- “We thought all was lost and were stricken with fear. But he... Only he inspired us.”
- — Floch describing Marlowe after his passing to Hitch Dreyse
MarFuro is the slash ship between Marlowe Freudenberg and Floch Forster from the Attack on Titan fandom.
Floch and Marlowe were both part of the 104th Training Corps. However, the two were in different divisions, with Floch being with Eren Jaeger and Marlowe being with Hitch Dreyse. The two selected different branches before being in the Survey Corps together, Marlowe being in the Military Police, and Floch in The Garrison. The two joined after the coup d'état where Survey Corps propaganda was rising, they joined in order to take back Wall Maria in Shinganshina District. With different reasons of their own where Marlowe believed he should've joined the Survey Corps instead of the MP, and Floch thinking how he'll be a brave soldier for joining the operation.
The two are assigned to Squad Klaus during the operation to take back Shinganshina District, however a Beast Titan interferes with the operation making things much more difficult. Floch is assigned to watch the horses, but with witnessing the deaths of the soldiers he lets loose the horses which Marlowe scolds Floch. Floch then rambles how there is no use of watching them if they're going to die, especially on humanity's (Paradis') future. During the attack the two can be constantly seen in panic until Erwin plans for the recruits to charge against the Beast Titan.
The two participate in the deadly charge and witness Erwin be hit by one of the crushed rocks from the boulder the Beast Titan crushed. Floch calls out Erwin until Marlowe tells him to not look back and to continue. The Beast Titan throws another set hitting Marlowe, instantly killing him, meanwhile Floch was saved due to falling off his horse, after the charge Floch was a lone survivor. After the deaths of Marlowe and a hundred more of the scouts a funeral and ceremony for the bravery of the survivors was held. Hitch, a comrade of Marlowe's approaches Floch and Jean. Floch describes Marlowe's final moments until he brings up how Marlowe might've regretted joining the Survey Corps in his final moments appalling Hitch.
Shingeki Tactics[]
In Floch's episode of Shingeki Tactics, Marlowe and Floch are present in the ceremony of recruitment for more scouts. Floch immediately recognizes Marlowe and calls him out. Marlowe apologizes to Floch due to not remembering him. Floch notices that Marlowe is from the Military Police, Marlowe explains how he's about to transfer to the Survey Corps. Floch then calls Marlowe strange especially how Marlowe is throwing away the 'easy life'.
Although not a popular ship in the fandom itself their platonic relationship as well isn't highly recognized. Majority of the fans believed Marlowe should've lived rather than Floch due to Floch's judgement to the rest of the scouts after Shiganshina. Especially with further into the series Floch becomes a devoted follower of Eren and with Marlowe's character having to do with justice they believed he was more fit into being the leader of the Yeagerists. While very little believed Marlowe should've survived with Floch. On AO3, there's currently only one fan written work of the two.
- Floch & Marlowe tag on AO3