Microknife is the het ship between Microphone and Knife from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.
Inanimate Insanity II[]
For the season, the two are placed as teammates for The Grand Slams. During the dodgeball challenge, they end up as the last remaining members for their team. When Knife points this out to her, Microphone gets the idea to amplify her voice and shout at the other team. The loudness hurts Knife's ears as he yells at Microphone that it made him deaf. Shortly afterwards when Knife is hit by a dodgeball, Microphone gets back at the team and yells to make the dodgeballs hit them.
The two, along with Soap, are chosen to represent their team for the triathlon challenge. When an injured Knife finishes his portion of the race, Microphone is concerned and loudly asks what happened. Knife angrily responds that she broke his eardrums and when Microphone asks if he's sure he is alright, Knife yells at Microphone to start running already for her part of the race.
Near the end of the maze challenge, Knife and Test Tube are the last remaining contestants still inside the maze. Microphone increases her gain and picks up his voice, yelling at Knife to help him find the exit. Baseball tells Microphone to stop yelling as Test Tube ends up also hearing Microphone's voice. This causes Knife and Test Tube to exit at the same time, making the two teams tie the challenge.
After Knife scores the first target in the bucket brigade challenge, he sees Microphone approaching and hands her the second ball and calls it nice of her to join them again. Microphone is confused but throws the shot anyways after Knife insists, which she scores when she uses her voice to move the ball. Later when a nervous Balloon is given the last ball, Knife motivates him while Microphone continues to use tactics to make Balloon doubt himself. The two, along with most of their team, both vote Balloon off in the elimination.
When Microphone arrives late before the start of the painting challenge, Microphone yells that she's there and tries to brush off the suspicion. Knife asks her if she knows where the other two missing contestants, Lightbulb and Test Tube, are. Microphone strongly denies knowing anything before nervously saying it again in a calm manner, making Knife snicker. During the challenge, Knife asks Microphone if there was a reason she was running late. Microphone insists that she had other places to be and asks why he cares, making Knife point out how he tends to notice things. After the challenge when Microphone tries to walk away, Knife catches her by surprise. Microphone nervously laughs before running off into a forest away from him. She meets up with Taco and informs her of her thoughts that Knife may be onto them. Taco reassures her that she doubts Knife would know much, but right as she is in the middle of explaining her stance on him, the two are horrified when they are caught by Knife observing them from a bush. Knife then casually walks away, making Microphone and Taco come up with a plan to deal with him knowing they working together. During the elimination, Microphone, Knife, and Baseball successfully vote out Paintbrush. After the reveal, Taco says via headphones to Microphone that they made the right call voting Paintbrush, stating that Knife would be exposing both of them if he was eliminated instead. Microphone whispers to her that she thinks Knife voted her out, though it is shown that Suitcase was the one who actually did so.
Before the following challenge, Taco tries to tell Microphone of her plan to get him in their favor by catching his attention, though Microphone cannot hear her over Toilet pounding a drum. As the challenge starts, Microphone jokes to Knife about Suitcase being "emotional baggage", nudging him. Though, Knife simply walks away from her. Shortly afterwards as Knife tries to find a gem in the cave, Microphone and Taco watch him from behind using bows that make the two invisible. Microphone accidentally sneezes and catches Knife's attention, making Taco yell at Microphone for ruining their plan. Knife interrupts the two arguing and throws Taco off to the side. He spares Microphone from being hurt and turns her visible again, making Microphone quickly get to her point of him joining her and Taco. Knife insists that he is uninterested and sarcastically greets Taco again when confronted by her. As Knife and Taco get into an argument, Microphone notices a gem behind Knife. She tells Knife that they just want to help him as she pushes Knife into the gem, granting him immunity for the challenge. Knife becomes confused in disturbed when the gem makes him witness one of MePhone's memories, though Microphone and Taco continue to try to convince him to join them. As Knife repeats the word "trash" to himself and walks away, Microphone is not aware that the gem's memory made him do so as she calls him rude.
