million bucks, and this latter promises sharing some of the money IF she wins. However MK knew it was a lie while saying she wouldn't do that, and Julia admits it too, to then invite MK into her arms, and the two share a hug. The Chef and Chris share a dialogue during this moment:

Chef“Do they like each other or not? I can't tell.”
Chris“They're like the Tortoise and the Kitten! If they were both... jerks.”
— Chris and Chef's dialogue during MK and Julia's hug.
MKulia profile

Julia awkwardly greets MK's profile after accidentally getting the wrong choice.

The left participants are participating a memory challenge, in which every time someone is presented on the screen, they had to find the memorized square of that player once the screen goes black through a tablet that was given to each one, and many images of a same player are also scattered. When Ripper is the one presented, Julia had intially selected it right, but since she made mess up Damien past time with Millie, it was her time to take a spoonful of her own medicine by being pushed down and ultimately the answer being changed to a different one. It's revealed that the answer had switched to MK's profile, and when Julia sees it, she awkwardly greets her, for then being elevated with a hair dryer as she screamed, Chris remembering it being a memory of his stolen blow drier (by MK). It was now MK's turn to be presented, and Damien smugly asks if it was easy, waiting for a confirmation, but is instead beaten up by Julia with her tablet as she complains how he ruined her hair.

MKulia side

MK being the only one siding with Julia amongst the finalists.

In the last competition between the three finalists, Julia, Caleb, and Wayne, the three have been selected teams for each one. Whereas the two men got a considerable amount of people supporting them, Julia only had MK by her side. The first challenge was to pull a cart with all the team members, except the finalist, inside. Fortunately, since MK was the only one supporting Julia, the latter would have a greater advantage by carrying only one person, and the two share a down low five. Julia was proud over the expressions on the others' faces noticing this kind of outcome, making MK comment that that was what they get for being popular, to which Julia corrects by referring to herself as such, however MK awkwardly laughs as she places a hand on Julia's thigh, making her eyes go wide, and MK finishes by saying saying "clearly...", offending Julia. The challenge also had distractions, each one belonging to the certain interest of the finalist.

MKulia hand on thigh

MK "agreeing" on Julia being popular, while placing a hand on her thigh.

MK attempts to make Julia fall in temptation into looking at many of the things she was interested on, but Julia was struggling to focus into keep going, saying she was not helping, and MK corrects her that she wasn't going to help her the whole time, or it'd be weird. Before getting to the next part, MK "encourages" Julia imitating the sounds of a donkey. The next phase was the tightrope Julia had to walk through, and MK initially encouraged her but it turns out it only distracted her, so she stops. Julia is thrown on the water below by Scary Girl using MK's cannon filled with tissues that pushed her. Once she tries going through the rope again, she's momentarily thrown more tissues, but manages to gain balance.

MKulia cart

MK denying on helping Julia the whole time.

MK wonders on the confessional cabin if Julia really deserved to be blasted to the water, to which she positively answers, but she wasn't gonna let it happen, and in the next scene she's seen shooting the cannons to the other teams that attempted to throw Julia again. However she's still dropped on water but this time her hair is teared up by a dinosaur in there which ruined her cut. MK tries to comfort Julia inside the confessional, and momentarily does, but she also comments something offensive that makes Julia cry again. This wouldn't let her down, and instead is given a 'power up' (by Chris) on this occurrence, and when she is about to be attacked again with the cannons, she flies to the other side after having lunged at Caleb to try to throw him, using him as a propeller. MK watches the scene amazed and cheers. In the last stage, the participants are reunited at the goal, and after Axel announces Julia was the only one approaching, everyone sighs in disappointment, whereas MK celebrates for herself.

MKulia celebrate

MK's reaction when Axel begrudgingly announces Julia was about to reach the goal.

She says that once Julia wins, she might rub it on her face, but since MK helped Julia on winning, she could as well rub it on her face too. However, contrary of what anyone expected, Wayne ends up winning the million bucks, and on MK and Julia's interaction in the cabin, this latter reminds that despite cheating, manipulating and lying she still lost, and how could it be possible. MK sarcastically responds it being a mystery. On the last ceremony, both are seen once again sitting next to each other as the rest celebrated Wayne's victory.


