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This article contains spoilers from All-Stars & Tom-Jake

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“Don't fret, kid. I thought I wouldn't open up to anyone here. But you were patient with me, and taught me that I shouldn't judge people so quickly.”
— Miriam's words to Jake before his departure, episode 11 - Season 1 (Reboot).

Miriake is the family ship between Miriam Foster and Jake Hamilton from the Disventure Camp fandom.


Season One[]

Miriake far

First interaction

After being assigned to the same team, Jake holds the map and directs the team. Miriam asks, annoyed, how far they have to travel, to which Jake responds that they are 2km away according to the map. He then asks Miriam if she would like him to carry her luggage. Miriam responds, indicating she doesn't need Jake's support. Miriam then confesses she would never trust someone with her luggage because she has seen these types of shows and knows the individuals on them.

In the second episode, Jake asks Miriam whether she will accompany them on the log, to which she responds sourly, 'Whatever'. Jake and Tom interpret this as a positive response.

Miriake mind his own business

Miriam tells Jake to mind his own business

The next episode shows Jake and Miriam having their first proper scene, when Jake comes over to ask Miriam how things are going, to which she responds asking why can't Jake can see that she's cooking and therefore doesn't want to talk. Jake tries to ask Miriam if she is okay, to which Miriam interrupts him, points a stick at him and declares he needs to mind his own business and tells him to bother someone else. Miriam confesses that she regrets coming here but needs the retirement money. Later, Jake asks Miriam why she cannot bake a cheesecake and she states she doesn't owe her team a reason.

Miriake bonding

Jake doesn't want Miriam's pity, however Miriam understands how hard his situation was, empathizing with him

In the fourth episode, when Jake asks Miriam whether she wants to contact someone after winning the right of doing a call to anyone their team wanted, she claims she doesn't have anyone to call. Jake questions her, and she brands him a nosey brat. After observing Jake's sadness at his Grandma's death, Miriam is overcome with memories of her own loss, leaving her unhappy as well. During the task, Miriam inquired about his well-being. He reacts by wondering why she cared, given that she always urges Jake to shut up and leave. Miriam states that she couldn't help but overhear the call, Jake interrupts her saying that she does not need to pity him. Miriam consoles Jake, saying she understands how difficult it is, but she assures him that his grandmother will always remain in his heart and memories. Jake acknowledges he wasn't expecting these remarks from Miriam, to which she responds that she has been there before. Jake asks Miriam what she means, and she says she has never told anyone what she was planning to say. Jake assures Miriam that she can speak with him. Miriam vents to him, explaining that a couple of years ago, for her husband's birthday, she wanted to surprise him with a cheesecake with miniature strawberries on top because it was his favorite and he only liked it the way she made it. So she advised her son to accompany her spouse to the mall while she baked and possibly buy a gift. But, after finishing the dessert, she summoned them to return, but they never did. Apparently, a drunk driver hit their automobile, resulting in a head-on collision that left no survivors. Miriam admits that the occurrence put her in a bad place for a long time. Because those two were all she had. Miriam expressed her grief: "It is never easy to lose someone you love." When she learned what happened to Jake's grandmother, all the memories came flooding back. Miriam admits that it took her a long time to get out of that dark place and bury the misery and loneliness she felt. Miriam tells Jake she tried to be tough, but it's extremely difficult. Miriam tears into Jake's arms. Miriam compliments Jake after they've finished their supper. Jake reveals that he used to spend a lot of time cooking with his grandmother. Miriam and Jake were delighted that their dinners had won.

Miriake encouraging

Miriam encourages Jake

In the sixth episode, Miriam teases Jake, claiming that he had a crush on Tom, to which Jake responds, 'What?!' in shock. Jake tries to deny his affections and asks what made her think that, but Miriam explains that he always smiles around him. Jake informs Miriam that he is not ready to be in a relationship yet, and Miriam inquires why. Jake explains that he recently left a toxic relationship, which did not end well. Miriam asks what he did, and Jake confesses that his ex-boyfriend cheated on him and he couldn't get over it. Miriam reminds Jake that he is still young and has plenty of time ahead of him. Later in the challenge, Miriam urges Jake to overlook Grett because she definitely lost it when she called Tom a spy. When Tom and Jake start arguing, Miriam instructs them to quit acting like toddlers and shut up.

In the seventh episode, Miriam stops Jake and Tom's fight, suggesting that it's enough, and instead of making a fuss, Miriam volunteers to spin the wheel. Miriam worries she couldn't convince Jake to vote for Ellie because of their new friendship.

