Matchliy is the femslash ship between Liy and Match from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
They both get eliminated in season 4 and get sent to the EXIT. The two along with Pencil and Bracelety, are the only ones to be the females left in the EXIT, being trapped by Four to do algebra class forever. They both get shocked to see Loser somehow broke free of his Liar Ball and all surround him and become total fan-boys and girls to him. Liy gives out the idea to escape through Four's mouth to escape, and everybody likes the idea, so they start tearing the place a part and start trying to stack items to Four's mouth, but come up short. Liy tries to get Match and Pencil to hold Loser up, so they would have enough length for at least the majority of people to climb out of Four's mouth. Match doesn't want to and asks about her break time. Liy decides to threaten to demote her and Pencil to "bember", a status lower than member in the two's alliance. This gets them both to start climbing up to gigantic stack, Match stacks Pencil on top of her, holding her feet while Pencil held up Loser. This still makes them come up short, Later, when told by Liy that Spongy was their only way out, as he is hollow and is close enough, Match says that's beyond disgusting, Pencil agrees and they both bail.
Liy wakes up from her fall and decides to open the back door to the exit. Both Pencil and Match wake up first and see what is going on. When they get out, leaving Roboty behind, being dead-weight, as said by Pencil, they go down a hall. The hall leads outside to a four-shaped landscape in the middle of nowhere within Four. Pencil puts everybody into groups and they all head off in multiple directions. Liy's group included Match and Stapy. Liy see's a Fourtress up a head on a cliffside, and concludes it may be the way out. Match asks how would they even get there, to which Stapy points out the Inverted Waterfall. The three spend multiple months trying to go up it and over to the cliffside. First, Liy tried to throw Match through it, but she kept falling out and almost drowning. They tried going up it, drinking it, all sorts of stuff until they all went up, dragging the drown-er out of the waterfall, and made it into a cycle. They managed to get to the top, but they didn't think how to carry Stapy from the roof of Four to the cliffside, so Match placed her feet where his staples come out by mistake, hurting herself and drops everyone. They get to the cliffside before Stapy accidentally knocked Match off. Finally after months, they got to the castle.
Match is glad they finally made it, but chastises Stapy for his reckless behaviour. Liy tells him to stop with the tricks and traps, saying they need to be serious. Stapy speculates about a trap within castle, but Match dismisses it as something that only happens in movies. Inside, they find some armor, but then they fall into a carpet on the floor, which led to a pit. Match, Liy and Stapy get trapped, and Match doesn't know what to do now. Stapy picks up Liy and attaches her to the wall before turning on her, as she is a light switch. Match thanks him, but Liy says it wasn't all him. Stapy wonders on how to escape and Liy speculates that it may have something to do with those set of keys. Match grabs them, not realizing that it was a trap. The walls start closing in, and Match falls asleep, saying it's her break time. So Liy used Stapy's staples to make ladders, so she and Match get out. After Stapy forced the walls back out, they find a hallway. Match opens the door with the keys to what appears to be some sort of dungeon, with Prison cells that were locked. Match thinks that these are what all the keys are for and uses it to unlock one of the doors. It has armor inside so Liy suggests they unlock all the cells and collect any items for their stack, though end up wearing the armor, then throwing into the pile for a stack. Match says that was fun. Liy points out that there was one more door they didn't open, so they do so. They don't see anything inside so they decide to leave with the items they have already.
Match, Stapy, and Liy get out of the hall and hole but are then quickly stopped by Four. They orders them to go back to their algebra class. The three don armor for protection. Liy hops onto Stapy like a horse and wields Match like a sword, declaring that Four won't stop them. Four teleports them to a fight arena and attempts to blast Liy, after a long battle, Match blasts Four outside, and so they continue their plan to go make a stack, with the armor they managed to gather up. The three get back to the EXIT right when Pencil's group does. They get outside the classroom and start building the stack. They all managed to break free out of Four and hop out of their mouth. The EXITors get caught by Four again though, but before Four could send them back. Two teleports outside and asks what is happening. Stapy notes it's another number, while Liy says that they all have been trapped for 6 years. Two yells at Four to put them down, saying that 6 years is the two of them combined. They try to compromise by making the EXITors the Upper Kitchenors, making them prepare the food for the now starved residents. They don't like it, and when noticing TPOT is a show, they all try to break out, but stop when Pencil yells out "Stop!"
This ship for right now is a very well liked ship, with it trending on this wiki's categories for BFDI ships and femslash. Even for such a new episode these two have been gaining traction like wildfire, even if people don't ship it, it's still new to the shipping community, but a pretty big newbie at that. People see the two as a great lesbian pair. Seeing as how the two are already lesbian like in other ships, people saw the two's relationships and they have been started to get shipped. Their rival ships are Liycil, the ship between Liy and Pencil, and Liymote, the ship between Liy and Remote.
BFDI:TPOT 11 Liy and Match on Tiktok.