The ship's popularity grew after the second season reboot and skyrocketed after they became , while it remained overshadowed in the first 2023 season by the canonical pairings like Rajbow and Chemma and also ships popular on that time like Prulia or Zeemien, in which MK and Julia didn't have a grudgeful bond anymore and rather acted close since the first moment. This made fans portray their relationship as the classic "Enemies-to-Lovers" kind. Alongside Ripaxel and the aforementioned Raj/Bowie, they're one of the most written ships on AO3 having 390+ works as romantic and 150+ as platonic, placed as the 8th most popular ship in the Total Drama fandom, having a large fanbase and also a good amount of fan artworks which tend to illustrate the moments they spend together throughout the show.

After MK's elimination, many were satisfied that at least, even if they didn't end up as a couple, MK and Julia had kept their friendship and not threw out the window after their major development compared to the first 2023 season. Fans expect for a third season to be announced in which the two girls can interact once again and probably, become an official couple too.


Julia/Mary Kate | MK tag on AO3
Julia & Mary Kate | MK tag on AO3
Mkulia stories on Wattpad
MKulia posts on Tumblr
MKulia tag on Tumblr
Julia/MK on Fanlore


  • They were on the same team in both seasons they competed in.
  • In both MK's eliminations, the two were the last ones left being given marshmallows.
  • Terry McGurrin, an executive producer for the Total Drama series, ships Julia/MK and often retweets fanart of them on his Twitter.[1]


Main article: MKulia/Gallery



Total Drama
Total Drama ShipsTotal Drama Characters
SHIPS het Alebridgette AleCourtAleheatherAlerraAleshawnaAnneZekeBawnBeardellaBethodyBetholdBloshBlowenBowKBradethBrameyBrawnBridgzekeCamCourtCamerraCarDevCaruniorChemmaCoderraCodetherCourdyCrimuiCryanDamillieDamiyaDavAmyDavellaDavneyDeatherDevawnaDidgetteDireneDizzyDJatieDoeyDottDuncneyDuncshawnaDwellyEmmayneGeoffleyGidgetteGwalejandroGwemeronGwentGweoffGwodyGwuncanH-BombHatchleyJacseeJasRodJockJocksonJizzyJulebJuliayneJustBethJustLindJustneyLellaLesharoldLight of DawnLylerMcLaineleyMickittyMipperMKalebNemmaNichamienNichayneNizzyOwittyOzzyPriBowPrilebPriyzeeRajuliaRipaxelRodAmyRodellaRodSamRodScarSamkotaScarlaxScarmienScarZScottneyScripperShasmineShySkaveSkeithStephRyanSugnardTamnardTophAmyTophellaTophlettTophmineTophSamTreatherTrensayVitanneZemmaZokeZott
slash AlecodyAleduncanAleJustinAlenoahAletylerBikeBowayneBowlebCammikeCamningChrefDamiwayneDavenardDuncoldJustOwenNoCoNostinNowenRajbowRayneScangScikeShaveTrenoTrodyTrustinTynoZeemienZipper
femslash AxemmaBethshawnaBridgneyCourterraCourtLindDaweyDawnkotaEmmkEzzyGweatherGwegetteGwenerraGweshawnaGwoeyGwourtneyHeatherraHeathneyIzzerraJasameyJawnJo MariaJotherJuliemmaLindsethMacSandersMellodyMKuliaNichaxelNichemmaNichuliaPrilliePriymkPruliaSammellaScamyScariyaScaryaxelScarymarySkatieSkellaSugella
poly EzekibridgeoffGwentodyGwuncneyJustnowenKastadiePriyzeelebRaynebowRodlygamySkavella
family AmmyChenzoDwayniorGwellaJaykeyKellorKemmaOwax
non-binary McLearry
friend Axis of EvilBowiemmaBowliaChrindsayFriendshipFinaleRajkateTeam E-ScopeThe Drama BrothersTrout Trio
cargo BetholeChizzaCocowenPolegettePoletherRobeatherTreelebZeestheticZoda
CHARACTERS male AlejandroBrickBowieCalebCameronCodyDamienDaveDuncanHaroldJustinMikeNoahOwenRodneyScottTrentTopherWayneZee
female AmyBethBlaineleyBridgetteCourtneyDawnEllaEmma (TD 2023)GwenHeatherIzzyJasmineJoJuliaLeshawnaLindsayMKNichellePriyaSameyScarlettScary GirlSierraSkyZoey