Shipping Wiki

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Kenmaru is the friend ship between Makoto Yuki and Koromaru from the Persona fandom.


Makoto and Koromaru are both members of SEES.

Makoto met Koromaru on June 20th when Yukari and Fuuka played with him at the dorm.

He reencountered Koromaru on July 29th, during the Dark Hour, when he was injured after defeating a Shadow off-screen.

Link Episode[]

Some of Koromaru’s Link Episode may reference his Social Link in Kotone’s route. Koromaru’s Link Episode starts on August 22nd. Makoto and Koromaru hang out with an old man who knew Koromaru’s former owner. When the old man about to leave, hurt his back from carrying his bags, Koromaru begged Makoto to help him out, which he did. This makes Koromaru happy. Makoto mainly hangs out with Koromaru outside of the dorm entrence, watching all the people passing by. In the second link episode, a girl begged them to save her friend from a stray dog. He and Koromaru went to a shrine to save a boy from a stray dog. After Koromaru save the boy, he asks Makoto if Koromaru is his new owner, the player can choose “We’re friends.”, which Koromaru likes his response.

In the third link episode, Koromaru meets the woman who was originally going to adopt him befor, but he refuses the shrine because he had his ; Makoto asks Koromaru if he doesn’t mind sharing his food witreasons. In the fourth link episode, they encounter the same stray dog from before, Makoto asks Koromaru if he doesn’t mind sharing his food for the stray dog since it was starved, which he is willing to share. They decide to take the stray dog to the police stationare hoping to find its. After that, Makoto tells Koromaru they will defeat the Shadows, and Koromaru agrees with him. In the final link episode, after reuniting some familiar faces Koromaru helped from the previous episodes, during their walk to the shrine, Makoto has the option to ask Koromaru if he wants to join him; Koromaru looks happy since he wants to be by their side once the fighting is over. Koromaru gave Makoto his old collar since he wanted him to hang on to it. Unknown to Koromaru, it won’t be possible since Makoto will sacrifice himself to seal Nyx and die in his sleep on March 5th.


There are few interactions between them due to Makoto’s relationship focus on Aigis and Ryoji.

In the second firm, Makoto met him while Ken was feeding Koromaru at the shrine. When Makoto secretly follows Ken to the shrine during Dark Hour, he doesn’t expect to see Koromaru. Makoto unintentionally catches Koromaru after he is thrown by a rogue Shadow. Makoto and Akihiko train them in Tartarus so that Koromaru and Ken can learn to control their Persona.

In the third film, during the battle against Arcana Hanged Man, Koromaru stayed with Makoto’s side, who was knocked unconscious. He gently licks Makoto’s face, hoping to wake him up.

The Weird Masquerade[]

Makoto and Koromaru's friendship has been adapted out because Koromaru did not become a member of SEES. This is why they don’t interact. A rogue Shadow throws him alone.


Makomaru is a rare, well-known fan shipping in the Persona 3 fanbase.

There are 5 works on AO3 and 3 works on FFN.


Makoto & Koromaru tag on AO3
Makoto/Koromaru on FanFiction.Net


Official Art[]

Film Images[]


Persona ShipsPersona Characters
SHIPS het AiAkiAiJunAikotoAishinjiAiyojiAiYuAkiHamAkikariAkiMitsuChiKouFuukihikoFuupeiHanaChieJundoriJuntoneJunYukaKanNaoKenakoMinaLizMinaYukaRiYuRyoHamRyuAnnSaedachiShinjiHamShinjikaShinjiMitsuShuAnnShuFuukaShuMakoShuMitsuSouYukiTeddikoTheoHam
slash AkinatoAkishinjiJunAkiJunShinjiMakoJunMakoShinjiMonoTeddiePegoRyuRyoJun • ‎‎‎‎RyoMina • ‎‎ShuAdaShuAkeSouKanSouYoTatsujunYosuKanYuTeddie
femslash AilizaAnnshihoFuukaHamFuukAigisHamugisKanariseMitsuHamNaoriseNatsuukaYufuukaYukaHamYukaMitsuYukgisYukiChie
poly AikotoyukaAkiShinjiHamKanNaoRiseMakoJunYukaMoonlight Bridge Trio
friendship AimaruInvestigation QuadInvestigation TeamKenhikoKenjiroKenmaruKorojiroMakoKenMakomaruMinakomaruNanaTeddieNaoichiP3 ProtagonistsSEES TrioSpecialized Extracurricular Execution Squad
family Android SistersDojima FamilyHanamura BrosKirijo FamilyTheoEliza‎Velvet Room Sisters
CHARACTERS male Ken AmadaRen AmamiyaShinjiro AragakiYosuke HanamuraJunpei IoriKoromaruRyoji MochizukiYu NarukamiAkihiko SanadaKanji TatsumiTeddieMakoto Yuki
female AigisYukiko AmagiMitsuru KirijoRise KujikawaChie SatonakaKotone ShiomiNaoto ShiroganeYukari TakebaFuuka Yamagishi