Matchcil is the femslash ship between Match and Pencil from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
Battle for Dream Island[]
Match and Pencil are seen in the very beginning, gossiping to each other about Flower's fear of bugs. In the contest, Bubble asks them if they want to form an alliance together, and they both accept. When picking teams, Pencil chooses Match to be on the Squishy Cherries. Later in the contest, Match and Pencil, along with Pen, are the oars of the boat.
In the contest, Pin chooses Spongy and Pencil to go with Pen and Eraser to find Blocky. Match is worried about Pencil, afraid of the alliance being broken up. Match then waits for Pencil for the majority of the contest. They later race with Bubble during the contest.
At Cake at Stake, when the Announcer brought a key lime pie for the cake, Match disliked it, and said she wanted a chocolate cake. Pencil agrees with this.
In the contest, Match asks Pencil how she did in the test. Pencil says she drew a doodle, mentioning Match as her BFF. When they find mini versions of themselves, they play Spongy Cake. Because Match is rubbing her mini-match against Pencil's mini-pencil, Pencil tries to tell Match to stop before she starts a fire. When Bubble gets popped before she can count to three, Pencil realizes that Bubble is so dumb that she can't even count to three. Match and Pencil then rip up her test, thinking that she is dumb.
At Cake at Stake, Pencil seemed to be sad when Match got at least a vote. In the contest, Match and Pencil still think that Bubble is dumb, thinking that she still can't count to three, When Bubble counts to three without dying, they are both amazed. Match and Pencil, along with Bubble, decide to get some of Leafy's cakes.
In the contest, when the bridge falls with Bubble on it. Pencil jumps in to catch her, with Match following, because they are in an alliance.
In the contest, Match and Pencil, with Bubble, are on the same team. They quickly get a lead, and Pencil says that they are going to win easily. They placed 3rd in the contest overall.
When Announcer says that there is a way out of the room that the contestants are all trapped in, Pencil says "Liar, liar, pants ablaze". to the Announcer, he replies with "No Pence-Pence, it's true". Match then slaps the Announcer, saying that only she gets to call Pencil "Pence-Pence". Later in the contest, Match and Pencil gossip about Eraser falling onto a bunch of nails after stepping on one, causing Eraser to get angry and force them to help in the contest.
Match and Pencil are then seen talking to each other in the beginning. Pencil says that she never got a vote to be eliminated, which Match finds amazing. Match says that she's been voted for four times, which Pencil replies that it's okay since she's still in the game anyway. In the contest, when Pencil has to carry Match, she says "I have to carry Match, and I know she's gaining weight!", she slaps her. When Pencil is carrying Match, Match asks if she is really fat, and Pencil says that she was just kidding.
They are then seen at the beginning again, trying to figure out where the shatter sounds are coming from. They find out that Ice Cube is the one responsible for the sounds, and watch her fall down the gorge. Ice Cube then comes out of her recovery center, and bumps into both of them, causing the three of them to fall.
Before the first tiebreaker, Match and Pencil attempt to play Spongy Cake, with a mini-snowball and a mini-match.
In the contest, when Match and Pencil reach the top of the ladders, they high-five each other.
Pencil says that she is glad that their alliance made it to the final eleven, and Match says that it's because they are amazing. In the contest, they both work together to find a ball.
When Match is pulled down, she calls for Pencil to pull her up. At Cake at Stake, Match is up for elimination. Pencil hoped that Match was not eliminated saying "OMG, I hope none of them voted for good old Match!" When Match was eliminated, Pencil was extremely sad, and Match tells her that she has to keep going for the both of them. In the rejoin contest, Pencil roots for Match to rejoin the game.
Pencil, Bubble and Ice Cube are then seen playing catch. Pencil says that it's not fun without Match and says to Ice Cube that Match is way better, and compared to her, she's garbage.
When the Announcer asks Firey to choose who he wants to come with him to Dream Island, Match and Pencil tell Firey to choose them, and Firey says okay. When Pen tells Match that someone was hit by the UFO containing her, Snowball, Woody, and Tennis Ball, she gets worried, thinking it was Pencil who died, but Blocky tells her that it was actually Flower who died. Match is relieved and says, "Well that's good then!" After the credits, Pencil asks Match if it would be cool if the first and last words of the season were the same. Match says yeah, which is the first word said in the season, coincidentally said by Match herself.
Battle for Dream Island Again[]
In the BFDIA intro, Match and Pencil are seen high-fiving each other.
