MakoJun is the slash ship between Makoto Yuki and Junpei Iori from the Persona fandom.
Makoto first met Junpei on his first day of school, and they were immediately friendly towards each other. Junpei was willing to show him around Port Island Station, like the arcade, shopping, and food places.
In all versions of the game where you play as Makoto, there's a dialogue that can be achieved if you talk to Junpei on April 29 about going to Tartarus. He will deny Makoto's request, saying "Besides, it'd just be you and me there. You know, like, Brokeback Tartarus," referencing the 2005 film Brokeback Mountain, which is about an affair between 2 gay lovers.
After Junpei joins S.E.E.S, he often gets jealous of Makoto’s ability to wield multiple Personas and leadership status. During the May full moon operation, Junpei is willing to go on his own to fight the Shadow alone without realizing it is a trap. Makoto and Yukari have to go after him and save him.
During the third full moon operation, after Arcana Hierophant and Arcana Lovers, Junpei expresses jealousy towards Makoto and walks off. He didn’t speak to him until a few weeks later, before the Yakushima trip. On the second day of the trip to Yakushima, Junpei, Makoto, and Akihiko start Operation Bebe Hunt and try to hit on girls at the beach, but it fails.
During the Kyoto trip, Makoto can help Junpei, Akihiko and Ryoji escape the hot spring or be caught by the girls.
In December, after Ryoji gives them the vital decision to choose before the end of the year, Junpei takes out his anger on Makoto by blaming him for carrying Death inside of him and bringing the Fall. He angrily asks him how he will fix this until Yukari stops him.
On January 8, Junpei asks Makoto to meet him on the roof for a private conversation. He realizes he has been good friends with him and that he trusts Makoto with his life. Junpei laughed it off since he never imagined that happening last spring. He never thought it would come to this. He will be aware of who Makoto has been dating (Yukari, Fuuka, or Mitsuru, depending on who Social Link MAX first) and tell him to take good care of them. Junpei admits Makoto is a cool guy since he had that “thing” inside him for ten years, harnessing its power and making it his own. He tells him that he is glad he met him, even though it’s embarrassing, but this is how he feels for him. Junpei will ask Makoto if they’ll always be friends since the battle is over; regardless of the choices, he will express relief.
In the Reload version, it plays much darker. A dialogue has been added when Junpei takes his anger out on Makoto for carrying Death. He tells him to his face that if it weren’t for him, none of this would happen. This makes it sound like Junpei wished Makoto never returned to Tatsumi Port Island.
Link Episode[]
Junpei’s Link Episode starts in April, shortly after Junpei joined SEES, where Makoto gets to spend time with him. The first episode of Junpei’s Link Episode talks about Makoto’s role as leader and how Junpei thinks of him. In the second episode, he wants to have fun with Makoto and Ken during their summer vacation by smashing watermelons. In the third episode, Junpei and Makoto spend time at Port Island Station, where he sees a white flower in the flower shop that he was considered to give to Chidori, but he changes his mind. The player can buy the flower for Junpei; it will not only be the way to continue on his Link Episodes but also save Chidori's life after she sacrifices herself to resurrect Junpei from Takaya's fatal gunshot wound. It has to be completed before Chidori escapes the hospital with Takaya and Jin. When Makoto gives the white flowers to Junpei, he is initially surprised when he thinks he might have a crush on him. After Makoto explains to him the reason why he brought it for him, he can visit Chidori with these flowers even though she will reject seeing him. However, in the following scene, where Chidori is rescued by Takaya and Jin, she keeps the flowers Junpei gave to her. After completing Junpei's third episode, Makoto unknowingly saves Junpei's love interest from certain death. In the fourth episode, Junpei wants to apologizes to Makoto for taking out his anger on him before December 31st.
It is similar to the original game, except some scenes are added or changed. He is one of the few people who calls Makoto by his first name. On the first day of school, he taps Makoto’s shoulder and greets him, who has no problem getting closer to Makoto’s personal space. After Makoto joins S.E.E.S, Junpei invites him to hang out at the arcade along with Kenji. During the second entire operation, Makoto saves Junpei from going alone to fight the Arcana Priestress without his Persona.
In the second film, when a charmed Junpei attacks him, he slapped him unconscious. Makoto plainly tells Junpei, “Sorry, live strong.”
In the third film, Makoto does not support Junpei to visit Chidori at hospital and told him to his face that it is meaningless to visit her which angered Junpei.
Weird Masquerade[]
Their interaction is similar in the film version, as Junpei keeps getting into Sakuya's personal space.
In Act 2, After Sakuya freed Yukari and Mitsuru from Arcana Lover’s manipulation, Junpei was furious at Sakuya for interrupting his enjoyment with Charmed Mitsuru instead of thanking him.
In Act 3, when Akihiko, Ryoji, and Junpei are about to escape the hot spring with only one towel, Junpei is the only person to notice they forgot Sakuya, who is still in the hot spring. Junpei hesitates to abandon Sakuya, which results in all three of them getting caught by Yukari, Fuuka, and Aigis. The following day, Junpei is furious at Sakuya, the only guy not punished or seen by the girls.
In Act 4, after Ryoji leaves on December 2, Junpei takes his anger on him by pushing him down until Akihiko stops him. On Christmas Eve, he will apologize to Sakuya for all the harsh words he said to him.
The Journey[]
- In FES, Makoto can support Junpei in visiting Chidori at the hospital.
- In the Portable version, Makoto can help Junpei rescue Akihiko from Kashiwagi during the second-day trip to Yakushima.
The Answer[]
- Junpei is one of the few people who doesn’t want to change the past to prevent Makoto’s sacrifice.
MakoJun is a well-known "bromance" fanship in the Persona series. The ship started due to both of them being the main focus of the storyline, even though Junpei isn’t one of Makoto’s official Social Links. However, lots of fans consider it to be platonic because Junpei canonically holds romantic feelings for Chidori. Regardless, he considers Makoto to be his trustworthy best friend. The popularity of MakoJun increased in Persona Q, Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night, and Persona 3 Reload, with the addition of Linked Episodes
On AO3, there are a total of 61 works.
- Iori/Arisato tag on AO3
- Iori/Protagonist tag on AO3
- Iori/Yuki tag on AO3