SPOILER WARNING! this article may contain major plot or ending details |
Marshple is the femslash ship between Apple and Marshmallow from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.
Season 1[]
Apple first debuts in "War De Guacamole" and upon receiving immunity, Marshmallow (alongside the other members of Team Epic) show signs of an annoyance which change to delight at the prospect of Apple joining their team.
In "4Seeing the Future", Marshmallow throws Apple into the quicksand and jumps on her. After the challenge, Marshmallow asks Apple if she's not angry at her, to which Apple responds by slapping Marshmallow after the camera cuts with the two then considering themselves even due to the slap.
In "The Snowdown", Marshmallow and Apple are shown together at the beginning of the episode around a campfire alongside Paintbrush. Marshmallow questions Apple's naivete surrounding Santa Claus which leads to Paintbrush telling Apple that Santa is not real. Marshmallow initially scolds Paintbrush for her dismissal but ends up affirming it while awkwardly telling Apple the truth. In response, Apple calls her a liar and pushes her into the campfire. Later in the episode, Marshmallow and Paintbrush dress up as Santa to restore Apple's faith in Santa. When Apple finds out after tackling the fake Santa, she runs away crying saying that they lied again.
In "Aquatic Conflict", Bow tells Marshmallow to throw the ball they were playing with at Apple, inciting a snide sarcastic comment from Apple about Marshmallow playing sports before Marshmallow throws the ball in Apple's face. At the elimination in this episode, Apple shows an angry expression at Marshmallow being safe although oddly, Marshmallow shows an opposite positive expression when Apple is safe despite their rivalry. During the contest, Apple tries to pursue Marshmallow and Bow opening with an antagonistic statement before ripping Marshmallow's Walmart card, eliciting Marshmallow to call Apple a monster. Later, when Marshmallow encounters a shark and tries to calm it down, Apple appears and boasts that she's much more delicious then Marshmallow causing the shark to eat her instead.
In "Crappy Anniversary", Apple gets temporarily deleted alongside Bow due to the episode reversing to Episode 1's standards but comes back at the end of the elimination, expressing confusion which Marshmallow mocks. During the challenge, Apple tries using a rock to hit Marshmallow off the cliff but ends up killing OJ instead.
In "Inanimate Smackdown", Apple makes fun of Marshmallow for her high-pitched voice after Marshmallow attempts to apologise for calling everyone idiots last episode which creates the division amongst the remaining contestants on whether or not to vote for Apple or Marshmallow, with OJ saying that Apple is just as bad as the latter. At the contestant-vote elimination, Apple and Marshmallow's votes become tied leading to a tiebreaker where MePhone4 asks the two a lengthy math question which Apple correctly guesses, to Marshmallow's surprise, thus eliminating Marshmallow from the game.
Season 2[]
In "Breaking the Ice", Marshmallow expresses her dissatisfaction with Apple being rescued from Idiotic Island (due to her being sent there between the explosion destroying the cage there and the appearance of Idiotic Island 2), to which Apple responds by smashing a glass in her face and burning her with a lit stick. Later on, Apple expresses joy at Marshmallow joining Season 2 at the prospect of not having to deal with her anymore only for Apple herself to join Season 2 as well. During the ice-breaking challenge, Apple tries to insult Marshmallow only for her to insult her back and punch her into the water.
Marsh on Mars[]
When the Cherries are mimicking Apple and Marshmallow's bickering to Soap, Marshmallow and Apple both appear stating that the Cherries forgot "Apple's horrifyingly raspy voice" (from Marshmallow) and that "Marshmallow's voice didn't shatter any glass" (from Apple) before Marshmallow gets mad at Apple for her comment. After the Cherries get upset at the two's interference and leave, Marshmallow and Apple pick up their crudely made masks and start mockingly imitating each other during which Apple accuses Marshmallow of ruining holidays for people. Marshmallow denies this to which Apple explains that the reason she began hating Marshmallow was due to her and Paintbrush telling Apple that Santa wasn't real. Marshmallow and Apple then resolve their differences after apologising to each other and hold a truce.