Miriake encouraging to talk with Tom

Miriam encourages Jake to talk to Tom about how he really felt

The eighth episode begins on Day 15 at camp, with Miriam in her pyjamas walking over to Jake, who is also in his', while he cooks a fish over the fire. Miriam asks Jake how he is today, and Jake responds that he has been better. Miriam wonders what's wrong with him, and Jake admits he messed up with Tom. Miriam responds that it is never too late to tell someone how you feel, and it won't hurt. Jake queries what she means, and Miriam tells him to go talk to Tom and tell him how he really feels. She becomes persistent and tells the boy to move his ass. Jake then hands Miriam the fish and walks off. After moving into the new cabin, Fiore approaches the two and congratulates them on making it this far, to which Jake reacts by saying the same to her and expressing amazement that she made it this far.

Tom and Jake mourn Miriam's death

Tom and Jake mourn Miriam's death

In the ninth episode, Tom flees with Miriam and Jake as Ellie transforms into a zombie. Jake and Tom are both amazed with Miriam's knife throwing abilities. Miriam is dying, and Tom encourages her to hold on so they can find her aid. Miriam refers to Jake and Tom as the grandchildren she never had, just before "passing away", Jake crying while kneeled in front of her body. Everyone eventually realizes it was a virtual reality task, and everything is OK.

Miriake guiding

Miriam guides Jake

In the tenth episode, Jake is attempting to shoot a vase with a bow and arrow to recover a necklace as part of the challenge when Miriam arrives. She tells him she knows how to strike the vase with the arrow, but her hands aren't strong enough, so she teaches Jake how to do it. He completes it successfully and receives a necklace for both himself and Miriam. Jake is impressed in the confessional with Miriam's abilities in all areas. Miriam then confesses that she never got to know today's youth and that Jake is the grandchild she never had.

Miriake departing hug

Miriam and Jake's departure hug

The two work together in the eleventh episode during the cavern challenge. They both have flashlights, thus they must work with Alec, Ellie, or Fiore, who have flashlight batteries. Miriam escorts Jake to the bus stop following his elimination. Jake apologizes to Miriam for leaving her, but she says it's fine and they can't undo the past. Jake appreciates Miriam's assistance in all aspects of his life. Miriam thanks Jake for being patient with her and allowing her to open up to others. Before Jake leaves, the two agree to see each other again after the game is done and share an hug.

The campers who were previously eliminated reappear and sit in sections with the image of the finalist they wish to win during the final challenge. Jake takes a seat in Miriam's row. Jake cheers for Miriam after she triumphs in the end. In this episode, the two do not speak to each other directly.


Miriake interview

Jake reveals in their interview they kept contact all the time

In “Reach for the Stars”, before entering the plane the host points out Miriam's age to discourage her, but Miriam says that there is no age for adventure. Inside the plane, Jake asks her that it's not too late to retire, but she refuses to leave the program. In the conversation with Emily, Jake confesses that he and Miriam went on vacation, but they had to rush back because she got sick and is having back problems. Miriam downplays it by proclaiming that she is fine.

After jumping out of the plane and parachuting down, Jake and Miriam are upset they're on different teams.

In the second episode, Miriam orders Jake to let Tom go even if they are on different teams since she believes he isn't interested in making amends. After that, Jake and Miriam discuss their relationship. Then Miriam advises Jake to let go of him.

In the third episode, Miriam is shown to deeply care about Jake despite being opponents at the time, refusing to let Alec manipulate him again like he did on their season. However the two cooperate alongside Fiore to prevent Cyan Team from winning, mostly because Miriam wanted to save Jake despite her distrust towards the girl.

In the fourth episode Miriam exposes the Villains alliance to the Yellow Team, telling the members that Alec also has an alliance with Jake, playing all the sides. Her intial plan fails, however she gives a secret envelope to Connor before leaving, telling him to not trust Alec.

In 'The Turbulent Triathlon', while Ashley reads the letter Connor had sent to every team, she reveals that Miriam might have been voted out upon reading the note. Jake is shocked to upon hearing this, and refuses to believe she's gone already. The boy gazes in sadness the Yellow Team when Kristal reveals that Miriam was eliminated past night. In the confessional, Jake feels horrible for Miriam, knowing she was super excited to play again, and claims he would do his best for her.