When picking the teams, Donut chooses Match to be on his team. Both Match and Pencil are shocked, with Match insisting that she and Pencil have to stick together. Because of the fourth rule "Before a contest begins, players may switch teams if they want", Match immediately heads back to Pencil's team, reuniting them. When Donut and Pencil stare angrily at each other, Pencil says that she liked her screen like this, then pulling the screen to a portrait size that shows her full body. Match agrees with this.
Match and Pencil are then seen at the beginning. When Ice Cube makes an "ugly face" at them, they insult her, and kick her out of the alliance. They later offer Ruby to join their alliance. Match then comes up with an idea to bring Bubble back to life by blowing bubbles and Pencil agrees.
At Cake at Stake, Pencil gets worried when she realizes that the alliance is not safe yet, but they end up being safe, with Ruby getting 158, Pencil getting 172, and Match getting 176 dislikes respectively. When Ruby says that she was worried that if Bubble came back she'd be kicked from the alliance. Match and Pencil convince Ruby that they could have an alliance with all four of them. When Pencil recovers Bubble with her bubble-blower, Match comments that Pencil has no technique, and she replies that she's self-taught.
Match and Pencil, along with Ruby, their new alliance member, are seen at the beginning. Match saves a frozen Firey who fell out of the Eiffel Tower, while Pencil saves a frozen Gelatin. When Fries reveals to the girls that he ate Spongy, they both cheer. Later, when Gelatin dies in his attempt to save Match from getting crushed by the HPRC, they talk about how terrible Gelatin is at life-saving. They later bring Bubble back to life together, but the first attempt fails. When Tennis Ball throws Pencil in the incinerator, Match says, "OMG, Golf Ball! You did not, just like, do that!", showing concern, until Golf Ball asks if she wants to go into the incinerator too.
Match and Pencil are seen with Ruby at the Clubhouse of Awesomeness. When Pencil says that Book and Ice Cube cannot come to the party as they are only alternates, Match agrees with her, and kicks them out. At Cake at Stake, Match and Pencil are disgusted by Spongy's crying, and both think that he should go. When Match starts to get scared from being in the bottom two to be eliminated, Pencil comforts her, saying that Golf Ball will be eliminated because she is "a bozo brain, bossy bot". When Epicfaceness483(a YouTuber) says "Yeah, now I think Match isn't lazy, she's just selfish! I wish I could dislike TWICE." Pencil defends Match, saying that they are no match for THE Match. When Match is revealed to be eliminated, with 426 dislikes, she tells Pencil to activate the elimination prevention plan, and Pencil ties a rope around her ankles. Because she was tied to the ground, instead of being sent to the TLC, she falls back down to the ground. Match and Pencil are both happy when the elimination prevention plan works.
Later, Pencil makes a team with Match and Bubble, and form a team with Ruby, Book, and Ice Cube, called FreeSmart. Pencil invites Match, Ruby, Book, Ice Cube, and Bubble to ride in their van to get to the summit of Yoyle Mountain. Match and Pencil are also sitting in the front seat together. However, the six, along with Tennis Ball, Golf Ball, and Rocky end up being eaten by Evil Leafy. Match and Pencil are both laughing at Book when she says that they have to go back to Evil Leafy and rescue Golf Ball, Tennis Ball, and Rocky.
When the HPRC is brought back, Yellow Face tries to revive Spongy, but Match scolds Yellow Face, saying that he needs to prioritize, and that the most important "peoples" come first, and recovers Pencil.
When Pencil needs to be killed so that they can continue, Match laughs as she stabs Pencil with a knife in an attempt to kill her. Pencil tells her to put away her butter knife and to actually kill her. Match mentions several methods of death and Pencil agrees with being sawed in half. When Match angrily confronts the Firey Speaker Box, Pencil is concerned as she knew that she'd be sent to the TLC if she was caught.
Battle for BFDI[]
Match goes with Pencil to find out who killed Bubble. Pencil also showed Match a new way to deal with their enemies, using Lightning to electrocute them. Both Pencil and Match are on the same team yet again, which is iance. Pencil and Match jump with their team to try to win the contest, but failed, and were up for elimination.
At Cake at Stake, Match shows Pencil her cake when she was safe. Pencil is glad for her, and assumes Fanny is eliminated, saying "Yeah! Too bad about Fanny though." but she is eliminated instead. After X gives Fanny her cake, when Match found out that Pencil was going to be eliminated, Pencil tries to tell Match to activate the elimination prevention plan but failed to due to getting sucked up to Four before she could finish her sentence.