Apple and Marshmallow shake hands which is interrupted by a swinging spiked ball (caused by the Cherries) sending Marshmallow into space. Apple reacts shocked and demands to know who caused the interruption, before believing the Cherries' lie that Box did it. At the elimination, Apple distressingly explains to MePhone that Marshmallow was sent into space and stresses that Marshmallow could permanently die when MePhone decides to do the elimination first. During the challenge, Apple volunteers to go on the rocket ship to Mars in order to save Marshmallow who she now refers to as her best friend. When she, Fan and Ying Yang reach Mars, Apple mistakes the green egg on the surface as Marshmallow post-mortem and expresses sadness but is relieved after returning to Earth and realising Marshmallow is alive.
Episodes 3-5[]
In "Tri Your Best", during the elimination, Apple gives her prize stick to Marshmallow which Marshmallow accepts and briefly appreciates before a slight moment of confusion.
In "A Kick in the Right Direction", Apple and Marshmallow are shown drawing together with Marshmallow complimenting Apple's drawing of them but commenting that the writing was still misspelt. Apple then takes Marshmallow's drawing of Bow and a chair to look at it, expressing shock and asking Marshmallow why she'd draw it. Marshmallow responds by saying that she's guilty over Bow's death with Apple summarising the events of it during the Season 1 finale. The two then briefly argue over Bow with Apple saying that she was a menace while Marshmallow favouring Bow. Apple then reluctantly agrees to please Marshmallow before the latter gets angry at the unfairness of Bow's death and goes to ask MePhone to recover her which Apple tries to stop her from doing, possibly out of jealousy. When Apple later finds Marshmallow, she fakingly expresses sadness at Bow not being able to be revived before dragging Marshmallow to draw more art. During the football competition, Apple passes the ball to Marshmallow despite better options, due to her being unhealthily attached to Marshmallow, and tries to pass it to her again later only for it to be taken by Knife who Apple tries to pursue in getting the ball back only for him to kick the ball straight into her face. She tries to pass the ball to Marshmallow a third time during the match only to be slammed into the ground by Yin-Yang.
Let Er' R.I.P.[]
At the beginning of the episode, Marshmallow runs with Paintbrush into a bush as Apple runs into view shortly after them, calling out for Marshmallow and stating that they haven't finished their finger painting session yet. Marshmallow then expresses relief and thanks Paintbrush for helping her run away from Apple, expressing annoyance at Apple not caring about Bow and guilt at her death. MePhone5S then appears, launching Marshmallow into the air and landing her next to Apple who drags her to their fingerpainting session and Marshmallow expressing discomfort. Later, Marshmallow runs away again screaming as Apple tries to chase her again.
At the elimination, after receiving pumpkins for being safe, Apple tightly hugs Marshmallow stating they have so much in common as Marshmallow tries to tell Apple to stop strangling her. During the challenge, Apple follows Marshmallow into Purgatory Mansion and the former asks the latter if she's scared before Marshmallow questions Apple's clinginess, with Apple responding that she doesn't want Marshmallow to get hurt. Marshmallow says that nothing bad will happen if Apple lets go of her, and she reluctantly obliges, before a swinging rock crashes into the floor and separates the two. Apple is distressed by this while Marshmallow expresses delight at being separated before running away to hide. Apple tries to chase after her, but Marshmallow runs into a room which Apple passes by.
Later on, while Bow's ghost and Marshmallow are walking down the hallways of the mansion, the latter vents to Bow about how despite she's glad that she and Apple are good friends now, she can't stand Apple's overbearingness and wishes that Apple would leave her alone sometimes. Bow's ghost then disappears to possess Apple (although this information is only revealed later on) and Marshmallow then overhears the possessed Apple state that she was simply using Marshmallow to get further in the game and that she's glad Marshmallow is gone. Marshmallow then reveals herself and shouts at Apple before Bow stops possessing her and throws Apple out the window.