Miriake accepting the offer

Miriam accepts Ashley's proposal which makes Jake smile

In "Last Second Chance", as the two run up the hill, Tom is delighted to work alongside Miriam, recalling their previous seasons' cooperations. Miriam, on the other hand, accuses Tom of abandoning her and Jake, claiming that if he wanted to leave Jake, he should have told him. Tom reacts tearfully, explaining that it was complicated and that he was afraid of messing things up again with Jake. Miriam expresses concern for the youngster and tells him that true courage comes from conquering your greatest fear. At the bus stop, Ashley asks Jake and Miriam if they would like to visit her farm some week after this is all over, and the boy happily accepts, asking Miriam if she was ready to ride some horses, but she "passes" on the offer, deflating Jake, pointing out her old hip, only to reveal she was joking and accepts, making Jake's mood improve again. The three friends then exchange a group hug.

In "Like a Dark Horse", after the participants have been handed letters, Connor inquires about the contents of Jake's, to which he answers that his parents are still upset with him due to his "coming out." He says Miriam helped him move out, but he and his parents haven't spoken since.

Alongside the other Jake's support team members, Miriam attempts to do a cheering dance led by Aiden until they are all stopped by Kristal, who was about to present the finalists. When it's revealed a herd of giant scorpions had appeared to assault Riya and Yul, Kristal explains in fear that they weren't supposed to be down there in the cave, as Oliver had made sure it was clear, however the elderly woman demands Kristal to [have the screen turned on again], and threatens Kristal by worrying about Jake's well-being. After a twist of events that revealed that Jake managed to get in the final 2, Miriam and Connor approach Jake and the two express their proud on Jake.

During the second phase of the final challenge in "Put to the Sword", despite Jake loses against Riya and begins to worry that he defrauded everyone rooting for him, Ashley assures Jake that he didn't fail, and he had stayed truth to himself, with Ally agreeing and saying that they're still very proud of him, Miriam and Connor confirming this by expressing their proud on Jake once again. After the season, Lake asks for Jake and Tom's plans, and the former answers that they're going to spend some much overdue time together. Tom offers Miriam to come with them, as she's welcome anytime, however the older woman turns the offer down, since Tom owed Jake the alone time, and tells them to at least make sure to visit.

At the end credits, amongst the photos it's seen Miriam, Jake and Tom together as Jake and Miriam giggle at Tom's poor attempt on baking.

Miriam and Jake grinning Tom's poor baking skills

Miriam and Jake grinning at Tom's poor baking skills


Eagle Eye[]

Tom arrives at Jake's house as he stares through the latter's window in shame after he manages to get his address. Jake meanwhile calls Miriam on his phone about how his mother and father disregard him as their son and his brother being absent to do anything since he's on vacation. He asks if she could pick him up from his house to move in with her.

Miriake comfort hug

Jake hugs Miriam, seeking comfort on her embrace

Jake's eyes began to water as he wanted to see it. Tom was doing okay and hoped that they could both grow better but he’s about to give up knowing that two years passed, not knowing what to do anymore. He sobs to himself that he really thought that Tom was the one for him. Tom, after hearing everything from Jake's call, loses the motivation to confront him as he goes back into his car. Jake walks out the house to greet Miriam with a packed bag as the two hug for a moment as they drive back to her place. Tom could only feel disappointment in himself as he saw them leave.

Fair Weather Friend[]

Later that day, after meeting Ellie and Gabby at the airport with Tom, Jake is finishing up painting Miriam's wall. Miriam compliments his work, and Jake is happy as long as "the birthday girl" is satisfied. Miriam is defensive at first, but they quickly make up with a hug (and some paint on her) just as Gabby and Tom arrive.

Collateral Damage[]

After being informed by Lucía that something's up with Tom, Jake thanks Ellie and Gabby for giving him space following the news, which concerns Gabby who offers staying the night, however Jake responds that it was getting late and that Miriam was here. After hearing Tom's situation, Lucia leaves to prepare an investigation in the morning. Miriam comes out and offers Jake hot cocoa, but he refuses, and Miriam reassures that Tom's a fighter.

Later, Jake, Lucia, and Miriam meet at the donut shop to get some donuts for Tom. Lucia says the case is going well and she hopes justice will be served, despite the fact that some officers from Johnson's station threatened her position, but she took the risk for "Tommy".

Later that night, the four of them gather as Tom apologizes for making them worry, but they forgive him. At Tom's house, Tom expresses his exhaustion and guilt for allowing Johnson to injure the man they pulled over, and Jake reassures him that his actions were effective. As Tom watches Jake prepare dinner, he freezes in fear of the knife and yells at him before going to bed. One week later, Jake discusses the incident with Ellie, Gabby, and Miriam, who believe he requires mental help. Miriam reveals that Tom spoke with her about his family life: he had a wonderful mother, but his father was less than ideal. Jake then gets an idea for how to help Tom.