Later on as Knife relaxes on a minecart, Microphone and Taco follow him and they offer him help once more. Knife continues to show disinterest, making Taco feel like it is because he still holds a grudge over her true self. Microphone is doubtful that they really know Taco's true self, which Knife overhears. Taco notices that Knife's minecart is about to lead him to a pit and comes up with a plan for her and Microphone to rescue him. Microphone switches a lever to direct her cart onto another railing, catching Knife in time before he falls off of his. After pulling Knife into their cart, Taco apologizes to Microphone in front of Knife and offers to be more open to her. While Microphone is appreciative, Knife yells that Taco tried to kill him. Knife them informs Microphone of Taco's first alliance with Pickle as Taco yells at Knife to not bring it up. Warning Microphone that Taco dropped Pickle, Knife says that Taco might just drop her as well if she doesn't watch out. Microphone believes that Taco is changing and asks Knife that they keep quiet about their alliance if he won't join them. Knife brings up the time he was blackmailed by Trophy and tells Microphone that he won't do the same to her, insisting that he is not joining them but rather making a favor. Before walking away, Knife warns her that Fan and Test Tube are analyzing everyone, telling her to watch herself so she doesn't get caught. This inspires Taco and Microphone to try and prevent Fan from reaching the last gem to get him eliminated, which they successfully pull off.
While Microphone unplugs wires from Test Tube's rocket, Knife scares her from behind and causes her to bang her head on the rocket. Microphone is relieved that it's only Knife, though Knife is shocked when he's considered a "just you" to her. Claiming to have hit his favor quota already, Knife simply calls her an idiot and tells her to have some dignity. Microphone explains to him that she feels that Taco and her are equals, saying how she has a voice and that she's not being shut down and dragged along. Knife then calls her in-sync with Taco, confusing Microphone. Later on when Microphone retrieves Fan from the Egg Spaceship, Knife is the first to start clapping for her as most of the other contestants start cheering. As Test Tube accuses Microphone of killing her on the spaceship, Knife asks Test Tube if she actually saw her do so and smirks when Test Tube admits that she doesn't actually know if Microphone was the one who shattered her. Knife and the other contestants, excluding Test Tube, are impressed with Microphone when she is given immunity for the challenge. However, during the elimination, Microphone makes the decision to quit the show as a surprised Knife watches her explain how Taco, without directly mentioning her name, would always push her further than she was willing to go. Afterwards when Test Tube gets the most votes out and has to walk with Microphone to the elimination portal, Knife tells an angry Test Tube to back off and says that she's been through enough. He walks Microphone to the elimination portal and comments that she looks relieved. Microphone warns him that Taco is still out there and says to watch himself. Knife asks her to say hi to Pickle for him shortly before Microphone walks into the portal.
In the Hotel OJ Party, Knife reunites with Microphone. The two share a high-five as Knife catches up with the other former contestants.
Microknife is somewhat rare in the fandom overall, though it is more notable within the two's ships. Although the two started off rocky, the ship grew when Knife began to play more of a role in Microphone's time in the competition. As the two ended up growing close with Knife protecting Microphone on several occasions, interest in the two having a stronger bond grew within supporters of them. The pairing developed a following on several of the show's platforms, with ship art and fanfics of the two being common in fan content. Though, it is also common that some fans headcanon the two as siblings notably because the two's respective voice actors are siblings. While Justin Chapman, the voice actor of Knife, has previously expressed uneasiness around ships that meet this criteria, he has stated that he no longer minds these ships. The ship is rivaled by those such as Tacomic and Knickle, although for the latter, many shippers combine the two into the poly ship of all three: Knicropick.
On AO3, as of January 20, 2025, the ship has 21 works in its platonic tag and 7 under its romantic tag. It is the fourth most written ship for Microphone and the sixth most for Knife on the site.
- Knife/Microphone (Inanimate Insanity) tag on AO3
- Knife & Microphone (Inanimate Insanity) tag on AO3
- Microphone and Knife search results on DeviantArt
- Microphone x Knife posts on TikTok
- Microknife posts on Tumblr
- Micknife posts on Tumblr
- Microknife posts on Twitter
- Micknife posts on Twitter