Episodes 7-10[]
In "Everything's A-OJ", Marshmallow shoots Apple looks of anger during the beginning of the episode (once when Paintbrush tells the Bright Lights to lie and another when Paintbrush is rallying the Bright Lights). When Paintbrush asks Marshmallow to contribute, Marshmallow complains and states she's not cleaning if Apple is before Apple states that if Marshmallow's not cleaning, then she is too. This causes Marshmallow to snap and shout at Apple before throwing a mop at her. Later on, during "Keep on Cleaning", Marshmallow sings a verse complaining about Apple while running away from her, before smacking her with a mop repeatedly. After MePhone returns from prison, the proper elimination takes place and Apple is eliminated before Marshmallow gloats in front of Apple who expresses confusion before being thrown into the portal by MePhone.
In "Mazed and Confused", Marshmallow pairs up with Paintbrush in the maze to vent to them about her feelings surrounding Apple, including her uncertainty on Apple's betrayal and how sudden it was. Paintbrush tries to affirm Marshmallow's previous certainty with Marshmallow reacting with doubt before they are interrupted by Fan and Lightbulb's shenanigans. Marshmallow then complains to Microphone about her conversation, about being used by Apple, being derailed who responds by saying that there could be a benefit to being used (which Marshmallow reacts to with a negative expression) before she's interrupted by Paintbrush.
Kick the Bucket[]
At the beginning of the episode, Marshmallow flees the contestant grounds towards Purgatory Mansion in order to talk to Bow about Apple and her overall feelings of uncertainty and guilt regarding her. When Bow rants to Marshmallow about her experience becoming a ghost, Marshmallow reminisces about her relationship and time with Apple throughout Season 1 and 2 with shots of them from Episodes 9, 11 and 13 (from Season 1) and Episodes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 (from Season 2) flashing by rapidly in the background. Marshmallow then talks about her relationship with Apple, how she believed her to be the perfect friend and despite wanting to get away from her clinginess, saw it as a part of her care. She goes on to mention how that once she found out "the truth", she started doubting if anything on the show was really true, with Bow responding by trying to push the topic of Apple away. Marshmallow then suspects Bow of hiding something from her and tries to dig in deeper leading to Bow spilling out that she possessed Apple in Episode 6 with Marshmallow reacting in a melancholic shock.
Later in the episode, Marshmallow is shown in a depressive state after learning the truth about Apple's "betrayal" and feeling disillusioned when she realised she wasn't even talking to Apple in the first place before reacting in slight anger to Bow, stating that the reveal only helped her problem of distinguishing truth from lies. During "Afterlife in the Limelight", Marshmallow sings a verse by herself about the personal drama and divisions within the show which also can be interpreted as her talking about her own relationship with Apple throughout both seasons. After the song, Bow invites Marshmallow to live with her and Dough at the mansion with Marshmallow responding that she'd like to bring someone with her. At the end of the episode, Marshmallow approaches Hotel OJ and breaks the window of Apple's bedroom to get her attention, implying that Marshmallow then took her to Purgatory Mansion.
Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie[]
In Act 1 - "The Reality of the Situation", Marshmallow and Apple are confirmed and shown to be living together at Purgatory Mansion following the events of Episode 11 and thus are presumed to have lived together throughout Episodes 12-15 of Season 2 and all of Season 3.
Marshple is a semi-popular ship in the Inanimate Insanity fandom, and is generally considered the most popular ship for both Marshmallow and Apple with the only relatively popular contender being Marshbow although sometimes all three of them are shipped together. On AO3, there are 44 works under their romantic tag and 13 under the platonic tag. It has 12 works on Wattpad, with the most popular Marshple-centric work on the site having over two thousand likes and 80k views.
- Apple/Marshmallow tag on AO3
- Apple & Marshmallow tag on AO3
- Marshple stories on Wattpad
- Marshapple stories on Wattpad
- Marshple tag on TikTok
- Marshapple tag on TikTok
- Apple x Marshmallow tag on TikTok
- Marshmallow x Apple tag on TikTok
- Marshple posts on Tumblr
- Marshapple posts on Tumblr
- Marshple posts on Twitter
- Marshapple posts on Twitter
- Bright Lights refers to the ship between the two, Cherries, Fan, Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Test Tube, Tissues, and Yin-Yang
- Mansion Gang refers to the ship between the two, Bow, and Dough
- Marshapplebow refers to the ship between the two and Bow