Jake and Tom would then go for a walk and have some ice cream. Tom can't help but wonder what would happen if he couldn't protect Jake, but Jake reassures him again. When they arrive at home, Tom is surprised to see Miriam talking with his mother, Jackie. They embrace each other in reunion as Jake reveals how he and Miriam got hold of her. Tom begins to inquire about the agents, but Jackie dismisses it as a talent agency waiting for their call. Jake and Miriam leave the two of them alone, and Jake tells Miriam that he can't stop thinking about his family.

Labor of Love[]

Ellie, Gabby, and Jake are preparing for Miriam's 76th birthday party. At an innoportune moment, Jake suddenly notices Miriam's arrival and directs everyone to their positions, which they do. Miriam arrives with Connor, and everyone yells "SURPRISE!", but Miriam yelps in surprise and faints, alarming everyone. Miriam gets up and laughs it off, and they celebrate. That night, everyone holds a toast to Miriam, who shares their sentiments and gives a speech about how they touched her heart.

Six weeks later, we see where the campers are now: Jake has started a wedding planning company, Gabby goes on missions with Lucia, Tom works as a lifeguard, Ellie is a famous fashion designer, and the two couples spend Christmas with Miriam and Lucia.


  • In one of Miriam's personalized greetings, she's asked whether she'd met Jake's family in person, and she denies, saying she wouldn't desire to from what she has heard. Miriam narrates about buying Jake a home because she'll probably be dead before spending all the money, and that Jake has the right to be happy, as he did so much for her in season 1, and it only seemed right.[1]
    • When asked about Jake's current situation in All-Stars, she describes him as a "good boy" who has only done a bad thing, but is smart enough to learn from his mistakes. She also appreciates Ashley's positive influence on Jake. Miriam sends Jake a message as part of the request, being, "Kick those villains' asses!".[2]
  • In one of Jake's greetings, he points out that he and Miriam are definitely still gonna stay in touch after All Stars as he remarks that "she's his only family left" in his words.[3]


Miriam and Jake are one of the most popular familyships due to their close bond inside the second season, and like with the rest of ships, it has its following without using a ship name in concrete, rather going with 'Miriam and Jake from Disventure Camp'. Some also were moved to the fact Miriam saw Jake as her grandson, and were totally supportive of the two during All-Stars. While some were sad that Miriam was eliminated and feared that Jake might be affected to this, it surprisingly changed their mindings when it's revealed that Jake gained determination to win despite this.


Jake & Miriam (Disventure Camp) tag on AO3


Main Series[]


Official Art[]



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Disventure Camp ShipsDisventure Camp Characters
SHIPS het AlecllyConRiyaHuntAllyHunTessJamesAllyKaiggyKrisvekKrisverNickLillRiyalecRiYulRosakaiRosalecSpenJadeTrevmilyWishleyZaivy
slash AleconnorAleNickDalecDiencerHuntakeHuntomJaidenJakedenJakmesJuulKaidenKaiYulLogalessioOlympicModelTedlessioTomalecTomdenTomJakeTrevekWillnickYulnickYulter
femslash AnarissaAshallyAshlillGabEllieGremilyGrettabbyGrettallyKarolillKarolRiyaKristilyLaggyLakeabbyLakellieMariLakeMollikaNatabelRigrettRiyallyRosaLakeRosariyaRosetoyTessabbyTessAllyTessellieTessLake
family ConJakeFiodrewFioJakeFiolecFiollyMiriakeRosa & SofiaTomJake's biggest fan
friend DanbbyDrewbbyFioNickGabYulGirls' allianceGomGrettakeIdol AllianceJabbyJaidakeJake CultJakellieJallyJamakeJashleyJessLaJakeLakedenLill's AllianceNickbbyRiyakeTessAiden
non-binary TristannahTristenji
poly ConriyalecTessGabEllie
cargo Chet x 🎥🍩 AddictFiore x 🚌Jake & 🐦Kai x 🌿
CHARACTERS male Aiden BrooksAlec ÇelikConnor BlakeHunter PageJake HamiltonJames CostaKai MitchellKim YulNick MiltonTom Reed
female Ally AmberAshley GrahamEllie ParkerFiore RicciGabby NowakGrett ClarkLake MüllerRiya SharmaRosa María RiveraTess Morgan