When Four says that an eliminated contestant is about to rejoin, Match says that she hopes it's Pencil. Later when Flower is trying to run up the stairs, Match says that Pencil wouldn't have let this happen. When Bubble confronts Match about her abusive leadership, she reveals that her behavior was based on how she thought Pencil would've handled everything.
In the EXIT, Match and Pencil listen to Loser reading Donut's diary out loud, thinking that those are Loser's secrets. They are then both told to climb the tower to boost Loser up, because they are the tallest. They both bail due to Spongy's body being the only way out.
The Power of Two[]
When Bracelety says that they should go one way, Match follows her. This surprises Pencil, and Match says that is was as good of an idea as any. Pencil shrugs and follows too.
Aw, Seriously?[]
The short begins with Match greeting Pencil. Pencil responds by pointing at David who says the first half of his catchphrase ("Aw") and the other half is finished by Pencil ("-some"). Match asks what she is doing, and Pencil does the same thing she did earlier. Pencil says that she hires David as her new assistant. Match thinks that it's dumb, and Pencil gets mad and points at David, who says "seriously?" Match then complains about how David can't do anything because his choice of words are very limited. Pencil argues back and says David can say lots of words, giving 3 examples. Match is then angry because she wanted to hang out with Pencil and not David, so she decides to find herself some assistants to make Pencil jealous.
Match interviews Eraser, Ruby, Blocky, Firey, Coiny, and Dora to see which one would be the best assistant. They all refuse to be her assistant, but Match still accepts them. Match goes to Pencil and David so that she can present her new matchstick factory and mock Pencil for only having one assistant. Pencil orders a matchstick from the factory, and Match asks her assistants to create it. Blocky instead orders Firey to burn the factory down, which he does. Pencil mocks Match for the fact that her assistants betrayed her, and Match insults David. Distressed, David runs away, and Pencil gets angry at Match. Eventually, they agree to apologize to David and the short ends with them having a picnic with him.
If Among Us Was a BFDI Challenge[]
When Eraser and Coiny discuss the emergency button, Match and Pencil insult them, calling them "dumbo boys". Match then asks Pencil if she wants to do MedBay scans together. Pencil says "OMPF, totally! I can't wait to see a 3D render of your internal organs, as well as exact measurements of your body shape, including your height, weight, blood type, wood type, and eyeball fluid viscosity." Match says "Oh, um, okay." They then go to MedBay to do a scan together.
When they arrive in MedBay, Match presses the "Go" button and says that it tickles while scanning. When the touch-screen says that her height is 8'4, Match says that she's not 8'4. Pencil pushes Match out of the way, and says that she will press the button with her point, but accidentally breaks the touch-screen. Match scolds her, calling her "Dumb Pence-Pence". Pencil apologizes, and Match says that it's all-right, and asks Pencil how will she do the MedBay scan now. Tennis Ball walks in, saying "Never fear! I, Inventor Tennis Ball, am here." Match and Pencil cheer. Tennis Ball gives Match and Pencil "a working replica of the MedBay scanner", and tells Pencil to give it a try. Tennis Ball then is revealed to be an impostor. When Pencil steps on the scanner, she gets burnt by a laser. Match asks Pencil if she thinks that it tickles too, and says that she gets really warm when she giggles, and says that she does too.
Matchcil is one of the first ships to be hinted in BFDI, and also one of the most popular ships in the fandom. It is the most popular ship for both Match and Pencil. Fans like to call them "the original lesbians" because of their relationship starting in the first ever episode of BFDI and possibly before that too. Their personalities are also very similar, both acting like stereotypical teenage girls, saying "like" and "OMG" most of the time. The pairing rivals Pencil's second most popular ship, Pen-cil(the ship between Pen and Pencil) and Match's second most popular ship, Eratch(the ship between Eraser and Match). On AO3, it currently has 72 works, and is the most written ship for both Match and Pencil.
- Match/Pencil tag on AO3
- matchcil stories on Wattpad
- Match calls Pencil "Pence-Pence" and Pencil calls Match "Matchy".
- Match and Pencil are the first characters to ever appear in BFDI.
- Match and Pencil have been on the same team every season except Total Firey Island. (Squishy Cherries, Team No-Name, FreeSmart, iance)
- At the 2024 BFDI x II meetup in Seattle, Cary Huang was asked if Pencil doesn’t like guys. He responded “I guess she’s just repulsed by boys […] I feel like it’s the same with Match, too.”[citation needed]
- Match and Pencil are both very defensive when it comes to each other.
- Match and Pencil both escaped the EXIT in TPOT 11