- “Cute girls don't talk to us unless it's stuff like 'Are you okay?', 'How many fingers do you see?', 'What's your emergency contact?', 'I can't understand you when you're sobbing.', ... You know, stuff like that.”
- — Mickey after Kitty talked to him
Mickitty is the het ship between Mickey and Kitty in the Total Drama Ridonculous Race fandom.
Mickey and Kitty are casual acquaintances on The Ridonculous Race, who have rarely interacted at all. However, they do seem to have a decent deal of respect for each other. Kitty sees Mickey as a human who is deserving of respect, despite his many medical conditions, and she stood up for him in a time of need. Mickey has kind of a crush on Kitty, mostly because of her unique sense of kindness toward him, but also because she's kind of cute. He also respects Kitty back and helped her to get through the race by giving her a travel tip.
Season 1[]
Mickey casually walked over to an over mitt full of bullet ants to stick his hand into it. Before he could, MacArthur rammed into him and put her hand in first. After this, Mickey got back up and tried to stick his hand in again, only for Taylor to come in and stare him down, scaring him out of getting the travel tip. Kitty came in and called Taylor out on tormenting Mickey like that, causing Taylor to back off. Interestingly, she didn't give this same treatment to MacArthur for doing the same thing just a second ago. Maybe she just didn't see it. Mickey was amazed that Kitty stood up for him like that, since he would never do something like that on his own. Mickey thanked Kitty for her kindness and she just told him you're welcome. Mickey was soon head over heels, flustered for this woman. In the confessional, Mickey told the audience that cute girls never talk to him, unless they're worried about his physical health. This is what made Kitty's kind gesture really stand out to him. Mickey would then return the favor to Kitty by giving her a second travel tip so that she wouldn't have to injure her hand. Kitty happily thanked him and then pulled him in for a selfie. This selfie created a lovely little photograph of the couple. Emma, however, did not like how Kitty was allying with someone else, having a "no alliances" rule for her team, as did Jay with his team.
However, Mickey and Jay ended up having to ally with Emma and Kitty for the rest of the challenge, helping each other make their Brazilian dancing costumes. Emma got lenient and allowed a trial mini-alliance, much to the delight of Kitty and Mickey. Even though Jay had a "no alliance" rule, himself, he agreed to let this one slide for Mickey, as it was in the name of true love. After they finished their little challenge, they got onto hang gliders and helped each other fly down to the chill zone. During their flight, Mickey's allergies to air flared up and he sneezed, making his hang glider fly off course and break a hole through the sisters' hang glider. The four racers all came crashing down into the chill zone, hurting all four of them. Emma announced that the alliance was over and Kitty admittedly had to side with her sister on this, which Mickey believed was perfectly fair. Unfortunately, on top of this being the end of their alliance, this was also the last time the two ever interacted again.
The Mickitty ship exists almost entirely because of the interaction Mickey and Kitty had in "Brazilian Pain Forest". However, it's quite common among a sizable portion of fans of the show. The idea of a scrawny, nerdy, anti-social little white boy hooking up with a hot, energetic, Japanese girl is exactly the kind of romantic representation a lot of these fans desire. People found it endearing how Kitty stood up for Mickey like that and was one of the only cute girls who ever talked to him for any reason other than to check on his physical health. They are also disappointed with the fact that the writers practically abandoned their romantic subplot as quickly as they started it. Even though they never saw each other again, that selfie Kitty took with Mickey is a nice little signifier of their relationship lasting forever, as Kitty will always have a picture of herself and Mickey together, immortalizing their brief time together. Although this is the most popular ship for most parties, Mickitty does face some rival ships on Kitty's behalf, including Owitty, Cotty, and Justitty.
- Mickitty on Amino
- Mickitty fanart on DeviantArt
- Kitty X Mickey support on DeviantArt
- Kitty X Mickey fanart on Reddit
- Kitty X Mickey discussion on Reddit
- Mickitty tribute on YouTube